Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 226: :《You》

"I like you……"

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

At this moment, Li Zi'an only felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat. His eyes were fixed on Li Zimu. He was a man in his life. He had never been so nervous.

And Li Zimu's heart at this time, as if there are countless fawns running, she looked blushing.

After waiting so long, he finally waited for his confession.


Li Zimu looked around, she blinked and looked at Li Zi'an in front of her.


Li Zi'an was a little confused: "What's gone?"

"Your confession is over?"

Li Zi'an was at a loss, and then nodded: "Yes."

Li Zimu heard that the shy little face was gradually aggrieved, and that little mouth also slightly hummed.

This is too perfunctory!

They confessed that it was a rose and a candlelight dinner!

She can pour it well, there is not a bunch of flowers, when she confessed to eat spicy pot!

No love!

No romance!

Nothing at all!

The more Li Zimu wanted to be wronged, the more angry he was, so that the little face slowly turned into a small bun face, and the cherry red lips poised high.


Li Zimu snorted at Li Zi'an, and then without a word, picked up her small satchel and turned away.


Looking at Li Zimu who left suddenly, Li Zi was stunned.

"Huh?" Li Zi'an was confused. "Huh, yes or no, what does hum mean?"


Dance Academy 2320 bedroom.


Li Zi walked vigorously from the door and put the bag on her desk. She gave a small punch to the air in front of her with her small face, and the whole person looked a little crazy.

She regretted walking out of the cafeteria!

Waves are not romantic or anything. Compared with Li An, it is really not that important. Missing this opportunity, Li Mei’s elm head can’t tell when he will re-confess.

But Li Zimu, who had been proud for many years, asked her to go back to the cafeteria to find Li Zi'an. That was impossible, so she walked all the way from the cafeteria of the Film Academy to her dormitory.

Along the way, I didn't know whether I was angry with herself or Li Zi'an.

"Mu Mu, what's wrong with you? Who made us Mu Mu so angry, and gave us Mu Mu's egg face as a bun face."

Just as Li Zimu was pacing back and forth in the bedroom, Chu Jinglan suddenly stretched her head from the curtain of her desk.

Seeing Chu Jinglan, Li Zimu suddenly seemed to find the backbone of his heart, and entered the curtain of Chu Jinglan in aggrieved manner.

"Lan Lan, just now Li Zian and I confessed..."

"Really?" Chu Jinglan heard the words, her eyes suddenly stared at the boss, full of surprises in her eyes, but then some suspiciously said: "But he confessed to you, how did you return this expression? And how come back? Well, at this time, you two should not find a hidden place.

Listening to Chu Jinglan's ridicule, Li Zimu's face flushed suddenly, she thumped Chu Jinglan lightly, and then sighed, "I didn't agree."


Chu Jinglan took a long tone and looked at Li Zimu with incredible face.

Seeing Chu Jinglan's expression, Li Zimu told Chu Jinglan what happened just now, and then spoke out the little grievances in his heart.

Chu Jinglan heard the words, pondered for a moment, and analyzed: "I think Li Zian should have made a temporary intention, and happened to see someone confessing, and then it happened that what you said touched him, so he suddenly revealed his intentions, naturally everything is Not prepared."

"Then what to do now..."

Chu Jinglan heard that her brain was spinning rapidly, and began to recall the emotional knowledge she actively involved in this period.


This question is too superb!

Help me, you two can do it quickly!

If it doesn't work, my drama will collapse!

Chu Jinglan thought for a long time, and finally uttered a word: "Wait!"


Looking at Li Zimu's blank face, she explained: "You wait two days first. If Li Zian takes the initiative to find you in these two days, you will quickly come down the stairs given by others. If Li Zian didn't find you in these two days, , Then you should contact Li Zian, don’t talk to anyone, then you two will really be hanging!"


Li Zimu responded in a low voice, her pale fingers were constantly teasing her face, biting her face. In fact, she really wanted to say that she wanted to contact Li Zian now, two days too long!


On the other side, after Li Zimu dropped a hum and left suddenly, Li Zi'an was not in a mood to continue eating.

He left the school with a lot of doubts. After coming to the company, he opened the meeting a bit absent-minded.

What does this mean?

Li Zi'an didn't understand.

Li Zimu must like him, even if his feelings are white, he can feel it.

Why didn't she promise his confession?

Throughout the meeting, although Li Zian was on the surface, he had been thinking about it all the time.

After the meeting, Li Zian planned to leave the company and go back to school.

"Zi An, how do you think you are absent-minded, are you tired during this time, do you want to rest for two days?"

