Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 261: "The Four Faces of Chu Ge"

In the car.

Li Zian sat beside Han Qian.

"What did you say to them just now?"

Han Qian asked curiously.

"I didn't say anything, I just thanked them for their hard work during this time, and then informed them that I am ready to return them in the near future." Li Zian said lightly.

Han Qian heard the words and immediately understood what Li Zi'an said just now. Li Zi'an might hate these paparazzi into his bones. How could he thank them, probably hesitantly.

"So how do you want to reward them?"

Han Qian said heavily in return.

"I will do this in person." Li Zian's lips twitched a cold arc: "I won't go back to the crew this afternoon. You can help me contact a recording studio immediately. After we sent my mother to the hospital, I went straight to the recording studio. And at the same time you inform Lu Jiaming to come with a camera."

"What are you doing?"

"Give them an appetizer first!"


The next day.

The network is calm.

However, in the paparazzi circle, from yesterday to this morning, the matter about Li Zi'an's arrogance in the underground parking lot yesterday has been talked about by paparazzi, basically it is all ridicule and disdain.

"Even the Uranus superstar can't take us, why does Li Zian rely on him?"

"Wait for his return, joke!"

"Yellow-haired kid, I don't know if it's high and thick, I want to fight against the whole paparazzi by myself? Go away!"

"I'll stare at him in the future, annoying him!"


A large group of Feixun in the paparazzi circle has nearly a thousand people. All of them are small and famous paparazzi in the paparazzi circle. Although this group is not deserted, it is not lively, but it is usually shared information. Today, the various comments of the masses are refreshing like a data waterfall.

Just as everyone was insulting and taunting, a few news suddenly popped out.

"Go to Li Zian's Weibo, this grandson scolds us!"

"Li Zi'an, this man is simply not a person!"

"How dare he!!!"

Many of the comments were shocked and angry, which caused the rest of the paparazzi to be curious.


At 12 noon, just during the lunch break of many people, Li Zian, who did not update Weibo for a month, suddenly updated Weibo.

"Some dogs, they are not humans, but they are good friends of human beings; while some people, they want to be dogs, but even dogs are not willing to play with them."

"In view of the "selfless care" of the dog people for me during this time, I was deeply touched and had no choice but to write a song for them to express my "respect"!"

Li Zi'an said three jargons, and then attached a video below the text.

There are only four characters on the cover of the video-"Si Chu Chu Ge"

(The original singing of "Songs on Four Sides": Jay Chou)

A month later, Li Zian posted a blog again, which immediately attracted the onlookers of countless fans, as well as the onlookers of countless media reporters.

Looking at the words on Li Zian's Weibo, everyone naturally knows what Li Zian means by saying these words, and also knows who Li Zian is targeting.

Everyone saw that Li Zian not only cursed the paparazzi but also wrote a song for the paparazzi, which made many people very curious.

Therefore, many people opened this video at the first time.

In the video, Li Zi'an is wearing a black dress with a hip-hop style and a peaked cap standing in front of the recording studio.

The accompaniment sound has a strong sense of rhythm and rich electronic style.


My life is like shooting a movie

There are so many directors and screenwriters

Said only one line

And they have 800 tone


When everyone heard Li Zian speak, everyone was full of surprise.


This musical style seems to be an area that Li Zi'an has never been involved in, and it is a completely different style from Li Zi'an's previous style.

But now it sounds like it looks pretty good!

Everyone continued to listen patiently. Since Li Zian wrote this song as a paparazzi, it is naturally impossible to praise paparazzi. There must be a lot of sentences in the lyrics, which many people are looking forward to.


Control my emotions

That's not my tone at all

I want the audience to watch a good show

Final purpose

Is not promoting ratings


As Li Zi'an continued to sing, many people gradually understood.

Li Zi'an is describing his own life during this time, and they also understand why this song is called "Si Chu Chu Ge".

This time Li Zi'an is not like the allusions of Chuge in all directions. It's all camera and paparazzi in all directions. Life is completely under the lens. Life has no privacy at all, even if his closest mother is seriously ill, Life is dying, but still become the object of consumption of those paparazzi.

When many listeners heard this, they couldn't help but feel sour.

Looking at the video, Li Zian, who was in the dark recording studio, although the cap covered his face, but the exposed face was so thin, it is conceivable that his pressure during this time How big is it.


I'm on my way home

Seeing signposts pointing to the performing arts circle

If you choose to go forward

I have to be strong

while walking

Inexplicably rushed out several dogs

When i thought

Adopt so many dogs


In the chorus, Li Zi'an's speech speed accelerated again.

In the video, he slightly lifted the peaked cap and exposed his eyes.

What kind of eyes are those?

Full of sternness, fearlessness, and coldness!

