Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 64: Public anger

  Chapter 64 Public Fury

  Chen Mubai was still talking to Lin Xue, but he didn't mention his girlfriend any more. Instead, he talked about the story behind the creation of the song "Old Boy".

When Chen Mubai talked about this, his expression did not change much. He only mentioned that he was caught by Xue Zang when he punched Starway boss Zhang Yaohui and his expression fell a bit when he saw his girlfriend thrown into Zhang Yaohui’s arms, but he was relieved soon. Up.

  Countless netizens were full of anger when they saw this scene. It turned out that Chen Mubai had been hidden by Starway for 7 years, and he still bullied him after his parents died. He was only 20 years old at that time.

It’s hard to survive the death of his parents and come out of grief, and he encounters his girlfriend’s betrayal and the company’s snow. This is really an unparalleled blow to him, even adults can’t hold it, let alone a child. Up!

  The emotions of the netizens were immediately ignited. Many netizens angered the Starway management. Zhang Yaohui is really not a human being!

   Then I heard Chen Mubai say that he did not hate his girlfriend, understood her choice and thanked her for spending the hardest time in life with him.

  It can be seen that for Chen Mubai, the gloomiest time in life is the death of his parents rather than being betrayed by Xue Zang or his girlfriend. Perhaps his heart has died since his parents passed away.

  Only began to beat again with the support of his girlfriend. When the girlfriend who accompanied him betrayed him, his heart might have been frozen, and he couldn't imagine how he would spend the rest of his life.

  Netizens are beginning to feel sorry for the big boy Chen Mubai. Under the sunny and handsome appearance, such a painful past is hidden. Even the young netizens shed tears when they heard this experience.

  The boys looked at Chen Mubai’s face complicatedly. He was still laughing in the video, but it was so distressing.

  Boys understand this feeling better, being cuckolded, and being hit by both career and love, this kind of pain is really few people can bear.

   "Chen Mubai's girlfriend betrayed him, and he can forgive and understand her. I really admire it. It definitely won't work on me."

"How should I put it? Although Chen Mubai's girlfriend betrayed him, but for him, if it were not for his girlfriend's encouragement and company, he would get out of the trough of life. I am afraid that it is difficult for him to pass that hurdle. I am grateful for the matter. Chen Mubai is really a kind person! But her girlfriend is indeed a scumbag!"

  "As a girl, although I feel very sorry for Chen Mubai, there is no big problem with his girlfriend's choice. After all, they are just in love. It's okay to climb up in the entertainment circle. It's just that the timing and the way of leaving are wrong."

   "You can pull it down! That's right? It doesn't matter even if you leave decently, because you get together with the boss and let Chen Mubai be hidden by the snow, is that right?"

  As soon as some netizens cleaned up for Li Xiyue, some netizens were angry. The few people who helped Li Xiyue spoke naturally did not reach the majority of netizens, and those remarks quickly disappeared in the crowd.

   "It turns out that he is so bitter. The last time I saw him tell a joke on the stage, I thought he was very humorous. It turned out that he was sorrowful!"

   "Don't say anything, I will be the ultimate fan of Chen Mubai in the future. Who has fans without fans like this?"

   "Fan +1, I used to only fan girls, Chen Mubai was the first boy, I support him!"

  Some netizens think of Chen Mubai’s interaction with netizens on stage and on WeChat, and feel even more panicked.

  It turns out that Chen Mubai’s sunshine is shown to them. Those loneliness and pain are all carried on their own. It is not known to people. It is really distressing!

  It’s no wonder that a song like "Old Boy" can be created. The lyrics about dreams, reality, and life are compromising.

Many netizens, including some musicians in the industry, felt good when they heard Chen Mubai’s works before. When Chen Mubai said that they were all based on personal experience, some people didn’t believe it, thinking that Chen Mubai was just hyping himself and causing others to discuss it. Search his past.

  Now that Chen Mubai has said this matter, he has silenced those people, because these things cannot be faked, as long as you want to investigate it, you can definitely find out.

  The professional music critics used to envy Chen Mubai’s creative talents, and now they don’t have that thought. If they were to change his experience, they would rather not create this kind of song than experience his pain.

Why are there few excellent original musicians? Because the songs created by excellent songs are meaningful, and more are based on the life experience or emotion of the creators, so that the quality of such songs can stand the time The test.

  Those people who have a little bit of musical talent for fast songs and saliva songs can make them. They can only be called music creators, and the reason why they cannot be called excellent music singers is also based on this.

  Art comes from life and is higher than life. Without enough experience and experience, how can you create high-quality works that can withstand the washing of time?

From the beginning to the end, Chen Mubai never said that his ex-girlfriend was bad. He talked more about the actions and punishments of Starway and Zhang Yaohui. When he said that Zhang Yaohui asked the company to isolate him, netizens were even more angry. Reached the climax.

  "Damn, this Yaohui is not a human being! Is this trying to force people to death?"

   "I will be the life of Starway in the future. This kind of thing is too dark? It is obviously his own problem, but he wants to kill the victim?"

  "Is this just the way of management of Starway? If there is a problem that is not solved, solve the person who raised the problem?"

"According to the news from the industry, Starway had deliberately sent someone to the official website of the Black Demon to get Li Qunfan as a dark horse and asked to eliminate Chen Mubai during the final round of the sea election, otherwise they would have trouble. Later, the program team did not give up Chen Mubai. Chen Mubai crushed Li Qunfan with his own strength before crushing Starway's conspiracy, otherwise there would be no such person as Chen Mubai."

"One thing to add, Chen Mubai had so many hot searches that night, was there no news at all the next day, because it was suspected that Starway had announced that it requested to block all information about Chen Mubai, which is why you can’t see the media the next day. Reporting on Chen Mubai and frantically promoting Li Qunfan."

"I'm rubbing, it turns out that there is still such a thing. I said why two songs of such high quality are not revealed at all. I am still wondering why the media does not report these things. It turns out that Starway is targeting Chen Mubai. The company is too shameless!?"

  "Chen Mubai and I belong to the same dance company. He has always been outstanding and kind and sunny. Later, I don’t know why there is no sound. It seems that he was hidden by the snow..."

  "I used to be a trainee of Starway Entertainment. The management of Starway is really black to death. Chen Mubai's revelation is very credible!" An anonymous netizen broke the news in a post.

  "Chen Mubai and I were trainees at the same time. I can testify that he was right. We were indeed asked by the management to alienate Chen Mubai..."

  So far, Starway’s reputation on the Internet has been destroyed, countless netizens are spurning it, and many netizens have swarmed into Starway’s company WeChat to swear wildly.

"Do you want to be hidden by the snow? Do you want your girlfriend to be the unspoken rule of the company's executives? Do you want to make a debut? Please choose Starway Entertainment. It will give you a different future and a unique management style. , Starway Entertainment will carry out the darkest things to the end!"

  Some netizens even started an advertisement for Starway Entertainment, which is just a reverse advertisement

  (End of this chapter)