Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 175: Global Sale

From early morning to dusk.

When Wang Zhenghua walked out of the office again, it was almost time to get off work.

Looking at the busy subordinates, Wang Zhenghua silently came to the smoking area. He stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looked down at the traffic, and silently took out a cigarette.

Just when he was about to light a cigarette, he only heard a click from his ear, and then a cluster of flames appeared in front of his eyes.

He glanced sideways, then the probe lit the cigarette.


Wang Zhenghua took a deep breath, and after half a ring, spit out a cigarette from his mouth.

"Look at An Zimu's "Goku Biography"?"

Standing next to Wang Zhenghua is Yang Xing, director of the marketing department of the China Bookstore. He is about the same age as him. The two entered the China Bookstore together. They have a deep relationship. They occasionally smoke together at work, and occasionally drink a small wine together at night. child.

Hearing Yang Xing's inquiry, Wang Zhenghua raised his eyelids: "Why? Did you read it too?"

Yang Xing also gave himself a cigarette, and then he yelled.

"how do you feel?"

Yang Xing heard and said with a smile: "If I know who An Zimu is, I will never let this book go. Huaxing offers a 30% royalty, I can give it, or even give it higher, and I can also promote the promotion resources. It’s higher, but it’s a pity, such a good book..."

Speaking of the last, Yang Xing's face showed a touch of annoyance, but it was a matter of fact, he could still hold it up, and finally smiled.

"In the beginning, when I first read this "Goku Chronicles", I felt that it was a mess. I thought that An Zimu was just writing about Journey to the West, but as I looked back, I found that An Zimu actually recounted it through the West Journey. A new story, a completely different Sun Wukong, a completely different Tang monk, a completely different Zhu Bajie, a completely different sand monk."

"The whole story narrative is actually carried out at two different levels of time and space. The story of five hundred years ago and the story of five hundred years later are cross-narrative. It incorporates love, Sun Wukong and Zixia, Zhu Bajie and Ayue, Tang Senghe Little White Dragon, in a piecemeal dialogue narrative, is full of humanity."

Wang Zhenghua held his shoulders with both hands, the cigarette between his right hand fingers slowly burned, and his eyes were deep.

Listening to Wang Zhenghua's narration, Yang Xing was silent.

"This one, I have a bit of sourness."

Yang Xing said softly.

Wang Zhenghua heard that he raised his hand to smoke, and then spit out gently, looking at Yang Xing with a smile: "It's just so sad? Can you wipe the tears off your eyes before lying?"

Yang Xing raised his hand and wiped the corners of his eyes subconsciously, but he didn't touch anything. However, his body was slightly stiff, and he relaxed again.

"You are so boring..."

Yang Xing shook his head with a smile, but he didn't have much to explain, it was regarded as the default.

"Lao Yang, I haven't written a book review for a long time. This time I was a little tickled." Wang Zhenghua flicked soot at the trash can in front of him: "But the book "Wu Kong Zhuan" was published by Huaxing Publishing House and I sent a review Won't it be good?"

Yang Xing heard the words and said lightly, "What's wrong? You are the editor-in-chief of Zhonghua Book Company, but at the same time you are also a visiting professor of the Chinese Department of Hua Xia University, and found a good book and writing a book review seriously is understandable. There is no such thing as a small family."

Speaking of which, Yang Xing paused and continued: "Speaking of it, I haven't written a book review in a long time. Since I became the director of the marketing department, I have become so fast that I don't know myself anymore. Merchants are no different. Even my Wenqing disease has not been cured."

Wang Zhenghua smiled. He rolled the cigarette butts that had burned to the tail onto the ashtray above the trash can.

"Then you can show me before you send a book review, I will help you check it, so as not to make people laugh again."

Wang Zhenghua patted Yang Xing on the shoulder, and then he walked slowly to his office.

"Don't, your old kid, don't look down on people." Yang Xing laughed and scolded: "I will let you know what is Lao Dang Yi Zhuang!"

Wang Zhenghua didn't look back and waved his hand casually.

Looking at Wang Zhenghua's back, Yang Xing smiled, looking at the car and horse dragon outside the window, thinking of the finale of the book "Goku", the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and he sighed softly.

Rolled the cigarette butts in the ashtray and turned and left here.


"Goku" is sold worldwide.

700,000 copies were sold on the first day, with excellent results, but not too eye-catching;

The following day, 1.8 million copies were sold, and the sales volume doubled, and the network gradually began to raise relevant discussions;

On the third day, 4 million copies were sold, and the sales volume doubled again. Related topics were hotly discussed by many netizens;

On the fourth day, 7 million copies were sold. Distributors in many places across the country began to be out of stock. Related topics were hotly searched, and many well-known writers or book critics spoke one after another;

On the fifth day...


