Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 177: University life is good

September 1st.

Standing in front of the Film School of Huaxia University of Arts, looking at the hundreds of meters of long stone carvings and the wide door, Li Zian wearing sunglasses, a look of anticipation in his eyes.

No assistants, no bodyguards.

Li Zi'an was wearing a black fisherman's hat, a mask, carrying a backpack behind him, carrying a suitcase in his hand, and he was almost the same as the many new freshmen who were around him at this time.

Li Zi'an came to the Film School of Huaxia University of Arts during the art test, but his feelings at this time were very different from those at the art test.

After a brief look at the door, Li Zian carried the suitcase into the flow of people and walked to the place where the director reported.

"Students in Class 1 are here!"

"Students of Director 2 are here!"

"Students in photography class 1 are here!"

"Students from Film Management Class 1 are here!"


In the wide playground, there are many tables at this time, and in front of each table, the girls of the college student union are busy going through the admission procedures for new students.

Yingyingyanyan, most of them are girls, and they are not low in appearance. They wear uniform school uniforms and exude a youthful atmosphere.

Looking at such a scene, Li Zi'an's subconsciously provoked slightly.

University life is so good...

Li Zian sighed with emotion, glanced across the audience, and then walked toward the director's class 1 carrying the suitcase.

"Students, please show your ID and admission letter."

The female school sister who is in charge of the director's class 1 wears a white ribbon cap and a tall ponytail. The skin is white and beautiful, and the face value is quite high. She belongs to the same level of beauty as Chen Ruolin.

Looking at the female sister at the desk, Li Zian came to her and handed her her ID and admission letter.

"Brother Xue, you live in the 3305 bedroom of the male dormitory, you..."

After receiving the ID card of Li Zian, the female sister looked at the list in front of her mechanically. After she skillfully read out the dorm room arranged for Li Zian by the school, her voice stopped abruptly.

Li Zi'an?

Li Zi'an? !

The female school sister suddenly raised her head, looked at the tall figure in front of her, and looked at the eyes that she had seen countless times in various entertainment news. Her small mouth suddenly grew a little criminal. .

"Li...Li Zi'an!"

The female schoolgirl suddenly stood up from the seat [Biqudao], her face full of surprise.

When hearing the call of the female school sister, the eyes of many people around him suddenly turned to Li Zian.

There are few students who can enter Hua Xia University of Arts.

In this school, public figures or internet celebrities can be said to be numerous and even star students are common, but most star students are only fifth-line stars, and fourth-line stars are usually only a few of the seniors. As for the third-tier stars, at present, the entire Huaxia University of Arts, the number of people does not exceed a handful.

The female sister who applied for admission to Li Zian. She is a student in the acting department of the Film Academy. She is a sophomore and currently has nearly 4 million fans on Douyin. Among the students of the same grade, she is considered to be at the upper middle level. .

But compared with Li Zi'an, the gap is like a world difference. In front of Li Zi'an, she is not much better than ordinary people.

"It's Li Zi'an, I really want to sign it!"

"It is ranked 125th on the third-tier star list. It seems that our school is currently the highest-ranking senior, and it is only ranked 67th on the third-tier star list!"

"My God, I will be Li Zi'an's classmate in the future, and my high school classmates must be envious of death!"

"So handsome, so handsome!"


The students in the director department next to Li Zi'an are okay, because most of the director's department are men. So far, Li Zi'an has not seen any female creatures.

But not far from the director department, it is the position where the performance department goes through the admission procedures. There are a lot of girls there, and the value is very high.

Looking at himself as the focus in the blink of an eye, Li Anlue was a little helpless, but he was prepared for this situation when he came.

"Sister Xue?"

Li Zian looked at the female school sister who was in a state of excitement, and he gave a soft call.

The female school sister heard the sound and looked at Li Zian, who blinked at her before her, and then she remembered her duties.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was a little excited to see you, so I will go through the admission procedures for you!"

The female school girl's face was ruddy, and she could not help but to sit down again and helped Li Zi'an go through the admission procedures.

"Brother Xue, your dormitory is in the 3305 bedroom. This is your key. The instructor of your class is Mr. Hou Chen. You will have a class meeting at five o'clock in the evening. This is the flying group of your class. The location will be notified in advance."

The female school sister said quickly, and at the same time, she took out her mobile phone, which was the two-dimensional code of the director's Class 1 Feixun Group.

After Li Zian scanned the code, after receiving the dormitory key from the female school sister, he politely thanked him, and then carried the suitcase in the direction of the male dormitory.

"Brother Xue, do you need help carrying the suitcase?"

"No, thank you sister."

"Brother Xue, do you drink water?"

"No, thank you sister!"

"Brother Xue, do you need help making a bed?"

"No, thank you sister!"


In addition to the student union students who are responsible for the admission procedures on the playground, there are many student union students who are responsible for the guidance work.

Li Zi'an only felt that he was going through a very difficult journey, just like the Tang monk's fetching essence, and all along the way was a female demon tempting him.

I didn't know how many times I refused all the way. Until I saw Li Zi'an walking into the boys' dormitory, many female sisters gave up unwillingly.

"Sister Xue, Li Zian doesn't need to carry boxes, I need it!"

A single dog saw the school sister in his school so enthusiastic, he swallowed quietly, and then gathered around a school sister who had just been rejected by Li Zian, and said with a smile.

The female school sister heard the news, and the beautiful Liu Mei burst into a sudden: "You are a big old man, let me help a girl carry the box for you? What do you think?"


A single dog was a little dazed. He scratched his head and smirked and left, but he was a little unwilling.

"Sister Xue, I... a little thirsty?"

He once again leaned over to a female school sister who was asking Li Zi to be thirsty or not.

The female school sister heard a word, oh, and then pointed in a certain direction: "Go straight for two hundred meters and turn right for one hundred meters. There is a supermarket there. If you want to buy water, go and buy it..."

A single dog froze. He looked at the half-box of mineral water in front of his sister, unable to speak for a long time.

"Look, this is what the students will drink for the staff. This is public money and cannot be given to you!"

A single dog opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end. He walked in a gray bag But before he left, he still didn't want to give up the slightest possibility of sex.

"Sister, don't you make a bed?"

"Go, it looks so beautiful, so beautiful!"

Looking at the sound of the pretty school sister's long-going away, a single dog was wronged like a fat child of two hundred pounds.


Is it just because Li An's handsome as an author?




Li Zian, who entered the bedroom building, did not know that a single dog was acting because of him. He took the suitcase and took the elevator to the third floor, and then followed the house number to the 3305 bedroom...

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