Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 122: Lie, it's not small!


Qin Chao, who was sitting in front of the monitor as the temporary director, saw that the whole scene was shot smoothly and perfectly. He picked up the loudspeaker and shouted.

Originally extremely quiet set, there was instant noise.

Li Zian, who was very neatly combed in hair, was wearing a pure white formal shirt. After Qin Chao shouted, he smiled and Fang Chang and Shen He slapped their palms, then walked towards the monitor.

"Li Zi'an!"

"come here!"

Han Qian shouted at Li Zi'an, and after seeing Li Zi'an looking over to her, she waved and beckoned him to come.

Li Zian didn't think much about it, so he turned around and walked towards Han Qian's location.

However, as he gradually approached Han Qian, Li Zi'an noticed the beautiful shadow around Han Qian.

Looking at the familiar tall posture, the familiar chubby white rabbit, especially the big watery eyes, Li Zi'an's eyes gradually widened, and his pace slowed slightly.

"Mu Mu?!"

Li Zi'an subconsciously whispered.

Hearing Li Zian's low voice, Li Zimu's big eyes flashed a touch of playfulness and joy, while Han Qian's eyes looked at Li Zian's eyes with some meaning.

Mu Mu?

Just for this title, if there is nothing between the two, her Han Qian will write the name upside down.

After Li Zi'an was surprised for a short time, he stepped up and came to Li Zimu's side in three or two steps. He was a little excited and said, "Why are you here? Didn't you mean to celebrate your parents' birthday in Zhongdu?"

"Ah I……"

Li Zian's disguised words were dismantled, and Li Zimu's face suddenly turned red. She was somewhat embarrassed to see Han Qian, and Zhi Zhiwu and Wu Wu did not say a word for a long time.

Han Qian saw a little embarrassment in Li Zimu, she smiled slightly and took the initiative to say: "Okay, you two "good" friends, tell the old, I went to organize the crew to pick up things, Zi An, you have something to contact me."

Han Qian looked at Li Zian with a smile, and when he said the three words good friend, he paused for a second on the good word.

Being watched by Han Qian's meaningful eyes, even Li Zi'an's cheeky face can't bear it, and his old face can't help but red, he knows that some things he and Li Zimu can't conceal in the future.

Li Zian laughed twice and quietly gave Han Qian a glance, and Han Qian stared at him slightly.

Han Qian smiled and pointed at Li Zimu: "Zi Mu, Auntie still has some things, let Zi'an play with you for the first time, come to Yangcheng to play in the future, please contact Auntie at any time."

Li Zimu nodded with a blushing face, looking very clever.

Han Qian smiled, didn't say anything more, stepped forward slightly, came to Li Zi'an with a smile, and said in a very subtle voice in Li Zi's ear: "Smelly kid, in front of the little girl Face you, come back to me at night to tell me honestly!"

After finishing the speech, Han Qian directly left, leaving only Li Zian and Li Zimu.

The eyes are facing each other, and the air is suddenly quiet.

"What happened? How did you come over?"

Li Zian leaned over to Li Zimu and sniffed the familiar fragrance on his body. His heart thumped a little, and his heart was full of joy.

Li Zimu looked at the big boy she had been thinking about for a long time, and her eyes rose slightly, muttering: "My parents were stuck there because of the blizzard under the ice city, no one accompanied me for my birthday, so I slipped over to find you played……"

"Yo, so miserable?"

"Are you gloating?"

"No no……"

"You lied, you just laughed!"

The two had just quarreled after just two words, and the familiar feeling seemed to be engraved in their bones, as if they were still participating in the program in Kyoto.

Faced with Li Zimu's arrogant temper, Li Zian chatted with her and said nothing.

He stretched out his hand and gently dragged down the mask that Li Zimu was wearing on his face. His delicate face hidden under the mask was immediately exposed.

Looking at Li Zimu in front of him, Li Zi'an's eyes were only gentle.

"What are you doing……"

Li Zian's sudden move made Li Zimu's face suddenly pink, she shyly avoided Li Zian's direct look, and the voice was low like a mosquito.

Li Zi'an stared at Li Zimu's face for a few seconds, and put on Li Zimu's mask again. Her movements were extremely gentle, but her mouth said: "I see if you are fat or not. "

Hearing Li Zi'an's words, Li Zimu suddenly sulked her face, and she said fiercely: "You are fat, I have been training for three months every day, I have lost a lot of weight!"

Li Zian heard that he looked down at the pair of cute big white rabbits.



Not at all small!

Li Zimu was keenly aware of Li Zi’an’s gaze, her small face was red again, and she said slightly: “Li Zi’an, where are you looking!”

Unexpectedly, Li Zimu was so keen. Li Zimu suddenly blushed and coughed twice, pretending that nothing happened.

Li Zimu saw that Li Zi was stupid. She hummed twice and did not care about Li Zi'an.

"Have you eaten at night?"

Li Zian changed the subject and asked Li Zimu.

Li Zimu shook his head: "From the plane, Lan Lan and I went to the hotel to put things, and then I came to find you..."

"Huh? Your roommate has also come over?" Li Zian stunned slightly: "Then call her to wait for dinner."

"Ah?" Li Zimu heard the words and she quickly waved her hand: "No, she has an appointment at night, she went to her high school classmates, don't care about her!"

This is really not Li Zimu's obscenity. Chu Jinglan did find her high school classmates.

Hearing Li Zimu's words, he nodded: "Well, then let's go to dinner. Since you are Xiao Shouxing today, it's up to you to make arrangements for tonight. I will obey your arrangements, no matter what You can arrange my time or my body."

"Who wants you to be flesh, rogue!"

Hearing the flowers of Li An' Li Zimu's eyes glared at Li Zi'an softly, and his mouth twitched.

Li Zi'an smiled and said, "Look, I can eat, drink, and play with you. Without my body, nothing can be done. Xiaogu, can your mind be pure!"

Seeing Li Zian teasing her, Li Zimu turned his eyes and hummed: "I heard that Yangcheng has a famous bungee at night, it is better to..."

"Don't!" Hearing Li Zimu mentioning the word bungee, Li Zi immediately counseled, and quickly said: "Sister Mu, please let me go, as long as we don't go higher, what will do!"

Li Zimu's lips were slightly picked, and she squinted at Li Zi'an.

"Who is impure?"


"Hum, that's about~"


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