Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 225: Confession

December 25.

Film Academy of Huaxia Academy of Arts.

"Everyone queues up in an orderly manner, so don't come over and join in the fun if you don't get the audition!"

At the entrance of the college gymnasium, Lu Jiaming shouted with a loudspeaker, and his voice was obviously hoarse, and in front of him, there was a crowd of people.

There are men and women among these people, all of whom are students of the acting department of Huaxia University of Arts. Among these students, sophomores account for the majority.

These days, Li Zi'an has been auditioning for the lead role. Just yesterday, the leading roles in the play all found suitable actors.

Today, Li Zi'an returned to the school audition.

In the movie "Big People", there are a few supporting actors who need young actors. Their roles are all colleagues of the protagonist Interpol Sun Dasheng.

Regarding these supporting actors who need young actors, Li Zian didn't have information about these supporting actors when he sent audition notices to major entertainment companies. Instead, he left these supporting actors to his college alumni.

Relevant audition notices have been posted on campus forums. These days, Superstar Media has been screening the resumes of actors in these roles. Today is the official audition day.

"Youngest, drink some saliva."

He Yilun, who hung a staff card, came out of the gymnasium and handed Lu Jiaming a bottle of mineral water.

"Why don't you go in and rest, I'll be here for you for a while, and your ears are frozen and red."

After Lu Jiaming finished drinking, he turned and glanced at He Yilun and saw He Yilun's ear bag. He reached out and grabbed He Yilun's ear bag, and put it on his head.

"Good intentions, you can just give me your ear bag, please do your business quickly."

He Yilun lost his ear bag, only felt that the cold wind immediately swish straight into the neck, so that he subconsciously shrank his neck: "Okay, the role of the Gao Ya male in the audition is almost the same, you organize Luo Qian’s auditioner Wait in line, and let them in when they line up."

Lu Jiaming responded, and then picked up the loudspeaker to start lining up the auditioners in front of him.

He Yilun looked at Yingyingyanyan who heard the sound before him. He had seen the script. Luo Qian's role was a vase decoration. Basically, it was a requirement, that is, it had good looks and temperament, so now audition Luo Qian's girls are all beautiful.

"Why don't you leave yet?"

Lu Jiaming organized for a long time, and suddenly found He Yilun still beside him, he asked with some curiosity.

He Yilun heard that he glanced at Lu Jiaming and sighed, "You deserve to be single!"

After finishing speaking, He Yilun flashed and ran away, fearing that Lu Jiaming would give him a box when he spoke.

After all, the family in the funeral and burial industry really can't afford it.


There are a total of four supporting roles, two men and two women. Li Zian started auditioning from noon and did not finish auditioning until five o'clock in the evening, with an average of one hour per character.

In fact, Li Zi'an is a bit picky, mainly because the students of the acting department of Huaxia University of Arts have their own characteristics, and everyone is very good.

So Li Zi'an is basically looking for a higher man in the tall man. In the end, the four supporting roles he chose, he feels more than enough to star in some small productions.

After choosing four very close supporting roles, Li Zi'an is in a good mood.

After the audition, Li Zi'an wore a fisherman's hat and mask. After explaining with Yin Zhen and He Yilun, he quietly left the back door of the stadium.

When I walked out of the back door, I saw a beautiful shadow squatting on the ground, with that white and tender little hand holding a tree branch and scribbling randomly on the snow.

The girl wore a blue and beige plaid coat, wearing a thick white turtleneck sweater, the lower body is a must-have warm artifact for girls in winter, stepped on a pair of black boots.

The light coffee-colored long hair was naturally scattered behind him, and the beautiful face was slightly reddish due to the weather. Breaths of breath exhaled from the girl's small cherry mouth and became misty in the air when cold.

"How long have you been?"

This girl was no one else, it was Li Zimu. She heard Li Zi's voice and looked up at Li Zi'an. Those big eyes naturally turned into a crescent moon.


"About ten minutes."

Li Zimu tilted his head for a while and answered truthfully.

"Then why don't you wait for me in the gym, how cold it is outside."

Li Zi'an approached her and asked with a smile.

"I saw a lot of snow here, so I thought about playing here for a while."

Li Zimu responded a little saucyly.

Li Zian heard the words and raised an eyebrow. He stretched his head and looked in front of Li Zimu: "What are you painting? The painting is so vigorous."