Han Qian, who sent Li Zian away, cared about Li Zian as she walked towards the elevator.

Li Zian heard the words and shook his head gently: "It's okay. I'm thinking about things. If I'm tired, how can I have an aunt. You're tired. If you want to rest, you rest."

"My condition is okay, but I don't need to rest." Han Qian smiled and turned to say: "It's almost the end of the year. In recent days, several satellite TVs have sent you invitations to the New Year's concert. The conditions are very good. , Wait for me to forward those invitations to your private mailbox, and see for yourself which satellite TV you like."

Li Zi'an said with a smile: "Yes, I have time to see, I will reply to you when the time comes."

The two said, and quickly walked to the elevator.

Pei Xiong drove Li Zian back to school at ten o'clock in the evening.

The empty campus seemed very deserted. The dim street lights shone on the snow. The cold air made Li Zian, who was just in the warm car, feel upright.

Li Zi'an didn't return to the dormitory immediately, but wandered aimlessly on campus, only to feel that his head was messy.

Unconsciously, Li Zi'an actually wandered to the music building of the Conservatory of Music.

Looking at the music building in front of him, Li Zi'an stopped for more than ten seconds and suddenly stepped into it.

Walking skillfully to the third floor, Li Zian came to a music room, took a key from his pocket, opened the music room, and walked in.

This music room is allocated to Tang Wansheng by the Conservatory of Music. During his study, this music room was equivalent to Tang Guansheng's exclusive territory.

In this music room, there are more than ten kinds of musical instruments, whether it is a piano or a guitar, whether it is a cello or a trombone, and each instrument is not a bargain.

It can be said that no more than five people can be assigned to such a music room by the leaders of the Conservatory of Music, and all of them are the top arrogants of the Conservatory of Music.

And Li Zian owns the key to this music room, because Tang Guansheng often invites Li Zian to come here to discuss music. Later, sometimes Li Zian borrows this music room from Tang Guansheng occasionally when he needs to use musical instruments in his school arrangement.

Finally, for convenience, Tang Guansheng gave Li Zian a key to this music room.

For more than three months, Li Zian and Tang Guansheng are regarded as a good teacher and friend. Li Zian, who has master violin skills and Tang Wansheng, who has the most complete violin heritage of the European Royal Conservatory of Music, has many topics on the violin. .

Sometimes when Li Zi'an is under stress, he will occasionally come here to empty himself.

Pure music can greatly relieve people's negative emotions and stress.

After Li Zi'an entered the music room, he didn't turn on all the lights, but only turned on the spotlights.

The dim light accompanied by the moonlight makes the instruments in the music room seem to be covered with a layer of luminescence.

Li Zian wandered around in the music room and found no violin. It seems that the violin should be taken away by Tang Guansheng.

Seeing that there was no violin, Li Anan simply sat in front of the piano.

Putting both hands gently on the white keys, Li Zian closed his eyes slightly. About ten seconds later, Li Zian opened his eyes again, and pressed his fingers on the keys.

Slow beat, with a little sadness.

In the quiet music building, the sound of the piano is melodious, like the whisper of the night sky, and like the light chant of the moonlight.

Li Zian's eyes narrowed slightly, his hands fluttering on the white keys.

The piano music he played is not any piano music in this world, but the piano music "You" from the previous life.

This "You" was supposed to be a piano sound mixed with electronic sounds, but now Li Zi'an only plays the piano part. Compared with the original version, it has more pureness, less noise and passion.

Li Zi'an didn't know why he chose this music bullet, but his cluttered thoughts gradually became empty as the music sounded.

Suddenly, Li Zi'an's fingers paused

When the music sounded again, the original sad genre was swept away, and turned into a high joy.

In Li Zi'an's mind, a smiley cheek appeared.

In spring, she laughs better than peach blossoms.

In summer, she laughs more than lotus autumn, she laughs more than Begonia.

In winter, she laughs better than plum.

All year round, the most beautiful is her smile.

Thinking of her face, thinking of her cuteness, thinking of her simplicity, thinking of her arrogant, thinking of her coquettish, thinking of her coquettish, thinking of her dumb, thinking of her... …

Unconsciously, Li Zi'an's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips had already been raised.

As the music progressed, the music grew louder and more cheerful.

All the worries and sorrows in Li Zi'an's heart were wiped out.

Once the confession fails, I can the second time!

Confession failed twice, I can do it for the third time!

Li Zi'an's narrowed eyes opened slowly, his eyes full of firmness...