Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 624: Strange small city

Li Tian examined the question carefully, and then found that this task is still a bit trickier, and he cannot hide his identity.

This is obviously to let Li Tian experience life!

In Li Tian's current identity, riding a second-hand battery car to deliver food is indeed a bit out of grade, and he can't pretend.

Li Tian knows how to shrink bones and make simple human skin masks, and if these are not needed, then he can only show his face.

He touched his face, fortunately his face was thick enough.

He must complete the task, there is no doubt about it.

After thinking about it, he did not choose this city. Instead, he checked the map and chose a sn city, and it was a city that Li Tian had never been to.

Since he can't disguise his identity, go to a place where no one knows him.

Only three days, come on!

After getting off the plane, Li Tian found an ordinary hotel to live in, and then went to the old market to buy a set of ordinary clothes. He is now wearing clothes of several thousand yuan, and now he has changed into clothes of dozens of dollars. To be honest , It is indeed a bit unaccustomed.

Looking in the mirror, the man relied on clothes, horses, saddles, and changed into cheap clothes. He suddenly became an ordinary old man. He sighed. After all, without the blessing of some external halo, he was nothing.

A strange city, a stranger, Li Tian is here, he has almost nothing to do, everything needs him.

Instead of looking for it through the Internet, he took a taxi and asked the driver, saying that he was a wage earner and wanted to rent a cheaper house in this city.

The driver seemed to be older. Li Tian deliberately sought out the older, and the younger was afraid that he would not be familiar with the city.

"Listen to the accent, outsider?"

Li Tian dressed plainly, with no shape in his hair, lying on his head softly, he looked like an ordinary middle-aged man.

"Yes, I came here to work from a different place. The previous factory laid off workers, so I was unemployed, but I don't want to go back. I want to rent a cheaper house. Then, I will find a job and earn more or less money. ."

Li Tian is full of lies, but for the task, he can only integrate into life the fastest.

"The factory you entered before?"

The driver still has doubts about Li Tian's identity. After all, he is a foreigner, not as reliable as the locals. They are not a tourist city here. Generally speaking, there are not so many foreigners.

Li Tian had already thought about his lines, he had investigated the factories in this city before. "In an industrial area there, there is a small factory that makes mice and keyboards."

The driver seemed to believe Li Tian's words, and then asked, "Why don't you go to work in a big city?"

"There is no culture, this is introduced by the former fellow."

Although the old driver still had doubts about Li Tian, ​​Li Tian's face was good and he looked like an honest person, so he took him to a rural house in the suburbs, which has not yet been developed, and many houses built by ordinary residents. , Most of them are exclusive houses, two-story old houses, and there will be development communities far away.

"Many people from the countryside who come to work in the city are looking for a house in this area. If you change around, you will have them posted at the door."

The old driver left after speaking.

Li Tian quickly said thank you.

To be honest, he was full of lies, and he was really a little guilty, but there was no way, he had to be in a small strange city, if he was recognized, it would be really embarrassing.

Li Tian had worked in other places before, and even though it was a small and unfamiliar city, he was familiar with it.

Generally renting a house, there is a difference between big cities and small cities.

Big cities are naturally specialized renting offices. An entire building is rented out. If you have money, you can choose a few rooms or halls. If you have no money, you can choose a small single room.

It is too difficult to find ordinary residents' houses for rent in big cities, because big cities are over-developed and the urban area is so large that it is very difficult to drive to the suburbs to find undeveloped residential houses.

However, small cities are different. Originally, the urban area does not have enough resources and funds to over-exploit. It would be good to have a new city.

Therefore, there are three levels for renting houses here, the most powerful ones are hotels, or high-end apartments that cost thousands to tens of thousands a month.

The middle part is to rent a single room in the urban area, usually several hundred to several thousand, depending on the location and living environment.

The suburb that Li Tian chooses is much cheaper, usually a few hundred to more than 1,000. Unless the entire exclusive courtyard is rented, it may cost several thousand yuan a month.

Generally, they are people who live here. They vacate the surplus house, simply decorate it, and rent it out to the migrant workers. As the driver said just now, in fact, most of them are not foreigners, after all, they are small cities and there are not so many foreigners.

But under a small city, there are many towns, townships and villages. Those who do not study well, have no culture, no skills, and don’t want to work in other places, just work in their own city. Nowadays, housing prices in cities are high. Tsai can't afford a house at all, so most of the plot here is rented to that group of people.

Li Tian didn't rush in, but first went to a vegetable market. Such a vegetable market in a residential area is naturally extremely chaotic, but fortunately, the folkways are simple and there is no fighting.

Li Tian's ears were constantly moving, and his throat began to pronounce. If someone listened at close range, they would be shocked to find that Li Tian's voice had gradually changed from a foreigner to a local.

The mission requires that the identity cannot be disguised, but there is no requirement that the voice cannot be disguised.

After using the almighty voice actor skills to imitate the voice of a local, Li Tian returned to the neighborhood just now.

Although the mission is only 3 days, he also wants to choose a good location.

They are all exclusive houses here, so they also have Now Li Tian’s breathing can be restrained, so the breath of ordinary people is diffused. When passing by, dogs The dog barked frantically.

However, when Li Tian diffused his own temperament, the dog seemed to feel the breath of nature, and stopped barking, instead watching Li Tian's direction and wagging his tail.

At first, Li Tian fancyed a compound. The location was better, close to the road, and the entrance was written for rent. It was 1,000 yuan a month, which was relatively more expensive than other places. However, he gave very good conditions. Room, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, fully furnished.

However, there was no one in their house, and Li Tian called the phone number above, but no one answered.

Then there is no way.

Just when Li Tian was about to look for the next house, suddenly a relatively cute child, with a round face and big eyes, seemed to be about 7 years old. He looked at Li Tian and said without fear: " Are you renting a house?" Want to chat with more like-minded people about the best small farmer system, WeChat pays attention to "excellent reading", chats about life, and finds friends (the best small farmer system..110110272)--(the best small farmer system )