Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 200: True color

The entire stage fell into darkness for about ten seconds.

The dark scene was silent, and the heavy atmosphere made people breathless.

On the left stage, the lights are on again.

Li Zi'an face was heavy, pushed open the door and went in.

Inside the house, Zhao Yuqian paced back and forth nervously.

"Lao Sun died."


"Just now."

As the drama came to an end, Li Zi'an and Zhao Yuqian were fully involved in the play.

"You carry your luggage and leave in the dark!"

"how about you?"

When she heard Li Zian say to let her go, the tension, surprise and panic on Zhao Yuqian's face naturally appeared on her face.

"I have three very important pieces of information here, the enemy's Jiangfen plan, which must be sent tonight!"

Li Zian looked at Zhao Yuqian in front of him. His eyes contained a variety of complex emotions, and his voice was very soft.

Li Zi'an and Zhao Yuqian played each other, and their acting skills were completely online. Many of the professors in the performance department they watched nodded frequently, with admiration in their eyes.

"You must not lie to me!"

"You swear to the child in my stomach!"

"You must come to me!"

Zhao Yuqian gripped Li Zi'an's hand tightly with his right hand, tears flashing in his eyes, and his eyes were fixed on Li Zi'an, as if hoping to gain the slightest confidence and encouragement from Li Zi'an's expression.

The soft music sounded, and in the face of Zhao Yuqian's gaze, Li Zi'an dared not stare at it.

When Li Zian summoned the courage to look at Zhao Yuqian, he bowed his head somewhat humbly.

At this moment, there were bursts of sobbing under the stage.

As an off-site audience, many people have guessed the choice of Li Xia played by Li Zi'an.

He chose the revolutionary cause and chose to use his body to sound the horn before liberation.

Many girls are constantly wiping the corners of their eyes with tissues, and their emotions are completely drawn by the drama.

Li Zi'an slowly embraced Zhao Yuqian in his arms.

"I swear……"

"I will do my best for the liberation of China Shipping..."

"I seem to have seen..."

"I saw the scene of our comrade crossing the river..."


"Our children will be born in 1917..."

"He must be..."

"Children of New China!"

Li Zi'an and Zhao Yuqian face each other, the decisiveness in Li Zi'an's eyes, the sadness in Zhao Yuqian's eyes.

When I heard Li Zi'an chanting the phrase "He must be a child of New China", the audience did not know how many people burst into tears.

They seemed to see the light, it was the light that the ancestors believed in!

They seemed to see the light, it was the light of the predecessors who used to be a candle!

At this moment, even the leaders and old professors sitting in the front row were full of sighs, and even many elderly female professors had some moist eyes.

On the main stage, the huge LED screen is full of fireworks.


It's the new year!

It was the last night of 1916!

Zhao Yuqian put on her coat and carried the suitcase to the main stage.

The falling snowflakes fell from above the stage.

And Li Zi'an appeared on another sub-stage. In a small room, Li Zi'an sat in front of the telegraph again.

"This night..."

"This [] glances..."

"It must not be a farewell..."

"Because the bell of the New Year has arrived!"

Zhao Yuqian stood alone on the main stage with tears in her eyes. She looked at the dark audience under the stage and performed an affectionate monologue.

Located on the second floor of the resting area of ​​"Wisdom Tiger Mountain", Fang Chang sat on his chair and looked at the stage as if crying into tears. Zhao Yuqian scolded his eyes while cursing: "Let my family Qian Qian is crying so badly, Li Zi'an, you're going to compensate my Qian Xi's tears!"

Li Zimu and Chu Jinglan, who were also sitting on the second floor, already cried with red eyes.

"Smelly Li Zi'an, why do you want to arrange such a sorrowful drama and make my makeup cry?" Li Zimu asked with a small mouth and turned to Chu Jinglan: "Lan Lan, I am not ugly now."

Chu Jinglan turned her head and glanced, she was also crying like a little cat: "Ugly dead!"

Li Zimu's mouth narrowed, and she completely let herself go. No matter whether the makeup would be spent or not, she no longer suppressed her emotions. The teardrops seemed to flow down like a series of rustles.

Enemy monitoring and our monitoring, the two sub-stages are lit up one after another, while Li Zian and Zhao Yuqian are constantly monologue.


"Tick Tick..."

The sound of a radio wave from a telegraph, the sound of a pointer that rotates every minute, every second.

The two were mixed, and everyone's hands could not help but be held tightly together.

The pointer is getting louder, and the accompaniment is getting more and more tragic.

At a certain apex, Zhao Yuqian on the main stage suddenly turned around with a sad face.

"five minutes!"

"You are overtime!!!"

"Li Xia!!!"

In three words, Zhao Yuqian almost shouted, and his voice was as sad as the cuckoo's blood.

