Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 106: Fan Gift Box (7/10)

"Hello, my name is Zhou Xian, I am from Beitai City, Nanwan Province, and I am An's loyal sister fan!"

"Hello, my name is Ye Manqing, from Nanhu Star City, and also an loyal sister fan of An An!"

In front of the Yunding Hotel, many fans who came to participate in Li Zi'an New Year's fan meeting were lined up in an orderly manner. In the process of queuing, many girls chatted in twos and threes. Zhou Xian and Ye Manqing were among them. One.

Zhou Xian and Ye Manqing are of similar ages. After a simple exchange, both of them are graduate students, and naturally there are more topics.

"Man Qing, you know, when I received An An's invitation letter, I thought I had encountered a liar!" Zhou Xian was a little girl with short hair. She was very cheerful and soon became familiar with Ye Man Qing: " At that time, I was so angry that some people dared to take our family An'an to scam, I was so angry that I almost didn't call the police!"

Ye Manqing heard the words and couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing, even said: "I didn't lie at all. When I received the electronic invitation letter at the time, my response was basically the same as yours, thanks to our security on Weibo Speak in time, otherwise I will really go to the police!"

Zhou Xian and Ye Manqing chatted about receiving the electronic invitation letter at that time, and the two immediately chatted hotly.

"Man Qing, have you mailed a gift or written a letter to An An during this time? I heard that all the fans who can come to the fan meeting this time were selected by An An personally, which was a letter mailed from the fan. Selected." Zhou Xian asked curiously.

"I did write a letter to An An. We are not in the third year of high school. This is the most tiring time, so I bought an eye massager for An An, know, Of course, we still have to talk to An An about some nauseating words!" Ye Manqing's cheeks smiled slightly.

Regarding Ye Manqing's last words, Zhou Xian showed a comprehensible look, and then also said with some idiocy: "I really didn't expect our An'an actually read the letter we wrote, I thought An'an wouldn't read it at all, So what I wrote is even more numb. I look blushed to death."

While Zhou Xian and Ye Manqing were chatting about their respective star chasing journeys, the team was advancing rapidly, and it was their turn to verify the bar code in exchange for a pass.

The two were already ready, without too much time delay, and quickly changed to the pass and a small gift prepared by Li Zian for fans.

"What's inside?"

Zhou Xian and Ye Manqing walked towards the Yunding Hotel, curious about the small gift Li Zi'an prepared for them in their arms.

"Take it apart, I certainly can't bear the end of the fan meeting." Zhou Xian has a very clear understanding of her control, and she looks at Ye Manqing with some anticipation.

Ye Manqing faced Zhou Xian's eager little eyes, and she almost compromised without any resistance.

The two simply sat down on the lounge sofa in front of the lobby of the Yunding Hotel. The two used their small hands that they couldn’t even twist the bottle caps in front of their boyfriends. The paper shell was violently dismantled, and then the contents were taken out like treasures.

"This is a record of all of An'an's songs so far, with An An's autograph on it!"

"This is a poster autographed by An An!"

"Wow, there is also a handwritten reply written by An An!"

Zhou Xian and Ye Manqing seem to have opened treasure chests, and every time they take out something from them, both of them will cry in surprise.

There are five things in the paper shell, one is Li Zi'an autographed record, one is autographed poster, a handwritten reply, a signed canvas bag with Li Zian's Q version avatar and a beautifully crafted 2021 fan meeting Invitation to the paper version of the meeting.

"My God, we are too happy, wait a minute, if I send these things to our An'an fan group in Beitai City, Nanwan Province, others may be envious of death!" Zhou Xian said with a blush.

Ye Manqing nodded again and again, the excitement on her face was no less than that of Zhou Xian, she carefully put these things in the schoolbag she carried with her, afraid that these things would be touched in the slightest.

"I heard that the fan meeting tonight will be broadcast live among all An'an fans in the country. The whole process will take about two hours. It is said that An'an will have a new song to sing tonight!"

"Is there a new song?" Zhou Xian's eyes widened slightly: "I didn't have enough single loops for the song "Anonymous" that An An sang at the Douyin New Year's Eve concert. Is there a new song released tonight? "

Ye Manqing nodded: "It is said that it is."

Zhou Xian heard that she quickly got up from the sofa and took Ye Manqing's hand.

"Then let's go quickly, it is best to occupy a good position!"

"Yes, yes, go and go!"

The two said, and hurried to the conference hall of Yunding Hotel.

When the two arrived, many people were already there.

Seeing that there were many vertical posters at the entrance of the conference hall, the two men resisted the temptation and did not look at it. They first ran to the seats and occupied two seats, which was a relief.

There are already good people in the front, but the luck of Zhou Xian and Ye Manqing is not bad. There are free seats in the middle, and the position is quite positive.

Putting things on their seats, the two looked at the time, nearly 20 minutes before the seven o'clock of the official start of the fan meeting, remembering the vertical poster that had just glanced at the door, the two looked at each other. The idea was instantly clear.

The two got up from their seats and returned to the position in front of the entrance of the conference hall. I saw many vertical posters about Li Zi'an. There were many fans in front of these vertical posters. Onlookers.

""To our simple little beauty", starring Li Zian, director Li Zian, screenwriter Li Zian, producer Li Zian..."

Zhou Xian and Ye Manqing looked at the information on the vertical poster in front of them, and then looked at the image of Li Zian on the poster. I saw the white short-sleeved school uniform in Yangcheng No.1, under the warm color light, his left hand leaned on his head and face A light smile was hung on it, and a neutral pen was held in the right hand, and the short hair of the girl beside him was gently lifted to the ear. This picture made many girls' hearts jump involuntarily.

It's so warm!

What a fucking!

"Man Qing, An'an is making a TV series? Self-directed and self-edited?" Zhou Xian asked in surprise.

Ye Manqing is also She nodded subconsciously: "It looks like it is..."

The two were a little confused at first, but after being confused, they were both a little excited.

"Looking at this poster, An An should play the theme of the youth campus. Let's not talk about the plot first, it is the face of our family An An, and I have also decided this drama!" Zhou Xian Chong Chong said.

Ye Manqing nodded again and again: "Let’s not worry first, since An An put this vertical poster here, explaining that he wanted us to know about this matter, I guess he should say later, what we have to do now is to do well. Take a look at these posters, the image on each poster of An An is super handsome!"

"Uh um..."

"while walking!"

"You take pictures for me, I will take pictures for you!"

"haha ok!"

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