Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 197: I may split on the spot

"Time is like a shuttle. Focusing on the present, we are standing on a new starting point."

"Tonight, our students from all corners of the world and the motherland are gathered together to celebrate the new university life you are about to start."

"In September, Huaxia University of Arts welcomed a new classmate of class 2021."

"In October, we ushered in the 94th anniversary of our great motherland."


At 8 o'clock in the evening, the theme party of Huaxia University of Arts "Celebrate Eleventh, Welcome New Students" officially kicked off.

Six hosts of the Broadcasting Department of the School of Media, three men and three women, dressed in Chinese costumes, accompanied by passionate music, read the opening words of the theme party with an extremely full mental state.

Before eight o'clock, Li Zi'an and others went from the third floor of the school hall to the second floor of the studio.

The auditorium of the school auditorium is divided into two floors, enough to accommodate 5,000 people to watch at the same time. The stage is huge. The size and size are modern enough to compete with the CCTV No. 1 studio. There are four stages. .

Whether it is light or sound, it is the world's top level.

In addition to the daily use of the school hall of Huaxia University of Arts, there are many political evenings held here. It can be said that the auditorium of Huaxia University of Art is enough to rank in the forefront of the world.

The front row of the first floor of the studio is naturally the leadership of the school and major colleges, and then all the freshmen who have no performance tasks at the 2021 level.

On the second floor of the studio, all the students with performance tasks are seated.

Li Zi'an's program ranked 23rd, and there were a total of 30 programs throughout the party, and the program ranked very low.

After the host's opening words were read, the first program was a large-scale group dance of the National Dance Department of the Dance Academy. A total of nearly 100 people participated in the dance. Everyone's dance posture was superb, and the standard was almost the level of the Spring Festival opening dance.

Songs and dances, the lights are bright and bright, and the atmosphere on the spot suddenly became lively. With such a level of performance, the corners of the leaders of the dance academy watching are about to crack.

There was thunderous applause at the scene, and the first show greeted the audience with applause.

Many freshmen watched with fascination. All the performers who participated in this first show were senior seniors and elder sisters. In the four years of study, the large parties they attended have been countless, even if It's an evening party like the Spring Festival Gala, and I have participated in it several times.

His mature dance style and exquisite dance skills make many proud new students unable to converge on their pride and understand that their future still has a long way to go.

Immediately afterwards, programs were staged one after another.

Each program is very exciting, and each has its own characteristics of the college, all of which are above the standard. All the freshmen are watching it. The atmosphere of the scene has always been kept very lively.

Li Zian, who was sitting on the second floor, looked back every time he watched two shows, his expression slightly depressed.

What's wrong with Li Zimu?

Why every time I see him in these days, he always throws his eyes at him.

Just now, Li Zi Mu Mingming saw him, and he turned his eyes away.


A little bit angry!

Looking at the Fang Chang who was constantly touching Zhao Yuqian's small hand beside him, Li Zi settled out of his breath: "Don't touch it, and then touch Qianxi's hand will almost make you touch the baguette!"

Fang Chang, who was chatting with Zhao Yuqian, heard the words from Li Zian, and the smile on his face suddenly solidified.

Fang Chang: "???

Am I annoying you?

Why do I feel a strong resentment? !

"Li Zi'an, you... you are jealous of me!"

Fang Chang hummed softly.

"You said that you were clearly the star of "Outwit the Tiger Mountain", why don't you come here for our show, and hurry back to your place." Li Zian glared.

Fang Chang heard the words, hehe smiled and said: "I don't think we have Sissi."

"You just had lunch with Sissi at noon today..."

"Seven hours have passed since lunch. For me, this is a long time..."

Next, Fang Chang began to blunt his love words. It was really women who blushed and men who listened to silence.

"Stop, stop!" Zhao Yuqian was a little sweet at first, but soon she couldn't take it anymore. She reached out and covered Fang Chang's mouth: "It's already the 10th program, and it's coming to you soon, hurry back! "

Fang Chang heard that there was a little bit of grievance in the face, but their program was indeed approaching. He had to leave here with a grudge.

"According to the degree of greasyness between you two, one day Fang Chang suddenly told me that he would like to be my father. I'm not surprised." Li Zian laughed.