I'm angry!

The book "Goku" has been sold for more than 20 million copies in just one week from now.

From the fourth day, there has been a wave of discussion on the web about Wukong.

Wang Zhenghua, visiting professor of the Chinese Department of Huaxia University and editor-in-chief of the China Bookstore, commented: "The Legend of Wukong" is an epic without restraint and a self-produced rhythm, a cry of a naive soul struggling naked in the world. The cry deep inside the soul.

The famous writer Xiaoji commented: Once, we were all monkeys like lawlessness, but fate will eventually make us wear a curse, and when we smile, we may still be able to see the jumping monkey from our eyes.

Gao Baisong, a famous book reviewer and second-line star, commented: At the finale of Wukong, A Yao found the stone in the waste and buried it in a scorched soil of Huaguo Mountain, which was exactly the beginning of the story. The whole story is like a ring. There is no beginning and no ending. Even if the ending is the beginning, the ending is the beginning of the story. It gives people a sense of absurdity in time and space. It is a great book and worth reading again and again!


From sales to word of mouth, in just a few days, "Wu Kong Biography" became popular all over China and even overseas.

At the same time, An Zimu, the author of "The Legend of Wukong" once again broke into people's eyes.

Who is An Zimu?

Ordinary book fans are curious, seniors in the circle are curious, and colleagues in the publishing house are curious.

Even a rumor spread that a publishing house offered millions of rewards for Anzimu's personal information.

The big sale of "Sadness Against the River" had already made many publishers jealous at the time, but many publishers were jealous, but there were no substantive measures.

Because the first book sells well, the second book may not necessarily sell well.

However, An Zimu's second book "The Legend of Wukong" swept the world with a more explosive attitude. The horrible sales and the huge profits made these publishers really unable to sit still.

Many publishing houses are looking for An Zimu like crazy.

However, despite these people's frantic search, there are very few people who know An Zimu's true identity. They are either the people around Li Zi'an or the top management of Huaxing Publishing House.

These people have signed confidentiality agreements, and the rewards outside are indeed very high, but if the confidentiality agreement is violated, then they have to sue.


Just when "The Legend of Wukong" exploded, as the author of the book, he was still filming step by step in Yangcheng.

It can be said that there are accidental factors in the success of Wukong, but it is also an inevitable result. Li Zi'an was surprised and surprised, but not shocked.

Compared with the previous world, this world has a vigorous development of entertainment, and the overall development level is much higher than that of the last world.

However, the reason why the classics are called classics is because it can withstand the polish of time and the progress of the times, so it is called classics.

Take Wukong, for example, it was popular in the 1990s of the last world, but until the 1920s, it was still loved by countless people and still regarded as a classic by countless people.

Over the past three decades, has the level of cultural development in the last world remained unchanged? Has it never progressed?

Not really!

In the past 30 years, the world has developed faster than the century-old development process of the last century!

Endure the polish and baptism of time, this is called classic!

Therefore, the success of Wukong Biography belongs to reason, and is also expected by Li Zi'an.


"Kill it!"

August 26, 2021.

With a loudspeaker, Li Zian faced the whole crew of "Perfect Stranger" and shouted the words "Qingqing".

There was a lot of applause at the scene, and everyone was very happy.

That night, the crew of "Perfect Stranger" gathered at a high-end restaurant in Yangcheng, and everyone happily ate a killing feast.

At the killing feast, Li Zian was drunk by Luo Qiguang and Du Ze without exception, making Li Zian sleep fully until the noon the next day.


"Boom boom..."

Li Zian, the hangover, responded twice, but the knock on the door was still thinking persistently. In desperation, he had to get up from the bed sleepily.

"Auntie, what are you doing..."

Li Zian came to the room with the explosive head in his hands, and reached out to open the door. Then, unlike what was imagined, it was not her aunt but her cousin Han Yiyao who was standing outside the door.

"Brother, you can sleep too well, it's almost twelve, and I haven't gotten up yet!"

Looking at Qiao Shengsheng's Han Yiyao, Li Zi'an was confused, and then vaguely remembered something.


Today, it seems to be the day when grandma and grandpa and uncle and grandma came to see the room!

Li Zi'an suddenly became, grandma and grandpa, aunt and uncle and my mother are all here? Li Zi'an asked.

Han Yiyao nodded: "Yes, your driver Pei Xiong came to pick us up, don't you know?"

"Know that..."

Li Zian patted his head. It was something he told Han Qian before the killing feast last night, but he drank too much last night and was a bit broken.

"You go out first, I change clothes and come out immediately."

"Got it, you open the windows for ventilation, it's all wine!"

"Got it, you're so annoying..."


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