Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 203: Entertainer role model

The next day.

   While He Yilun and others were still asleep, Li Zian had quietly left the dormitory and got into the business car that came to pick him up, heading towards the venue of the Magic Light concert tonight.

   sitting in the car, Li Zi'an was eating the breakfast Han Qian brought him.

   shrimp dumplings, rice noodles, glutinous rice chicken, etc., are all quite authentic Cantonese breakfast.

   "Auntie, I have something to tell you."

   Li Zian had breakfast on this side, and Han Qian sitting next to Li Zian was putting on makeup. Obviously, she got up a little early today and she didn’t have time to clean up.

   "Good things bad things?"

   "Good thing."


  Han Qian heard that it was a good thing. She didn't pay much attention, but continued to draw her eyeliner in the mirror.

  Li Zian swallowed the shrimp dumplings in his mouth, and then retold what the old principal Zheng Guoxian told him last night.

"what did you say?!"

   "President Zheng Guoxian wants to set you up as a benchmark character? Boasting you as a role model in the new era?"

   Han Qian, who was quite calm, was not calm at this time. She looked at Li Zi'an with wide eyes, her face full of shock.

   "Ah..." Looking at Han Qian's reaction, Li Zian said weakly: "Auntie, your eyeliner is crooked..."

  Han Qian heard the words, and subconsciously glanced at the glasses, only to see that his eyeliner was not only a crooked painting, it was simply a painting flying.

   "It's not up to you!" Han Qian said with some embarrassment: "Knowing that I draw eyeliner still tells me such an important thing!"

   "I started to remind you."

   "My eyeliner is crooked!"

   "You said it."

   "My eyeliner is crooked!"

   "Auntie, we have to reason!"

   "My eyeliner is crooked!"

   looked at Han Qian, who looked like a repeater, and Li Zian helped him.

   Woman, it really is unreasonable.

"You knew about this last night, why didn't you tell me earlier." Han Qian wiped the corners of her eyes with a tissue soaked in makeup remover, with a slight complaint: "If you told me last night, we have one night You can prepare, now the time is too tight!"

   "I... I forgot."

  Li Zi'an is a little embarrassed, it really depends on him.

   If this kind of thing is operated properly, with the official two-pronged propaganda, the benefits for Li Zian can be maximized.

   "Okay, you stinky boy, hurry and eat, I have to inform Zhang Sihui of them as soon as possible and let them prepare for publicity and record as soon as possible!"

  Han Qian wiped the corners of her eyes. She did not continue to make up, but directly picked up the phone to contact Zhang Sihui and others.

  Looking at Han Qian who was working in a blink of an eye, Li Zian was helpless, but his heart was warm.

   He turned around and continued to eat his breakfast, but he didn't move that portion of fresh shrimp intestine.

  Because he knew it was his favorite food.


   arrived at the venue, Li Zi'an, Song Changxun and Zhao Yuchen did not waste time, they directly invested in the final rehearsal of the concert.

   And the outside world, as the first day of the National Day holiday, this day is very lively all over the country.

Some family trips, some house houses enjoy a rare leisure time, some are for friends to play, and some mysterious creatures close the door at home, close the door, and open the 100G in the computer. hard disk……

  The whole country is filled with a festive atmosphere.

   And at three o'clock in the afternoon, that is, the time of the founding ceremony 94 years ago, many official media across the country sent their blessings and memories.

   As the nation's highest art academy, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the official media of Huaxia University of Arts also expressed blessings and memories.

   It's just that compared to the blessings and memories of other official media, the blessings and memories of Huaxia University of Arts are somewhat different.

  Blessings and memories of Huaxia University of Arts is a high-definition video with the words above:

   "The dawn you look forward to is here!"

   "This flourishing age, as you wish!"

   Two short lines, but it contains too much.

  Huaxia University of Art, as the world's highest art school, has countless celebrities from here, and its official blog has enough fans to rank in the top five among all official blogs, with nearly 100 million fans.

  Official officials of Huaxia University of Arts often send videos about some outstanding students in the school, including some star students, and interviews with famous alumni from time to time.

   Therefore, the popularity of the official blog of Huaxia University of Arts has always been very high, attracting the attention of many people.

   Today, after the blessing and remembrance of Huaxia University of Arts, it immediately received the attention of many people.

   When I saw the unique blessings and memories of Huaxia University of Arts, many people were surprised, but when I watched the video, they were all in tears.

   "Salute to the martyrs, to the martyr Li Guang, you have seen the dawn of the heyday!"

   "Thank you Li Zian for letting everyone know the dedication and perseverance of Martyr Li Guang!"

   "After watching this drama, I feel baptized in my heart. We often complain about life and complain about the discomfort in life, but compared with the martyrs, we are really too much too happy!"

