Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 11: What about trust between people? !

In the tea house, Li Zi'an and Zhou Ru sat opposite each other. Zhou Ru drank tea quietly, giving Li Zi'an enough time to think.

In Zhou Ru's view, this is actually nothing to consider, as a newcomer to get a buy-out price of 500,000, this starting point is really already very high, as for the young best-selling authors on the market today Anyone with such a starting point can be said to be one of the few.

   Therefore, Zhou Ru is very determined. In the end, Li Zi'an's choice must be a buyout. After all, the interests at hand are not needed, and it is unreasonable to choose a highly risky cooperation plan.

   "Sister Zhou..."

"I made a decision……"

   "I choose the second cooperation plan!"

  After several ideological struggles, Li Zi'an finally made up his mind and he decided to take a fight.

   "Ah?" Zhou Ru, who was quite calm about drinking tea, was stunned after hearing Li Zi'an's choice. Some channels were hard to find: "You choose the second cooperation plan?"


  Zhou Ru heard that she was a little anxious. Before she came here, the meaning of the leader of the publishing house was obvious, that is, let her talk about the buyout of this book as much as possible, and have high hopes for this book.

Originally, Zhou Ru was very confident, because the other party was just a newcomer writer, coupled with her young age, in the face of the temptation of 500,000 huge sums, it should be difficult to resist, so she has always been sitting on the Diaoyutai stance It turned out that the other party's choice turned out to be the second cooperation plan.

"Mr. Li, I urge you to think about it carefully. The royalties are indeed the most popular form of cooperation in the industry, but they are prepared for the best-known best-selling authors who have a fan base and royalties. For them the most profitable."

"And Mr. Li, you are just a newcomer writer. Although the quality of this book is extremely good, in actual sales, whether a book can be sold well is involved in many factors. If you choose the second cooperation plan, if you want to To get more than half a million yuan in revenue, at the usual price of 25 yuan per book, at least you need to sell more than 400,000 books, you are sure..."

   Next, Zhou Ru said a lot of bitterness, but basically the same meaning inside and outside the words, I hope Li Zi'an chooses to buy out instead of royalty payment.

  Li Zi'an listened to Zhou Ru's persuasion, but he was somewhat swaying, but he was firm.

   For a long time, Zhou Ru said that his mouth was dry, and his eyes were staring at Li Zi'an.

   "Sister Zhou, I am thinking very well. I still want to choose the second cooperation plan. I am still young. I want to give it a try. I hope your publishing house can respect my opinion." Li Zian said softly.

  Li Zi'an's voice was very light, but Zhou Ru heard the firmness in her tone, and she couldn't help being discouraged.


   "Since your heart has been decided, then I will not persuade, then let's sign a contract..."

  Zhou Ru shook his head, but he didn't feel cold because of Li Zi'an's perseverance, but her evaluation of Li Zi'an dropped a lot. She felt that Li Zi'an was a little frivolous.

   Next, the contract was made in duplicate. After Li Zian carefully read the contract and confirmed that the contract was correct, the two parties officially signed the contract, and after signing the contract, Li Zian also successfully received the bonus cheque for this essay.

  After the business was done, Zhou Ru quickly left and went back to the publishing society. Li Zian immediately went to a nearby bank, discounted the cheque and charged it into his bank account.

   walked out of the bank, Li Zian could not wait to bring up the system page.

【Personal information:】

  【Host: Li Zi'an】

   [Available amount: 20w Chinese dollars]

  【Cumulative consumption amount: 5w Chinese dollars】

Seeing the system page showing this, the big rock originally hanging in Li Zi'an's heart was temporarily landed. At this time, he only felt that the world was so beautiful, the air was so fresh, and the girls on the road were so beautiful, even the screen The previous single dogs all look so cute!

  ( ̄▽ ̄)/

   But Li Zi'an didn't float. After all, there is still a long way to go before the small goal of freedom of life. Time is still precious to him.

  Before returning to the hotel, Li Zian rewarded himself with a big meal!

   Ten dollars worth of cold noodles, add intestines and eggs, eat plum an Na called a satisfaction!



   In the next few days, Li Zian spent a busy rehearsal.