Zhao Yuqian heard the words, her face suddenly turned red, and she smirked: "Zi An Ge~"


Li Zi'an shook his head with a smile, he knew that Zhao Yuqian was thin-skinned, he did not laugh at Zhao Yuqian anymore.

"Siqian, you said that a girl had a very good relationship with you. Suddenly her temperament became very strange and ignored you. What did you say about this?"

Li Zi'an hesitated and couldn't help asking Zhao Yuqian and asked Zhao Yuqian to analyze it from the perspective of a woman.


When Zhao Yuqian heard Li Zian's words, she suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of Li Zimu. She suddenly seemed to understand something, and there was a playful smile on her face.

"Hey, Brother Ang, are you talking about Li Zimu?"

Li Zimu looked awkward, then coughed softly, then nodded and admitted.

"I know the reason!"

Hearing Zhao Yuqian's words, Li Zian raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised in his eyes.

"Li Zimu is eating your vinegar!"

Zhao Yuqian said firmly.


There was a little [country] stunned in Li Zi'an's face.

Looking at Li Zi'an's expression, Zhao Yuqian felt a little funny. His son Ange could play in any field, but he was only a little slow in emotion.

"Li Zimu must be because you were jealous of the confession night with Tang Guansheng in the auditorium of the Conservatory of Music a few days ago."

"Ah?" Li Zian was a little dazed, "What's so jealous about this?"

Zhao Yuqian was somewhat helpless and said: "Zi Ange, this matter will be jealous for anyone else, and I will be jealous for it."

"Under your empathy, if there is a boy who is handsome enough with you, talented with you, and famous enough with you and Li Zimu to dance in public, will you not be jealous?"

Hearing Zhao Yuqian's words, Li Zian blinked.

If such a thing really happened, then he might split on the spot.

At the sacrifice of a single dog, he pulled out his 50-meter long machete, shouted Demacia, politely let the man run 49 meters, and then made a move to hang the chopper, and then a move to lunge Then, another trick jumps to lift the knife, and then another trick to turn around and pick the knife, and finally slap Huashan to reap the credit.

Zhao Yuqian looked at Li Zi'an's expression, she smiled and said: "Look, you can't bear it yourself."

"And Tang Guansheng is a person who is shoulder to shoulder with Li Zimu. Don't you recently go online to watch the forum? Don't know that many people in our school are gossiping about your relationship with Tang Wansheng?" Zhao Yuqian was a little surprised.

Li Zi'an smiled bitterly: "I've been busy flying this time, busy with school drama choreography, busy with concert rehearsals, busy with film roadshows, and I can't even sleep enough. How can I watch those things."

After Li Zi'an finished speaking, he then asked: "Is there any way to prevent her from being jealous or angry?"

Zhao Yuqian heard the words and thought for a while: "Li Zimu shouldn't be the kind of girl who likes to work. She should be a very coquettish type. As long as you do something for her, she will naturally not be angry."

"Speaking, Brother An, you and Li Zimu have known each other for so long. You two just like each other. When do you plan to confess? You will not wait for others to confess to you?" Zhao Yuqian asked.

"I..." Li Zian coughed lightly: "I was thinking about it, but I was too busy throughout September, and I had no chance."

"Oh, too."

Zhao Yuqian naturally knew Li Zi'an's itinerary. All the school's free time was packed. When looking at Li Zi'an's daily schedule, Zhao Yuqian felt a little scared.

"Then hurry up, a girl won't wait for you for too long, especially for school flowers like Li Zimu, whose suitors are estimated to be able to line several circles around the eight colleges of our maybe One day someone suddenly dislikes you." Zhao Yuqian urged.

Li Zi'an nodded and expressed his understanding.

The two didn't talk any more, because the next show is the 2021-level performance drama series "Outwit the Tiger Mountain". Many people know that this is a big show.

However, in fact, this play is undoubtedly a big show.

From actors to scenery to music road lights, they are all close to the top level in the country, and the rendering power and appeal are very strong. Many people who watch them only feel enthusiastic.

It can be said that this is a perfect show for Taiwan.

If the only shortcoming is that the drama "Wisdom Outlaw Tiger Mountain" has been played too many times, many people are already familiar with the content of the drama. Although they look very bloody, the actual ups and downs of the heart and Not big.

This drama has 20 minutes, and finally at the end of the drama, once again ushered in a lot of color.

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