Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 201: The Road to Superstars


   "We are successful!"

   "Perfect performance without flaws, great!"


   When everyone came out of the background, everyone could not hold back the excitement in their hearts and hugged them directly.

  As the core of this drama, Li Zi'an was directly lifted by many students, and he threw it up continuously, the scene was extremely lively.

   Zhao Yuqian and Shu Yutong stood on the periphery, looking at Li Zi'an, who was crowded with class 2021 directors, and they all had a smile on their faces.

   "The rumors in the outside world are indeed true, followed by Li Zian mixed with meat." Shu Yutong took Zhao Yuqian and smiled with emotion.

  Zhao Yuqin said with a smile: "We two are taking a big advantage this time. It is estimated that the two of us will be envied and envied by our classmates in the next period of time."

"Well, I'm not afraid." Shu Yutong raised his head slightly and smiled: "It is because they did not seize the opportunity themselves. These people have been chewing on our drama a few days ago, and now we have seen our dramas have won a lot. Success, jealous envy, deserve it!"

   Zhao Yuqin smiled, she did not agree, but obviously she agreed with Shu Yutong's words.

  As the crowd celebrated, a middle-aged man about 40 years old came to the crowd.

   He smiled and looked at the scene in front of him, standing quietly beside the crowd, without bothering to speak rashly.

  He didn't step forward until Li Zi'an celebrated them.

   "Classmate Li, I'm Wang Peng, the principal's secretary. The principal wants to invite you over." The man came to Li Zian and said very politely.

  Li Zian looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. He glanced at each other with a little surprise, then nodded slightly: "Okay, please, Secretary Wang, lead the way."

  Wang Peng nodded with a smile, said nothing, turned around and led the way in front of Li Zi'an.

  Looking at the back of Li Zi'an and Wang Peng leaving, the rest of them were very curious.

   "What do the principal want to do with our class leader?"

   "I don't know, but I think it should be a good thing."

   "Yes, when I didn't watch the class leader just call the curtain, the headmaster and his old man got up from the chair!"

   "It may be that our drama made the headmaster and old people happy, maybe they wanted to talk to the monitor."

   There was a lot of discussion.

"Don't do it all, wait for the class leader to come back and ask questions." Xue Min, as the party secretary in the class, interrupted everyone's discussion and clapped: "Now everyone returns to the second floor with me, don't delay the entry and exit of other students in the program. ."

  Xue Min is the party branch secretary and deputy squad leader. When Li Zi'an was away, this class was Xue Min's biggest. After hearing Xue Min's words, everyone was very cooperative and followed Xue Min back to the second floor to continue watching the program.


  Li Zi'an followed Wang Peng into the first floor of the studio, then all the way forward, and finally came to the most central place in the first row.

In the first row, Li Zian saw many school leaders and senior senior professors of the school. When Li Zian and these people's eyes intersected, Li Zian would politely bow his head, and each time the other party would also give back with a smile. To him.

   Soon, Li Zian met the old president of Huaxia University of Arts.

  The old president of Huaxia University of Arts is named Zheng Guoxian. He is 63 years old and has served as the president for nearly 10 years. During his tenure, he has made outstanding contributions, and his students are all respected in the school and in all walks of life.

   "Student Li, please sit down."

  Zheng Guoxian looked at Li Zi's somewhat restrained appearance. He smiled kindly and patted the empty chair beside him.

  Li Zi'an looked around. There were only quite a few old men, and he hesitated a little.

   "Sit down, you stand here, blocking the eyes of the students behind." Zheng Guoxian said with a smile: "It's okay to sit down, but it's not that you have to sit here all the time, just chat a few sentences."

   Hearing the old principal Zheng Guoxian said, Li Zi'an is no longer hypocritical, he answered, and then sat beside Zheng Guoxian, but his buttocks only sat one third of the position to show respect.

Looking at the beautiful and handsome Li Zi'an, Zheng Guoxian slightly nodded and smiled: "Is the drama "Eternal Wave" never really yours? Is it very well written? In my opinion, it is no better than those classic dramas It’s bad. I’m curious about the origin of your idea. Can you tell me something?”

When he came, Li Zian guessed that the old headmaster estimated that he wanted to ask about the drama. Now looking at his curious face, he smiled and found Li Guang in the modern history book when he sprinted for the first half of the college entrance examination. The deeds of the martyrs, and then the things that they understood in depth were spoken.

