Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 427: Taobao Grocery Store

Afterwards, my sister was panting and her long hair became messy.

Her spiteful and willful queen temperament just now was completely disrupted and landed as the little girl next door.

"Brother, how old you are, you still play this one."

Obviously Li Yuxin also knew that when she was a child, her brother often used this trick against her. Unexpectedly, she was so old, and her brother could still treat her like a child's paper, holding her in circles, with great strength.

"Hey, no matter how old you are, as long as this trick works for you." Li Tian was very proud.


Sister Li Yuxin was disdainful.

The two arranged their clothes, and Li Tian asked, "Why did you open a Taobao store?"

The younger sister smiled. "Kaishou, a lot of celebrities are doing micro-businesses, and that one is more profitable. However, I found it troublesome, so I set up a Taobao store and diverted my fans to the Taobao store, so I could not make money. Wang Xiaoxiao was taken by me as a customer service Don’t worry, our customer service is very cold and we will reply when we have time. Naturally, there is no way to reply if we have no time.

"Then what do you sell? In class and study, where can I do packaging and distribution logistics?" Li Tian then asked.

My sister licked her hair, her white ears were still a little red, and her cheeks had just been dyed, so she was very beautiful.

"Brother, we are a second-level salesman. We are only responsible for selling. We don't care about packaging and logistics. What we sell are just some gadgets, belonging to grocery stores, books, pencils, belts, toothbrushes, cups, teddy bears What. Although the price is a bit high, the quality is guaranteed. I have checked. I wanted to sell some small snacks. This makes money, but because of age and worry about food safety issues, I didn't sell them."


It seems that the younger sister has considerations, and Li Tian doesn't need to worry too much.

"In the future, I will look at some better clothes and become a clothing store, but now I have just started, and I still start from a grocery store."

My sister Li Yuxin even made plans for the future.

It's hard to believe that this is just a teenager, like, looking at her beautiful appearance, it's hard to believe that she is just a junior high school student.


Li Tian asked the last key question. "How much money can I make in a month by opening a Taobao store?"

Li Yuxin's beautiful big eyes immediately narrowed playfully. "Brother, why are you asking about this? Do you want to ask me to borrow money?"

"It's impossible to borrow money. Your brother has a big boss behind me. You don't know."


Speaking of this sister Li Yuxin, she couldn't help but sigh. "That Zhao Ruxue, don't know what she thinks, give you 5 million to your brother, burn all the money, and give another 10 million. You can get it whatever you want."

My sister didn't say anything about her making money, but it can be seen that she can give Wang Xiaoxiao a basic salary plus a commission of more than 5,000, which shows that her Taobao grocery store is indeed good.

In the Internet age, there are fans and you can make money in everything.

My sister is so smart, she will not sell substandard products, she herself said, she does not touch food safety, and high-priced electronic products, such as mobile phones, computers, etc., unless she is a first-level agent, otherwise she Will not touch either. Otherwise, it is difficult to supervise the quality of the product. If a fan who likes her buys a fake phone, it will not sound good to Li Yuxin's reputation.

She plans to sell clothes in the future. It’s a lot higher than her current grocery store, which only sells for a few dollars to tens of dollars. According to Li Tian’s opinion of her sister, clothes should be tens to hundreds of dollars Wait, to ensure quality, with her current fan loyalty, she can make a profit as soon as she opens.

Compared with his sister, Li Tian felt that he was really useless.

My sister makes money for everything he does, but he spends money for everything

Although the new rich agricultural garden has spent a lot of money, it is a face-saving project after all, and Li Tian's status in the family is now getting higher and higher.

Mom and Dad, the look in Li Tian's eyes was also very annoying from the beginning, because at that time, the development cost several million hours, and the two always opposed it.

And now, even if you are still losing money, at least the steel structures, modern, large-area concrete floors, green flower ponds, etc., look pleasing to the eye.

It used to feel like soil, not high-grade at all.

It's different now. Walking in aquaculture farms, vegetable and fruit planting bases, and animal husbandry gardens, it feels like the big boss of the company visiting the company.

"Come on, Li Tian eat more."

My mother was proud of her son for the first time. People used to talk about Rich Agricultural Park, but they didn't even know him.

Who doesn't know who are in the villages now.

Mother Dong has a lot of face when she buys vegetables in the market.

"Mom, I can't eat so much, don't give me food."

With that said, he also put a chicken leg in the bowl into the bowl of his sister Li Yuxin.

Although Li Tian looks more beautiful on the surface, he is a kind of swollen face and fat man, and his younger sister Li Yuxin is really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. She has invested all the money earned from live broadcast behind her back, and Li Tian is also Not sure.


But Li Tian knew that she must earn more than his brother.

My sister looked at the chicken drumsticks in the bowl, but she reluctantly ate it.

Time passed quickly, the aquaculture farm was almost completed, and Li Tian's busy life continued.

During this time, the time he spent communicating with Ren Keyun became longer.

Finally arrived this evening.

"After a while, I'm going out for a few days."

When Li Tian said this, his younger sister Li Yuxin first looked like an alert little cat, and suddenly raised her head, looking at Li Tian with big eyes on her pretty little face.

"What are you going to do?"

Asked my mother Dong.

The Rich Agricultural Park at home is relatively busy now. Zhu Lian came here twice in three days to supervise the work and make suggestions for the future development. Not to mention making money, but at least not always losing money.

Dad Li Jianping also watched it at this moment. He did not speak, but the upgraded pigsty has introduced several new breeds of pigs. This type of pig has less fat, more uniform pork belly, and more powerful meat. Of course, the price is not cheap. It doesn't need to worry about the chairman Li Da, he only needs to sign the document, and Zhu Lian and Li Tian's father will do it.

Aunt Wang and Wang Xiaoxiao's parents are company employees and can also help.

Li Tian took a sip of boiled water, and then said, "Speak out, you may not believe it. A brokerage company plans to sign a contract with me for 1 million yuan and train me to become a big red. So this time I go, I will bring professional lawyers provided by Zhou Chengwu~www and see, the contract is signed without any problems."


For a time, my parents and sister Li Yuxin were very silent.

The old girl Li Yuxin is even more amazing. She directly said, "Brother, just like you, can you be worth 1 million signing fees?"

The language is full of mistrust.

Li Tian smiled awkwardly, and said in a low-key voice, "It's just because I don't know it yet, so I went to take a look."

Seeing that my brother is so honest, the cunning sister immediately sniffed out something, she suspiciously said, "Brother, your signing is fake. There is no ulterior motive, right?"

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End of this chapter (the best small farmer system: 110110272)-(the best small farmer system)