Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 123: Little surprise

In the bustling city of Yangcheng, a white SUV shuttles freely in the traffic.

In the car, Li Zimu looked at Li Zian, who was holding the steering wheel with one hand, and drove the car with ease, and she was a little strange to say: "When did you learn to drive? Do you have a driver's license?"

Li Zian glanced at Li Zimu, then looked back to the front and smiled: "Of course I have a driver's license. How can I drive without a license? I'm crazy to do that."

"When did you take the test?"

"Just a while ago."

"It's pretty good~"

"Of course, I am an old driver!"

Looking at Li Zian's bland look, Li Zimu lightly hummed: "What's remarkable, I will be an adult after today, and I can also take a driver's license!"

Li Zi'an didn't need to visit Li Zimu, and knew that she must be her little face now.


"Did I receive your birthday present?"

After a moment of silence in the car, Li Zian asked quietly to Li Zimu.

"Received." Li Zi Mu Qiao's face was faintly ruddy when she thought of the imagination in her mind while listening to the song: "Very nice, I like this gift very much, thank you..."

Li Zian heard a smile, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He didn't say much. He just gave a soft hum and didn't say anything.

The car was quiet again. Li Zian drove the car seriously, while Li Zimu sat quietly, but the rest of the light kept paying attention to Li Zian.

The silent little tacit understanding permeates in this small space.


About 15 minutes by car, Li Zian took Li Zimu to a nearby large complex.

After parking the car, the two went straight to the floor where the restaurant was located and found a relatively quiet restaurant and walked in.

He handed over the menu to Li Zimu and asked her to order a few of her favorite foods. Then Li Zian made a few more of his favorite foods. The ordering speed was fast, and the speed of serving the food was also very fast.

Looking at the table full of delicious food, the original hungry stomach immediately cried.

Just as Li Zimu was about to move chopsticks, Li Zian reached out to stop Li Zimu.

"Just wait and eat!"

"Don't all the dishes go together, why don't you let me eat them."

Li Zimu looked at Li Zi'an, who prevented herself from eating delicious food. She held a chopstick in one hand and stared at Li Zi'an with a small face.

Looking at Li Zimu's cute and childish appearance, he smiled: "There is one more dish that hasn't come yet. Wait a minute."

"Another dish?"

Li Zimu was a little confused. She glanced at the seven dishes in front of her on the table and counted them carefully with her fingers. No matter how many of them were counted, there was still one dish missing.

Just as Li Zimu counted seriously, a waiter came in a hurry.

"Mr. Li, is this the cake you ordered?"

"It's mine, thank you."

Li Zian took the cake with a smile, and said humanely to the person who sent the cake.

After the waiter withdrew, Li Zian moved the tray on the table, unpacked the cake, and placed the cake in the center of the table.

"18th birthday, how can there be no birthday cake~"

Li Zian said to Li Zimu with a smile while doing the above.

Li Zimu stared blankly at the cake in Li Zi'an's hand. The cake was not very big, but it was very delicately made. The whole body was wrapped in pink and white chocolate. There were many decorations such as castles, princess villains, colored balloons There are two big numbers 18 above, it is not difficult to see from its exquisite workmanship, this cake is definitely not cheap.

Li Zimu was touched: "When...when do you order the cake?"

Li Zi'an said with a smile: "I ordered it when I was still in the crew. Fortunately, the cake shop had not yet finished get off work at this time. If you are late, you may not be able to eat cake today."

While Li Zi'an was talking, he inserted two digital candles on the cake castle and lit it with a lighter.

"Quick, wish!"

Looking at the smiling Li Zi'an, although Li Zimu hasn't eaten the cake yet, his heart is sweeter than the cake.

She stared at Li Zian for three seconds, then slowly closed her eyes and bowed her hands together to make a wish.

About ten seconds later, she opened her eyes again and probed slightly, blowing out all the candles in one breath.

"Mu Mu, what is Xu's wish?"

Li Zian laughed, his face full of curiosity.

Li Zimu heard the words and gently wrinkled Xiao Qiong nose at Li Zian, muttering: "I won't tell you, you didn't tell me at first!"

"What I said at the beginning is that if my wish comes true, I will tell you." Li Zian said sophistically.

Li Zimu heard the words and said immediately: "If my wish is fulfilled, I will tell you!"

"Oh, don't ask anymore, it's almost time to eat, and it will be cold if you don't eat any food!"

Seeing Li Zian curious about her wish, Li Zimu's face was inexplicably red, and she changed the subject.

Li Zi'an couldn't find out, so she had to stop, and Li Zimu started to use chopsticks, cut the cake, and ate the cake.

"I can eat this villain this time!"

"It's still not wide!"

"Why this time? I bought this cake!"

"You can't buy it either. Today is my birthday!"


The two ate their mouths while eating, and time passed quickly.

At the dining table, the two discussed what to do later, and finally, in accordance with the principle of proximity, the two decided that the evening activities would be carried out in this complex.

The two bought two movie tickets at ten o'clock in the evening, and the two had finished eating at nine o'clock, nearly an hour before the movie opened.

"Do you want to go to the mall? Or find a place to meet?" Li Zian looked at Li Zimu, touching his belly and regretting his face, and couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"I don't want to go to the mall, I don't want to sit, I'm too full, and I will definitely grow meat at night..."

Li Zimu said pitifully, his face covered with cuteness.

"Then what are we going to do..."

Li Zian spread his hands and expressed Hmm..." Li Zimu thought about it, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Let's go to the video game city, we can catch the doll, I like to catch the doll most. ! "

Hearing Li Zimu's proposal, Li Zi'an nodded with a smile: "Yes, then let's go grab the baby, but say in advance, I have never grabbed the baby, don't shout if you can't catch you!"

"Li Zi'an, you can't even catch a baby, how can you make a girl in the future, this is the killer of a girl!" Li Zimu said, his eyes widened slightly, pretending to be disgusted.

Li Zian heard the words, raised her brows slightly, hehe smiled and said: "I can't catch the doll, but I can write songs, and writing love songs to bubble girls should be more lethal than catching the doll?"

Li Zimu, who was originally grinning, swelled when she heard that Li Zi'an was about to write love songs to other girls.

"Scum man!"

Li Zi'an: "???

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