Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 176: Relocation

Fifteen minutes later, the washed and dressed Li An appeared in the living room.

Han Jingwen, Han Jun, Wang Jing and others were sitting on the sofa chatting homely, and seeing Li Zi'an coming out, Han Jingwen complained slightly: "Drinking and hurting your body, your child, don't always drink so much alcohol in the future. It's not good."

But although Han Jingwen complained in his mouth, his eyes were full of love.

"Yeah, yeah, you have to listen to your mother's words and drink less." Grandma echoed the words.

Aunt Wang Jing smiled and said: "Zi An, you will call your uncle when there is such a wine in the future. Anyway, I usually take care of him and can't help it. Instead of letting him drink with the gang of drinkers outside, let him Helping you stop the wine is a contribution!"

"That dare to love!" Han Jun touched his head, hehe smiled and said: "He and Zian drink now are big stars, I will be fine with the stars in the future, go out and bragging!"

Han Jun's words just fell, and Han Qian walked out of the kitchen with a plate of cut fruits, and said with a smile: "Your nephew is now the most popular star, is this not enough for you to blow?"


Everyone laughed.

"But don't blame Zi'an, Zi'an has been very restrained, but some wine bureaus can't avoid it, but you can rest assured that I am watching him." Han Qian added.

Looking at the family's laughter, the smile on Li Zi'an's face has never broken. Since the end of the year, this seems to be the family's first reunion this year.

Everyone sat in Han Qian's house for two hours, and Li Zi'an took Han Jingwen and others to see the house by car.

Li Zian told Han Qian a long time ago about the real estate purchase.

Li Zi'an set up two properties for his family. Both properties are large flats, one set of 230 square meters and one set of 150 square meters.

The 230-square-meter house was for Grandpa Li An's grandmother and Li Zi'an's mother, while the other 150-square-meter house was for Uncle Li's family.

The two properties are all finely decorated, with a total price of nearly 25 million. The two properties are under the name of Li Zian. They are free for grandma and grandpa and uncle.

The two suites are in the same building in the same community, which is actually a door-to-door relationship. The community is not very far from Han Qian's house, but the surrounding equipment is excellent.

There is a large third-class hospital in the country. If there is an accident, the ambulance can get home in five minutes. Li Zian and Han Qian chose this community, which is largely valued by the medical resources here.

Secondly, there is a large park nearby. The family can take a walk or something during leisure, which is convenient for the elderly to relax.

With Pei Xiong driving, everyone quickly came to the community.

Under the leadership of the sales staff, everyone visited these two large flats.

Looking at the joy and excitement of the family, Li Zi'an felt very happy.

In fact, for Li Zi'an's financial resources nowadays, buying two houses is only a small thing, and the biggest difficulty in this process is to persuade his family.

At first, Li Zian told the grandma and grandpa and her uncle about the incident, and was strongly rejected.

In their words, there is no reason for the elders to let the younger generation buy a house, so they were very resistant to this matter at first.

In this regard, Li Zi'an and Han Qian spent nearly half a month to persuade them with reasonable emotion.

For uncle aunt, Li Zian naturally persuaded Han Yiyao, after all, for parents, the future of their children is the most important.

As for grandma and grandpa, Li Zian used him to persuade him. He said that if two of them can live in Yangcheng, they can see him often. In short, they used many methods to persuade the two stubborn old men.

"Yiyao, please prepare. In the afternoon, I will take you to Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School to go through the admission procedures. The third grade of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School has already started. You will go to the school to report tomorrow."

Looking at Han Yiyao jumping up and down in the house, Li Zian shouted at her.

Han Yiyao heard that he was reluctant suddenly: "It is necessary to be so anxious..."

Wang Jing heard her daughter's mumble, she glared at Han Yiyao angrily: "Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School is the top middle school in Handong Province. Do you know how much effort your brother took to transfer your school status? But the pride of the entire Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School, the champion of the liberal arts in Handong Province, if you did not study well in the past, I would confiscate all your electronic products!"

Listening to the aunt's training, Li Zian shook his head with a smile.

In fact, he helped Han Yiyao transfer to Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School, and he really didn't use much energy.

He told Wang Changhai about this matter, and then contacted several school leaders, and the matter was quickly resolved.

This is indeed very difficult for ordinary people, but for Li Zian, who has a star aura, it is not difficult.

Looking at the bitter Han Yiyao asking for help, Li Zian smiled and said, "Yiyao, come, my brother prepared a gift for you."

Hearing the gift, Han Yiyao's eyes lit up and ran to Li Zi'an.

"Brother, what gift?"

Looking at Han Yiyao with a smile on his face, Li Zi'an had a strange smile on his face. He walked into the room prepared for Han Yiyao and took out a large square box from the inside.

"Wow, what is it?"

Han Yiyao's eyes became brighter, and various conjectures began in his heart.

While Han Jun and Wang Jing and others saw this scene, they were also somewhat curious and turned their eyes.

"This is your gift, open it yourself!"