"70% of the entire drama is the true deeds of Martyr Li Guang, and the remaining 30% has been processed by art, but I know that history can be jokes but not nonsense, so I have also carried out practical historical research on related art processing. As far as the drama as a whole is concerned, I have been as rigorous, error-free and sincere as possible."

"There were too many great people like Martyr Li Guang in those weeping years. They devoted their lives to the New China. I don’t think their deeds should be buried, they shouldn’t just be the next line in the modern history book. Small, unobservable characters, they deserve the respect of all of our juniors!"

  Li Zi'an is very serious, and he has truthfully stated his creative ideas and original intentions.

   When Zheng Guoxian told Li Zian, he did not say a word, but the appreciation in his eyes was more intense.

"it is good."

"very good!"

  After Li Zi'an finished speaking, Zheng Guo said two good words one after another.

  The old man sitting on the other side of Zheng Guoxian was surprised when he heard these two praises from Zheng Guoxian.

  He and Zheng Guoxian have been in official business for many years, and can make Zheng Guoxian praise two people in succession, but there are too few and too few.

   Facing Zheng Guoxian's praise, Li Zian bowed his head slightly to show respect and humility.

"Student Li, regarding this drama "The Radio Wave That Never Dies", I want to use it as a gift for our school's mother's birthday this year, and spread it to our school's official website, official Weibo, official vibrato, etc., And I will apply to the Ministry of Education and the Propaganda Department to focus on this drama, I wonder if you have any opinions?" Zheng Guoxian and Yan Yuese said.

  Li Zian heard that his mouth grew up slightly, and the whole person was a little silly.

   "Principal, I don't have any opinion, but will it be too exaggerated."

   "Exaggeration?" Zheng Guo first shook his head: "I don't think it's exaggerated at all."

"I think this "Radio Wave that Never Dies" should be popularized among elementary and middle school students all over the country and let them see that the prosperity and prosperity they are in nowadays are exchanged by their ancestors for their lives. Nowadays, many young people lack patriotism. Respecting the past and forgetting the past is a failure of patriotic education."

"There are also entertainment circles nowadays, impetuous breath prevails, and the pursuit of fame and fortune is too heavy. I think the drama you created today can be a benchmark for those people to know what is true artistic creation. Can be a role model for the younger generation in the entertainment industry!"

   Although Zheng Guoxian's voice was not very loud, he was powerful.

Huaxia Art University has trained a batch of talents. It can be said that at least half of the stars in the entertainment circle of the whole world are from Huaxia Art University. As the president of Huaxia Art University, Zheng Guoxian is not a person in the circle. But it is above the entire circle.

Now that he says this, it will definitely not be a lie. He said that let Li Zian become a benchmark, then Li Zian will definitely become a benchmark, he said that let Li Zian become a model in the circle, then Li Zian will definitely become a model. .

  Zheng Guoxian had this status and also had this power.

   "Principal, I..."

  Li Zi'an was speechless, he was shocked by Zheng Guoxian's words.

At the same time, he also realized that if Zheng Guoxian's words come true, how much benefit he will get, his position in the circle will definitely soar, and he will also get the support of national too many benefits Now...

   This "Eternal Wave" was originally just prepared for today's theme party. He never thought that this drama would give him such a big feedback.

Looking at Li Zi'an's appearance, Zheng Guoxian smiled and said: "Now our country's entertainment industry is extremely prosperous, but under the prosperity, there has been a lot of decay. If it is not corrected, then maybe a few years later, the ecology of the entire circle will be Completely broken."

"I actually followed you a long time ago, and each of your songs has a special positive energy. I hope you will not forget your original intention and have been adhering to this original intention all the way forward. I will always pay attention to you ."

  Looking at the kind and sympathetic old man, Li Zi was filled with respect and emotion.

   "Principal, I will keep your teachings in mind and never forget the original intention!"

  Li Zian's tone was sincere and firm.

  Zheng Guo heard the words first, the smile on his face was heavier, he didn't say anything more, he just nodded, then waved at Li Zi'an, indicating that he could leave.

  Li Zian got up from the chair, he bowed deeply to Zheng Guoxian, then turned and left the front row.

  His footsteps were firm, his eyes brightened.

  After just talking with President Zheng Guoxian, he vaguely found his future path.

   found his...

   The road to superstars!

  :. :