At this moment, Zhao Yuqian did not have the slightest shadow of Chen Xiaoxi on her body. She completely broke Chen Xiaoxi's shell, and a brand-new image of the female revolution was shaped by blood and flesh.

At this moment, Zhao Yuqian opened up completely, and his acting skills were superb.

Zhao Yuqian's sound, like a knife, poked into everyone's heart. At this moment, no one could bear the tears in his eyes, everyone was hot in the eyes.

"five minutes……"

"I'm overtime..."

Plum looked at the front silently, his voice very soft.

On the sub-stage, Shu Yutong played the enemy female section chief. She led the group performance and quickly moved from the sub-stage to the main stage to the sub-stage.

In the home where Li Zi'an and Zhao Yuqian were, they kicked the door open with one foot, then rushed in, and Li Zian on the stage in front of a pistol.


The rhythmic telegraph sounded like a background sound, and Li Zian continued to send the telegram.

"I come from the liberated area, work and live in China Shipping..."

"I am proud and glorious for China's liberation cause!"

"I have seen Xinhuaxia!"

"I saw it!"

On the main stage, the snow is getting bigger and bigger.

Heavy snow was blowing, and the New Year's bell sounded like a bell.



"I miss you..."

Li Zi'an had a light in his eyes and a smile on his face.

He seemed to see the scene of the liberation of China!

He seemed to see his child become the child of New China!

The sound of excitement sounded. On the main stage at this time, half of the screen was showing the expansion of the cross-river battle of 94 years ago, and on the other half of the screen, the story of Li Xia's prototype was shown.

The prototype of Li Xia in the last world was named Li Bai, and the original name of Li Xia in this world was originally Li Guang.

When he was sprinting in the college entrance examination, Li Zian read Li Guang's deeds in a very narrow note in modern history. His deeds were 70% similar to those of the Li Bai martyrs in his last world.

At that time, Li Zian deliberately searched out many materials out of curiosity. The idea of ​​this drama was born since then.

Looked at that period of time, looked at the new Huaxia created by the ancestors with blood and flesh.

Many people only feel that their hearts are baptized, and at this moment the hearts are filled with infinite respect to the martyrs.

After the data was released, the big screen was blacked out, and finally a detailed process of the sacrifice of Li Xia's prototype Li Guang martyrs was released.

The music became more and more heated, and at the last moment, seven large characters appeared on the big screen.

"A radio wave that never goes away!"


Numerous lights are on, and the studio hall is full of light.

At this moment, the stage was full of people.

Dozens of group performances and dozens of staff behind the scene stood neatly on the stage with smiles on their faces.

"it is good!"

I don’t know who shouted well, but after this good word was shouted, there was an instant warm applause.

Countless students stood up from their chairs, and the applause continued.

Group performances and behind-the-scenes staff lined up, bowing forward in applause.

In the face of such warm applause and applause, everyone on the stage was very excited. The feeling of common and glorious was in my mind. At this moment, all the students in Class 1 of the 2021 director department, the heart is connected Together.

In such a scene, perhaps in the past ten, twenty, thirty years or even the old man, they will also remember that today they used a common sweat to create a perfect original drama performance.

In the applause, many group performances and the behind-the-scenes staff slowly separated. Starring actors such as Zhao Yuqian and Shu Yutong stepped forward from the middle and bowed slowly to the audience.

Watching several starring actors, the applause on the scene increased by three points.

After Zhao Yuqian and others bowed their thanks, several leading actors separated again, standing in front of the group performance and the staff behind the scene, and all looked towards the middle.

"Li Zi'an!"

"Li Zi'an!"

"Li Zi'an!"

In the neat shouts, Li Zian, dressed in a gray robe, slowly appeared in the middle of the stage, and he walked slowly to the stage.

The studio was completely boiling.

Many people's palms are red but they don't know it.


Admiration of the five body cast!

The so-called long-sounding is not as good as seeing, Li Zian today presented a big show for everyone with his superb acting skills and strong director level with this original script of "Eternal Wave".

There was thunderous applause and applause.

And just as Li An walked slowly towards the front of the The old headmaster of Huaxia University of Arts, which was originally in the center of the first row and had been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, slowly stood up from his chair and filled his eyes. Applause applauded.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the leaders and professors sitting in the front row could sit there one after another, and they all stood up one after another, giving their applause for Li Zian.

Li Zian walked to the forefront and looked at the true color, and the excitement at the moment in his heart was no less than Zhao Yuqian and them.

Looking at the many gray-haired old professors, they looked at the eyes full of earnest expectations and encouragement.

Plum Lee slowly bent over and bowed!

Tribute to the audience!


Tribute to ancestors!

PS: The drama comes from the first issue of "China in the Story". Hu Ge and Liu Tao's acting skills burst, and interested book friends can go and see

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