Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 124: Do you like me?

After half an hour.

Li Zi'an stood in front of the doll machine, looking at the empty coin box, and then looking at the two poor dolls in front of him, he was a little crying and laughing.

For three hundred dollars, I caught two dolls. This success rate is too low.

Looking at the expression on Li Zi'an's face, Li Zimu was a little embarrassed, and muttered in his mouth: "It must be a problem with the claws of the baby grabbing machine. I'm actually good at grabbing the baby..."

At the end, Li Zimu's voice was as low as a mosquito.

Li Zi'an smiled: "It's okay. Anyway, we caught two of them. It's not empty-handed. You are just as happy as you play today, and the results are not important."

Hearing Li Zi'an's comfort, Li Zimu's face showed two shallow pear vortices, hey laughed twice.

"What else do you want to do? If we don't play enough, let's go buy some game coins and continue to catch the baby." Li Zi'an asked.

Li Zimu shook his head: "Don't catch it, today's condition is not good."

"Yo?" Li Zian rejoiced: "Should I pay attention to the state of this play?"

Li Zimu saw Li Zi'an unbelieving, and tweeted slightly: "It has something to do with the state. It feels bad today. I will let you see and see me better tomorrow!"

"Just go, let's change the day, change the day~"

When Li Zian saw Li Zimu's arrogant little character coming up again, he immediately coaxed.

Li Zimu grunted twice. She picked up the two rag dolls in front of her, looked at them carefully, and then assigned one to Li Zian: "Num, we both have one."

"Split the money evenly and enjoy the cooperation!"

Seeing that Li Zi'an took the rag doll, Li Zimu clapped his hands, revealing a rather successful look, which caused Li Zi's rising lips to never fall.

"What are you going to do in half an hour?"

Hearing Li Zi'an's inquiry, Li Zimu skewed his head for a moment, and looked around for a week. When her eyes fell on the independent K song room, her eyes lit up: "Let's sing!"

"Sing?" Li Zi'an looked down at Li Zimu's eyes and saw the row of independent karaoke rooms not far away, he smiled and said: "It's okay, we have known each other for such a long time, I really haven't heard Singing after you."

"Go walk..."

This idea was put forward, Li Zimu happily dragged Li Zian to the independent karaoke room. It is near ten o'clock in the evening. The row of independent karaoke rooms is almost empty. The two chose a clean one. Entered, and then Li Zimu pulled the surrounding curtains.


Sitting in a high chair, Li Zi'an and Li Zimu took off the masks on their faces, and both were relieved.

"Is it particularly comfortable to take it off?" Li Zian thought of the guessing game between the two of them a few months ago, and he laughed and said: "Under certain circumstances, it is uncomfortable to wear, not safe to wear, you said at the beginning I am a riddle."

Hearing Li Zi'an's recollection of old things, Li Zimu couldn't help but think of the answer that she had guessed when she guessed the puzzle. She could not help but blush slightly, her beautiful eyes glared at Li Zi'an.


"You clearly tempted me to think in that direction!"

"Oh? Which aspect are you talking about?"

"You know, don't be stupid!"

"I don't understand, I'm pure boy paper like author!"

"Don't insult the author's purity!"

Li Zimu blushed and argued with Li Zian. At the same time, she used her mobile phone scan code to pay for K song time.

Li Zian saw that the K song time had been exchanged, he did not fight with Li Zimu again, and smiled: "You sing first, I have never heard you sing."


Li Zimu is not a stage fright, and his small hands are skillfully lit on the control screen, which is obviously a regular guest of the K song room, and soon the accompaniment of the song sounds, and the MV is displayed on the screen.

Li Zian put on the headphones, he listened to Li Zimu singing quietly.

This is the first time he heard Li Zimu sing. Although listening to the level of Li Zian's artisan singing skills, naturally he can hear many flaws, but listening to it from the perspective of ordinary people and non-professionals, Li Zimu sang very well, singing Sweet.

Mainly looking at Li Zimu's beautiful face, even if the singing is worse, it is also a rare enjoyment for Li Zi'an.

A song is five minutes away, fleeting.

After Li Zimu finished singing, she took off her headphones, her face was a little red, and she looked at Li Zian with expectation: "How are I singing?"

Li Zi'an gave her a thumbs up and praised her without hesitation: "It's great. If you go through professional training, you should be able to make a greater improvement. Your innate voice conditions are very good."

"Hey, okay, okay, after you get admitted to Hua Xia University of Arts, would you teach me to sing?" Li Zi Mu Xinghong rushed.

"Well..." Li Zimu pretended to think: "If you want me to teach, tuition is very expensive!"

Li Zimu Dai raised her eyebrows slightly, muttering: "You make a price, I will never bargain!"

"Really?" Li Zian glanced around Li Zimu's body and smiled, "Do you want it to be in your own form?"

"Okay!" Li Zimu straightened his chest, and he moved forward deliberately: "Just I dare to give it, do you dare to ask for it?"

Faced with Li Zimu's sudden strength, Li Zi An laughed: "Dare not dare, just kidding!"

Li Zimu heard the words and snorted, his face full of cute little pride.

"You sing another song?"

Li Zi'an asked.

"Stop singing, I want to hear you sing a song." Li Zimu shook his head, staring at Li Zian with a pair of beautiful eyes: "I want to hear you sing "The world is so big or meet you"."

Li Zimu's voice suddenly softened a little, his eyes moved, and his cheeks flew.

Hearing Li Zimu's song, Li Zi'an smiled and said, "Yes, Shou Xing's song, naturally meet the requirements."

Saying that, Li Zian tapped his finger on the operation screen, and tuned out the song "The world is so big or I met you". Although this song has just been launched today, these karaoke rooms are all with major music The website is networked, basically there are songs on the Internet here.

Click the play button, Li Zian and Li Zimu put on the headset again.


Backpack full of green memories

We must embark on a journey of growth

Just to this intersection


In a small space, under the warm-colored lights, Li Zi'an's singing voice is as warm as a single on the Internet, but there is another touch of gentleness hidden in it.

Li Zimu bit her lower lip slightly, she looked at Li Zi'an, and there was a touch of tenderness under her eyes.


The world is so big still meet you

How many times crazy

How naive

Dreamed together

One day we will meet again


Li Zi'an sang, his eyes turned slightly, and turned to Li Zimu beside him from the manipulation screen.

Facing each other, looking at Li Zimu's eyes full of tenderness, looking at the pink and delicate face, Li Zi'an's heartbeat quickly began to beat quickly.

And Li Zimu, looking at Li Zian’s eyes, her eyes blinked slightly, a little shyness flashed on her face, but the bottom of her heart was soaked with a sweetness, which made her already beautiful face, and added a three-pointed look. .


The world is so big still meet you

Go through many seasons together

North and south

Don't forget the friendship between us

... Quietness has been restored in the small K song room.

An ambiguous pink atmosphere quietly permeated the entire K song room, the two took off their headphones and looked at each other silently.

Looking at the boy in front of him, Li Zimu only felt that he never jumped so fast since he was young.

The distance between the two is only a few tens of centimeters.


"Do you like me?"

PS: The crazy heart of death tells me that if the chapter breaks here, this must be an operation to break the leg, but my desire to survive tells me, don’t break it, otherwise, you will die...

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