Seeing Li Zian wanted to see, Li Zimu's big eyes suddenly flashed with confusion and shame. She quickly swept the snow in front of her with the branch in her hand, sweeping away what she had just painted.

"No viewing!"

While talking, she jumped from the ground and opened her hand in front of Li Zi'an.


Li Zi'an did not look at the snow again.

Because the woolen coat Li Zimu wore was a cardigan, plus she jumped so much, a pair of lovely cute trembling in front of someone's eyes.

Li Zimu's perception is very keen. When she feels that Li Zi'an's eyes are not honest, she quickly put her hand on her chest, and the lovely little face tweeted slightly: "No reading!"

"Cough, stingy, don't show anything..."

Li Zian coughed twice and looked up at the sky.

"Let's go, let's eat!"

Li Zian shifted the subject.

Li Zimu groaned twice, did not care about Li Zi'an, followed behind Li Zi'an, and looked at Li Zi'an with big eyes: "What are we going to eat? Do you want to cook for yourself?"

"Go to the cafeteria!" Looking at Li Zimu's expression of snack food, Li Zian stretched out her hand and flicked her little head: "I have another meeting tonight, and I have to leave at six o'clock. "


Li Zimu slightly responded with disappointment, but soon readjusted her emotions. After all, as long as she could eat with Li Zian, she would be happy no matter where she ate or what she ate.

From the back door of the stadium, the two quickly came to the cafeteria of the Film Academy.

Although it was a meal, because today is the weekend, when Li Zian and Li Zimu came to the cafeteria, there were not many people in the cafeteria.

The two ordered a spicy hot pot of 40 yuan, and found a corner where no one was sitting.

Spicy hot pot is a kind of magical thing, because this kind of thing can only be found to be particularly delicious when eaten in or around the school, and if it is eaten in ordinary places, it will be found to be expensive and unpalatable.

After Li Zian and Li Zimu sat down, they began to eat.

Eating with Li Zimu is a pleasant thing, because Li Zimu's appetite is very good, and her small mouth chews so quickly during her meal that her small face chews with her teeth, and it looks particularly cute.

When Li Zi'an first met Li Zimu, every time she watched her eat, she wanted to laugh, and now she is much better, but every time she watches her eat, her lips will still unconsciously pick up.

The two chatted while eating.

During this time, Li Zian was busy with the movie. Although they usually make a video call occasionally, they haven't seen each other in private for a long time.

This year Li Zimu's sophomore year, the Dance Academy also has an exchange student competition. After Li Zimu heard that Li Zi'an signed up for the film college's exchange student competition, she also signed up for the competition and plans to go to Europe to study ballet for a year.

Li Zi'an naturally supports Li Zimu's choice.

"Maybe I might be sent to Europe by then."

Li Zian said with a smile.

While Li Zi'an and Li Zimu were chatting, there was a burst of coaxing sound not far away.





The tidy English shouts attracted the attention of many people in the cafeteria.

I saw that not far away from Li Zi'an and a white boy holding a large bouquet of roses, facing a white **** one knee, there were many white boys and girls coaxing around.

Look, it should be the boy confessing to the girl.

Due to some distance, Li Zi'an could not understand what the boy said, only to see the girl was very moved, and then hugged with the boy, should be agreed to the boy's confession.

Li Zi'an and Li Zimu looked lively and looked back.

"I just remembered that today is Christmas in the West. For them, Christmas is similar to our New Year. No wonder the boy will confess." Li Zian laughed.

In this world, only Chinese festivals will attract countries around the world to celebrate, and Chinese festivals abroad will never go to them.

"A little envious of that girl."

When Li Zimu said this, she looked at Li Zi'an with peach blossoms with water, and her cheeks unnaturally turned pink.

Being stared at by Li Zimu so much, Li Zi'an's heart suddenly began to accelerate and beat.

"Envy her?"

"Envy her will have a shoulder to rely on in the future ~ ~ Envy her will have a boyfriend who loves her in the future, envy her future happiness can be shared."

Li Zimu said a lot in a series.

Li Zian heard the words, he suddenly blurted out: "I can!"

Li Zi'an and Li Zimu faced each other, and time and space seemed to freeze suddenly.

"You... what do you mean?"

Li Zimu whispered that she only felt that her face was very hot at this time. She didn't need to look in the mirror. She also knew that she must be full of red glow at this time.

Li Zian looked at Li Zimu and took a deep breath.

"I like you……"

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

PS: Happy holidays~