"In that dark age, they used themselves as candles to illuminate the front, in order to allow future generations to live in the dawn, Li Zi'an's sentence that our children will be the children of New China, let me really It's tears!"

   "Li Zi'an's works will always carry his unique style and always have an upward force. I think this is their best gift to the motherland after their batch of 00!"


  After publishing Weibo at Huaxia University of Arts, in just half an hour, this Weibo was liked millions of times, reposted millions, and commented 300,000.

   This Weibo boarded the Weibo search list with great speed.

  At the same time, well-known alumni who graduated from Huaxia University of Art began to reprint this Weibo.

Graduated from the second class of the 06-level director department, Chen Lei, a famous second-line director of China, forwarded and commented: "After watching this drama, my eyes are filled with tears. The younger students are really great, whether it is from the writing of the drama script or The choreography of the entire drama is very perfect, and the acting skills of the actors are also very online. Thank you very much for your congratulations on your mother’s birthday. If you have the opportunity in the future, I hope to learn from these The younger brothers and sisters cooperate, and finally, pay tribute to the martyrs!"

Graduated from class 1 of the 02-level performance department, Xu Yiwen, a world-renowned first-line actor, replied and commented: "It turns out that the blue is better than the blue. A new generation of old people is replaced by old people. This old school sister is a little ashamed, wishing her alma mater is getting better and better, and the motherland is getting better and better!"


  From the first third-tier star to the second-tier star to the first-tier star, more and more well-known alumni began to repost this Weibo, so that the popularity of this Weibo quickly jumped to the top of the Weibo search list.

   In the evening, many official blogs at the same level as the official media of Huaxia Art University or even high-level official blogs also forwarded this Weibo of Huaxia Art University.

  Li Zi is on fire!

  Zhao Yuqian is on fire!

   Class 2021 director department is hot!

  In such a huge situation, everyone related to this drama has obtained huge benefits.

   Shu Yutong, just one afternoon, received countless calls from entertainment companies to sign a contract.

  Zhao Yuqian, superstar media, her endorsement and commercial performance surged in an instant, and even the price skyrocketed.

   As for Li Zi'an, the benefits he has gained are innumerable. The mobile phones of Han Qian, Yin Zhen and others are almost exploded.

  What is called rising, this is called rising.

   And the momentum of Li Zi'an and others is upright, no one can or dare to fault.

   The popularity of this drama is still very hot even in the evening.

   Evening news of CCTV, this "Electrical Wave That Never Dies" appeared, and it took about four minutes.

At the same time, near the evening, the Ministry of Education announced that after the National Day holiday, all elementary and middle school students in the country will collectively watch the drama "The Radio That Never Dies", which is directly incorporated into the foundation of the red theme of patriotic education. In the course.

   This is not finished. The most shocking thing is that after the announcement of the Ministry of Education, the official blog of Huaxia University of Arts once again sent a Weibo.

"As an art creator, beware of your homeland, you must be upright, and your bones should be straight. Set an example for the next generation of the motherland and be a model for the next generation of the motherland. It is enough to afford the example. Li Zi'an is proud of our school today, and tomorrow our school firmly believes that he will be proud of Li Zi'an!"

   After this Weibo was published, it quickly drew countless official media to like it. The speed is as fast as it was before, but in fact, it is.

   The media exploded!

   The fans are blown up!

   Netizens exploded!

   Everyone was surprised by this Weibo of Huaxia University of role model!

  The weight of these four words is too heavy, but these four words are said by Huaxia University of Arts and countless official media like it. This shows that these four words are also recognized by all official media.

   "I think that Li Zi'an can afford to set an example for an artist, just like Li Zi'an's past works, he can afford to set an example for an artist!"

"It seems that the country wants to establish Li Zi'an as a benchmark for the new generation, to influence the entire young generation. Li Zi'an may be lucky to catch up, but I have to say that there is really no one in the young generation except for Li Zi'an. Keep up with these four words."

   "Handong Province's liberal arts champion has many popular inspirational songs, enough to be called literary double sweets, Li Zi'an is unworthy, who deserves?"

   "I used to say that Li Zi'an was a young dragon, but after today, Li Zi'an's general trend has become!

   "Today, one year ago, Li Zian had just made his debut. Today, one year later, Li Zian is called by many countless officials as a literary role model. The best younger brother, Zi An, is expected in the future, come on!"


   A micro-blog triggered an uproar.

  Whether it is ordinary netizens or behind the scenes of the stars in the circle, today everyone may read a name in their mouth, that is...

  Li Zi'an!

   PS: Wet, dad, quietly guess, when will my ticket come~

:。 :