Due to his stunning performance in the first issue, he became the sweetheart of the program group during this week's rehearsal. In the past, his rehearsal time was left by others, either early in the morning or greedy in the dark, Now his rehearsal time is completely based on what he meant.

   When he used to rehearse, almost no one wanted to take a microphone and he had to run east and west, but now it is not to say that it is a front and back cluster, but at least those small things do not need him to worry about.

   said that the entertainment circle is the most realistic place, and Li Zi'an is now deeply aware of it.

   The time soon came to Saturday. Today is the last day of the rehearsal of the second episode, and tonight is also the day when the first episode of "Guo Fengjun" is officially broadcast.

  Li Zian's rehearsal time is set in the afternoon today. After lunch, he came to the Fifth Studio early. At this time, music was playing in the Fifth Studio. Apparently someone was rehearsing.

  According to the regulations, during the rehearsal of each player, the rest of the idlers and other people are not allowed to enter during the rehearsal. The list of idlers and other people also includes the remaining players.

   After all, people are skeptical. Under the premise of competitive relations, it is inevitable that some people will make bad moves or stumbling blocks. Such regulations can avoid this kind of accident to a great extent.

  Li Zi'an came early. Seeing that the players in it were not finished yet, he was not much trouble. He sat directly on the marble floor outside the door of the fifth studio and took out his mobile phone to play by himself.


  Just as Li An was fascinated by her mobile phone, the door of the fifth studio was pushed open, and a woman with a work card came out.

   "Hello, Xiao Li, I'm Guo Mei, the program leader of Li Zimu. Is there something I can discuss with you?" The woman squatted and asked Li Zian with a friendly face.

  Li Zian heard the words, looked at Guo Mei with some doubt, and then nodded slightly. He didn't expect that Li Zimu was actually rehearsing.

   "This is the case. Zi Mu's program suddenly changed yesterday, and there are still some problems in music and stage. I don't know if you can give us a little time, just ten minutes." Guo Mei asked softly.

For Li Zi'an, Guo Mei is very polite. If it is the rest of the players, Guo Mei doesn't need to say hello to them. It takes up to ten minutes, and no one will say anything. After all, Li Zimu scored 9.7 points in the last period. The high score, the performance was amazing, and now the whole program group is very kind to her baby.

But the embarrassment is that Li Zimu's next rehearsal player happens to be Li Zian. If Li Zimu is the treasure of the program group, then Li Zian is the heart of the program group, just after she just put forward a delay She obviously saw that the executive director's face became a little unsightly, so she chose to reconcile with Li Zi'an. UU reading

   Hearing Guo Mei’s words, Li Zian thought about it and nodded, “Since it only takes ten minutes, then I can accept it.”

After all, Li Zian knew Li Zimu. Although the little Nizi was abominable, arrogant, vengeful, and rebellious, Li Zian felt slightly guilty about Li Zimu. When he first met, he gave a small punch to his chest. Is to make up for the mistake.

  Guo Mei saw Li Zian's mouth, and his face showed a bit of joy: "Then thank you Zi An."

  Li Zi'an nodded and said nothing more.

   "Zi An, why don't you go in and wait, the ground is cold, this is your rehearsal time, and then let you sit outside and wait, we are a bit too much." Guo Mei said with a smile.


   "Nothing inconvenient, my sister can trust you!"

  Li Zian heard the words and was not polite, got up from the ground, patted the ashes on the ass, and followed Guo Mei into the fifth studio.

   In the fifth studio, the temperature is very high, the scene is noisy, there are staff working on and off stage, Li Zimu is standing on the stage at this time and is not knowing what to say to the staff.

  Li Zian walked into the Fifth Studio and greeted the familiar staff one by one, and found a place to sit down.

  However, just a few seconds after Li Zi'an sat down, Guo Mei also sat beside Li Zi'an.

  Li Zian glanced at Guo Mei, who looked at Li Zian with a smile.

   The eyes of the two touched slightly, and their eyes were quickly put on the stage.

  Li Zi'an was a little speechless. Guo Mei said it nicely outside. Actually, he was still not at ease with him, fearing that he would engage in vicious tricks.


   What is trust between people? !