A naked contempt came from the video. With the lyrics, all the viewers watching the video were suddenly stunned, and then a shock from the inside and out came from the bottom of my heart, and the body subconsciously rose up. Goose bumps.

How many dogs rushed out somehow?

When did I adopt these dogs?

It's too rigid!

Many people thought that Li Zi'an might be euphemistic, but did not expect Li Zi'an to be directly angry!

And there was no merciless anger, and they called them dogs!

However, this is just the beginning.


They bite their bones

Holding long lens in hands

Seems to tell me a conspiracy

Talking dog

He said he was for the dog blogger

See if you can shoot me

Change a few more bones


Star city.

On the high-speed round the city, a nanny car is driving fast.

Behind the babysitter's car, Wang Haoqian was sitting in the aviation chair. The TV in front of him played Li Zi'an's video, and Li Zi'an's singing sounded in the car.

When Wang Haogan heard the lyrics, he was shocked, and then suddenly applauded and laughed.

"Okay, okay!"

"Zi An, this kid is really a genius, no no no no, it's a ghost!"

"It's more murderous than murderous. Li Zi'an's song is considered to be the death of paparazzi. As long as someone keeps singing this song in the future, these paparazzi will never turn over!"

"Relief, it's too dear!"

Wang Haoqian clapped and laughed.

The agent sitting next to Wang Haogan, listening to Wang Haogan's praise, he could not help but also nodded with sympathy.

This Li Zi'an is indeed ruthless!

No wonder the ancients always said that they would rather offend ordinary people than literati.

Offended the man, he killed you at most, but offended the literati, he can make you stink for thousands of years.

This Li Zi An is even more ruthless than a literati, and writes and curses directly, and a cursing song can actually be written so rhyme, so well written, it is almost a crack!

The agent secretly sighed with emotion.


If hurting me is your nature

That pity is my motto


Need me to illuminate your way home

Then I will send you flashlights




Jiang Lili watched Li Zi'an's video and listened to Li Zi'an's song. She kept smiling on her face, and her men silently praised Li Zi'an.

China Shipping.

At a variety show, Gao Baisong shook his head with a smile and silently praised Li Zi'an.

Star city.

Wang Haogan vented his heartfelt pleasure, and then simply gave Li Zian a compliment.


At Youku Video Headquarters, Vice President Cao Xingwen couldn't help but show a touch of radiance, so he naturally reached out and gave Li Zian a compliment.

In a short time, countless artists have praised Li Zian.

Obviously Li Zi'an's song sang into their hearts.

For creatures such as paparazzi, all entertainers who are mixed in the entertainment circle are basically harassed by these people, and they are deeply disgusted.

It was just that they were unable to contend with this kind of ecology before, but now Li Zi'an took the lead in firing the first shot, and naturally they wouldn't be counseling, and they all came down to beat the water dogs in person.

One by one likes it. It's a pleasure. In the blink of an eye, Li Zi'an has more than a hundred celebrities' likes on this Weibo. There are familiar friends, but more of them are unknown stars.


I tell them

Gossip will pass

News is momentary

Life is permanent

Music will stay

I wrote songs for them

Because I haven’t written songs like animal conservation


"It's too cruel, Brother Ang is too cruel, because I haven't written songs like animal conservation. This word is too insulting, but I like it!"

"Although I'm not a fan of Li Zi'an, I think Li Zi'an is very interesting. It's really talented. Just pay attention and follow!"

"This song should be regarded as Li Zi'an's first rap song. When Li Zi'an becomes more and more famous in the future, this song will be sung forever. The paparazzi will be nailed to the column of shame!"

"Today's source of happiness, no, it should be this month's source of happiness. Li Zian was bullied by this group of paparazzi for a month, and now he has started to fight back, but I feel that Li Zian will definitely have a back hand, this song should only be It’s an appetizer!"


In just ten minutes or so, Li Zian's Weibo likes over 10 million, comments over 1 million, and reposts over 5 million.

The top of the original Weibo search was instantly squeezed by Li Zian, and Li Zian's Weibo search was also accompanied by a red [burst] word.

Countless people poured into Weibo to join in the excitement, so that even Li Zi'an's homepage was about to be burst.

At the same time, the major music websites of the entire network, at the moment Li Zi'an published Weibo, they also launched Li Zi'an's "Songs on All Sides" at the same time.

Watch the whole network!

It's really a whole network of onlookers!



I will follow wherever I go

The secrets of the lives of these traders

This pressure is not needed


In the paparazzi the group where the original data was madly brushed, now the birds are silent, and the group is quiet as if it is a dead group.

a long time……

"Ah, dare to stand up!"

"This hatred is not common, Dai Tian, ​​Li Zian, go to war!"

"Too much, and dare to insult us so much, either you die or I die!"

"From now on, Li Zi'an will work in shifts to expose all his life to the camera!"

"The enemy of life and death, there is no room for relief!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"