Li Zi'an put the gift on the ground, and then he walked quietly towards Wang Jing's side, while Han Yiyao's attention was on the gift. He didn't notice Li Zi'an's abnormality at all.

Han Yiyao squatted down in front of the gift, some little excited rubbed his hands, and then slowly opened the gift box.


Han Yiyao's expression changed.

It turned out that her expression was like this: (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

And now it is like this: (╯`□′)╯~╧╧

I saw a large box full of exercise books.

"Three-year college entrance examination five-year simulation", "Huanggang dense volume", "College entrance examination sprint", "Ten-year top scholar learning perception"...

Looking at the dazzling learning materials, Han Yiyao glanced roughly, it is estimated that there are at least 180 copies.

"Hahaha, Zi'an, I think your gift is very good, very suitable for your sister, aunt will not quit with you." Wang Jing looked at her girl's expression crying without tears, she smirked and Li Zian Thanks.

Li Zian waved his hand and pretended to say inadvertently: "It's okay, as long as Yiyao likes it, how much is this thing, enough!"


"Li Zi'an, I will fight with you!"

Han Yiyao jumped from the ground, and the house full of teeth and claws chased Li Zian, causing the adults to laugh.

Li Zian and Han Yiyao had been in trouble for a long time. Li Zian looked at Han Yiyao who was sulking alone and smiled: "Yi Yao, why don't you turn over those learning materials? Maybe there are surprises under those learning materials?"

Hearing Li Zi'an's words, Han Yiyao blinked, glanced at Li Zi'an, and then hesitated, and ran to the gift box without saying a word, with a little anticipation in his eyes, and began to turn up the learning materials.

However, the entire gift box was emptied, and Han Yiyao did not flip anything. She looked at Li Zian blankly.

Li Zian spread his hand: "I said there may be surprises, so there may be no surprises!"


┬—┬ノ(\'-\'ノ) Put it up

(╯°O°)╯(┻━┻ raise again

"Li Zi'an, I will fight with you!"

Han Yiyao seemed to be a female leopard, and he fell directly on Li Zian in three steps and two steps.


Looking at the little girl who was amused, Li Zi'an's horror was fully satisfied.

"Don't fight, don't fight!" Li Zian guarded his handsome face, shouting: "I'm really preparing gifts for you!"

"I do not believe!"

"Really, really, lying I am a puppy!"

Hearing Li Zi'an saying this, Han Yiyao hesitated, but thinking that she had been trimmed twice by Li Zian, she broke her face again and continued to punch her chest with a fist.

"In the drawer of your house, go and see for yourself!"

Li Zian's muffled voice came from his arm.

"Humph, I believe you one last time!"

Han Yiyao thought about it and ran to her bedroom quickly.

After a while, a cry of surprise came from the house.

I saw Han Yiyao ran out with a paper box, his face full of surprise.

"Xia Wei is the latest mobile phone!"

Looking at the surprised Han Yiyao, Li Zian rubbed his face.

"You had a birthday a while ago, and I can't come back in Kyoto. This is a gift for you, but how to use it depends on your aunt."

Xia Wei is the world's largest electronic technology brand. Whether it is a mobile phone or a computer, whether it is a civilian machine with a price of only a thousand yuan or a high-end machine with a price of tens of thousands, Xia Wei has everything.

The one that Han Yiyao holds is the latest mobile phone released at Xia Wei's launch conference two months ago, priced at 12,999 yuan.

Among them, the latest pink model is loved by countless girls, and the mobile phone Li Zian bought for Han Yiyao is pink, and the performance is very good. It will never get stuck when watching movies or playing games.

"Brother, you are so good!"

Han Yiyao pounced again this time, but no longer punched his chest with a small punch, but embraced and embraced Li Zi'an.

"Huh, get up, get up, now you know my brother, didn't someone just call me by my name?" Li Zisai said with disgust.

"I... I'm wrong!"

Han Yiyao blinked, crazy and cute.

Looking at his little girl, Li Zian sighed. Han Yiyao transferred to Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School. I don't know how many boys have to be young. How to properly adjust the face value of the flower level.

"When you come to Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School, study hard and try not to tell others that I am your brother." Li Zi'an asked.

"Why don't you let me say, you're afraid I'm embarrassing..."

Hearing Li Zi'an saying this, Han Yiyao was slightly wronged.

"I won’t let you say it’s for your own I’m the champion of liberal arts in Handong Province, you are my sister, I’m afraid others will put too much pressure on you Good-looking, it is easy to take the envy of other girls, and the low-key point is for you." Li Zian said seriously.

"Yi Yao, listen to your brother, your brother makes sense."

Han Jun echoed, he has been in the society for decades, naturally knowing that Li Zian is for Han Yiyao.

Han Yiyao saw that everyone said so, she responded more obediently.

In the afternoon, Li Zi'an and Han Yiyao and Wang Jing went to Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School to go through the transfer procedures, while the rest stayed at home to clean up.

In the evening, Li Zi'an invited the family to have a meal in Huayanlou.

The next day, Li Zi'an began to retreat and cut the film.

Soon, the opening time of freshmen at Huaxia University of Arts...


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