Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 23: Sleepless Night

   (song title: "Wicked")


   (I don't want to quarrel)

  Canyouseetheflickeringlights, baby?

   (Have you seen the flickering lights? Baby)


   (Hold the glass with me)


   When Li Zian sang to the baby, his right hand was suddenly extended, and he hooked his finger at the most concentrated place of the younger sister somewhere under the stage, his lips slightly picked up, and his eyes were full of flirting.


   Facing Li An's provocative actions, many girls responded to Li Zi'an with a very enthusiastic voice, and some even returned.

  When we sang the third sentence, many European and American audiences were present and took up the wine glasses on the table with great enthusiasm.

   Seeing the neat movements of European and American audiences, the rest of the audience who did not understand English also responded quite quickly, and together with the European and American audiences, they raised the cup in their hands.

In this world, only Chinese is the language that students of all countries in the world must learn, and English is the second language, there are many people to learn, but there is no compulsory English in the Chinese education system, but there are still many Chinese who choose English. After all, the first language is the mother tongue, and learning one more language is of great help to personal development.

The rhythm of the music is getting stronger and stronger. With Li Zi'an's typhoon and stage control, plus he has been participating in CCTV for more than half a month, the stage of CCTV is not much higher than the level here. He thought It is still very easy to control this small world.


  , letthemhearusloudly

   (Howl, howl, let them hear our shouting)

  Ourtopisoff, let\'sshowthemoffproudly

   (Take off your top and proudly show off to them)

   Wicked, wicked

   (naughty naughty fairyland)


   (It feels like crossing Rio Grande)


  Li Zi'an sang the first chorus part. When he sang the second sentence, he came to a very angry operation.

He held the microphone in his right hand, and suddenly opened his short-sleeved swing in his left hand, directly revealing the eight angular abdominal muscles inside. Of course, this movement was very fast, and it took five seconds from opening to lowering the swing. time.

   But when everyone's eyes converged, five seconds was enough, enough to shake the hearts of many girls under the stage.

   It's too much!

  Is this the warm boy just now?

  Is this the handsome and quiet big boy just now?

   Why did it suddenly become a bit bad?


   Why is my face red?

  A little faster heartbeat?

   Many girls were fascinated by Li Zian on stage.

   When a man has a handsome face, a perfect body, and unparalleled talent, then the charm of this man will be infinite for women.

   And Li Zi'an is such a man, a completely different style, so that his charm grows crazy, no matter what type of girl she likes, you can find worship points on him.

   What Li Zi'an didn't think of was also unexpected, he underestimated the boldness and wildness of European and American girls.

After the action of lifting his clothes, some European and American girls took off their coats directly, exposing the inside vests; others were even more ruthless, and took off their underwear directly, and then directly skimmed on the stage .

   This surprised Li An.

  Isn't this Nima!

   Don't ignore it!

   If you do this, I will be easily harmonious!

   What makes Li Zian cry even more is that many Chinese girls see European and American girls doing this, the women's competing hearts suddenly come up, and there are bold people among Chinese girls, even learning to throw those European and American girls on the stage.

   Among them, Li Zian also saw that there was a Chinese girl who had a boyfriend. The boyfriend of the other party pulled desperately, but the result was that he didn't pull it, but let the girl leave the underwear up.

   That complexion...

   is really three points greener than the youngest grass in the green grassland!

   In this case, the whole stage soon became "disorganized".

   Really what models are there.


   It seems that the scale of European and American girls is slightly larger!


   Wicked, wicked

   (naughty naughty fairyland)


   (It feels like crossing Rio Grande)


   (If you want to visit again)


   (Just hand in cash first)


   The first half of "Wicked" ends, and in the second half of the song, there is a longer accompaniment at the junction of the two songs, the dance points are very strong, and the sense of rhythm is also very strong.


   "Raise your hands!"

   "Everybody, putyourhandsup!"

  Li Zian took the lead in raising his hands, and many of the audience raised their hands.

  Li Zian stepped on the dance point, twisting his body following the rhythm of the music, while his hands were constantly clapping.

   Soon, neat clapping sounded throughout the tavern.

   Everyone was driven, and the atmosphere on the scene was not good. If people come in from now, saying that this is a Diba nightclub, everyone believes that the atmosphere is really hot.

   Even Yu Minzhe, who was originally sitting behind the bar, is now holding a bottle of beer in his hand, followed by Li Zian on the stage, shaking his huge body.

   These 20,000 flowers are worth it too!

   is now in this kind of atmosphere, he went out and said that the resident vocalist who spent 200,000 invites all the people to believe!

   Soon, a song was sung by Li Zi'an, but the sound of the music did not stop at all, and directly connected to the next music seamlessly.

   The second song Li Zi'an prepared the song "Roar". Compared with the previous songs, this English song is relatively classic, and the popularity and popularity are not comparable to those of the previous songs.



   (I used to be the kind of timid person who can do things without saying a word)


   (Afraid of breaking everything and ruining everything)

  SoIsatquietly, agreedpolitely

   (so I just nodded and said yes while watching the study)


   (I think I probably forgot that I still have room)


   The song "Roar" is not as strong as the previous song. The rhythm of the prelude is not so strong. Many audiences have just hailed a whole song. Now they are a little tired. Many people sit down and drink some wine and take a break.

   Many European and American audiences, after they sit down, because the music in the tavern is too loud, but from the eyes of each other, they can see the incredible in the eyes of each other.

Because both the song just now and the current song, even if they go to their country, it is a rare And such a song is actually created by a Chinese of.

   Many people couldn't help feeling emotion, no wonder they all say that China is the center of world culture, and it is indeed a crouching tiger, hiding a dragon, and its name is well-deserved!

   But they only sighed and rested for a while, then they couldn't sit still anymore, because of the atmosphere that had just dropped, so Kung Fu rose again.


  Igottheeyeofthetiger, thefire, dancingthroughthefire

   (I am a dancing warrior with the eyes of a tiger)


   (Because I am the king of all beasts, listen to me roaring)

  Louder, louderthana

   (louder than the roar)


   (Because I am the king of all beasts, listen to me roaring)


  Li Zi'an singing loudly, there is a hint of domineering in the singing.

   Without the sultry just now, the whole person was very energetic, just like what was sung in the song.

   is like a young king of beasts!

   Roaring in trouble!

  Growing in adversity!

   Under the influence of Li Zi'an singing voice, the audience stood up from the chair again, clapping hands and beating the beat, following Li Zi'an's singing voice. The atmosphere at the scene was still warm and surging.

   Tonight's bridge alley......

   is destined to be sleepless!