Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 263: Talk about buying and selling

late at night.

Superstar Media.

Most of the entire company has been darkened, and only the office of the chairman at the deepest part of the company is still lit.


Qian Hui looked at the strong man like a giant Siberian bear in front of him. He swallowed saliva and stepped back subconsciously.

"You... what are you doing." Qian Hui shuddered a little: "You, Mr. Li, called me to come."

Pei Xiong looked at Qian Hui indifferently and said indifferently: "It is okay to go in, but you must search for it first."

"Search for someone? Why should you search for me?"

Qian Hui retorted somewhat.

"Do you buy or sell?"

Pei Xiong asked back, there was no slight emotion in his voice.


Qian Hui hesitated and finally discouraged.

Pei Xiong's eyes flashed a taunt, he stopped talking and came to Qian Hui to start searching.

Pei Xiong's body search is extremely careful and professional, from hair to shoes, wherever he can hide things, he has not missed anything.

In the end he found two recording pens from Qian Hui, one hidden in his shoes and one hidden in his crotch.

Looking at the two recorders in Pei Xiong's hand, Qian Hui looked helpless.

"Sure enough, the dog can't change to eat shit."

Pei Xiong casually threw two recording pens on the table next to him, with a sneering sneer in his mouth.


Qian Hui's face was green and red for a while, and he was insulted by Pei Xiong in person, but he dared not say anything.

One reason is that Pei Xiong's body is too horrible, and he dare not; another reason is that he is curious and emotional about Li Zi'an's so-called hundreds of thousands of transactions.

He is a paparazzi, and he is a senior paparazzi in the circle. He has been in the circle for more than ten years, but he has not made a name for himself. The main reason is that his courage is very small. Sometimes he is often missed because of fear of being beaten. Big chance.

Today, Li Zian and the paparazzi circle, he naturally knows, first Li Zian wrote songs and cursed paparazzi, then the paparazzi counterattacked the net to expose Li Zian's sister. Today, the confrontation between the two sides can be described by fierce words, the process is It is even more ups and downs.

As a person in the paparazzi circle, he was very clear about things on both sides. He thought he wanted to wait and see the development of things. As a result, he didn't expect that at night, he suddenly received a call from Li Zian unexpectedly and told him that there was a deal he wanted to do with him. And the remuneration of this sale is extremely rich.

Qian Hui was moved, so he quietly touched it according to the scheduled time.

However, due to his professional habits, he still brought two recording pens. He thought that if the trade failed, it would be good to record some of Li Zi'an's secrets. As a result, he was disarmed by Li Zi'an's bodyguards before entering.

"go in."

Seeing Qian Hui glaring in front of him, Pei Xiong didn't care at all, and turned to point at the door.

Qian Hui took a deep breath, snorted softly, and stepped through the door and walked in.

In the huge office, only a few spotlights are lit, most places are dark, and only a little light in front of Li Zi'an's desk.

Qian Hui walked forward slowly. I saw Li Zian sitting on the chair behind the desk, slowly peeling crayfish to eat. His face was not surprised. He couldn't see any mood swings from Li Zian's face.

Looking at the teenager in front of him, he was clearly more than twice as old as Li Zi'an, but he only felt that a majestic momentum was coming, which made him feel a little trembling, and he felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable. .

"It's worthy of being a ruthless person who dares to challenge the whole paparazzi circle..."

Qian Hui sat in front of Li Zi'an's desk and thought secretly.

As time passed, during this period, Li Zian said nothing, as if he hadn’t seen Qian Hui, so he peeled off the crayfish and ate it.

Qian Hui watching him...

I'm hungry!

"Li Dao?"

Qian Hui gestured softly.

However, in the face of Qian Hui's courage to greet him for a long time, Li Zi'an was still unheard of.

Qian Hui: "!!!"

Qian Li Niang!

Excessive Austria!

Whatever you eat, I will order takeaway!

Let's eat at each other!

Qian Hui growled.

But the growl returned to the growl, and Qian Hui was still sitting honestly on the chair.

In this way, after being left to air for about fifteen minutes, Li Zi'an finally stopped eating crayfish and took off the gloves in his hand.

He glanced at Qian Hui and pushed a document next to the lunch box to Qian Hui.

"Can these people's home address, identity information, and the identity information of the wives and children of these people be obtained?"

Li Zian said concisely.

Qian Hui was a little ignorant at first when he heard Li Zi'an.

Looking for someone's identity information, looking for me to dry wool, looking for the police!

However, when he opened the file Li Zian pushed to him, he was shocked on the spot.

This document lists the names one after another, some of them are names, and some are the names of Weibo accounts operated by this person.

These names may be strange to outsiders, but for Qian Hui, these names are almost familiar.

The nearly 30 names on the list are all paparazzi or paparazzi accounts in their circles, and it seems that they are all the main forces that have gathered hot news about Li Zi'an's mother and sister in recent times.

"Li...Li Dao, you...what are you doing?"

Qian Hui whispered, and a speculation came to his mind, and when this speculation appeared in his mind, he only felt a breath of coolness hit his head, and his hands and feet were instantly cold.

"Can you get this information?" Li Zian's eyes were as sharp as an eagle falcon: "You only need to answer if I am or not, understand?"

Facing the sharp eyes of Li Zi'an, Qian Hui only felt the pressure was several times in vain.


"I... I can get it."

Qian Hui replied subconsciously.

Li Zian smiled with satisfaction: "300,000, give me this information."

"Mr. Li, I can't do this business..."


"Mr. Li, this is not a matter of money. If I did, I would not be able to mix in this circle!"


"Mr. Li, I think it's always a good negotiation. If you really do this, then you really have to do it!"

"Six hundred thousand!"

Qian Hui breathed a little, and at this moment, there were two villains in his head fighting wildly.

"There is so much money. If you don't do business, there will be other people who do it. It's not just Qian Hui who knows these people's information." Li Zian leaned on the tall chair, his eyes full of contempt. : "Aren't your paparazzi always benefit first? Why did you suddenly speak of morality?"

Facing Li Zi'an's naked and unabashed humiliation, Qian Hui gritted his teeth without saying a word, and at the same time facing Li Zi'an's price, it made him a little unbearable.

"What's more, if someone else does it, I can hardly guarantee that your name will not be on this list." Li Zian leaned forward slightly and his voice was very light: "After all, my mother's condition during these days , Don’t you worry too much, don’t you?”

Qian Hui shook his body slightly, and there was a moment of great fear on his face.

If the first 600,000 are temptations, then Li Zi'an's statement is a naked threat.

Although he is not sure what the use of Li Zi'an's identity information and family information is, no matter what kind of guess, it is not something that a small person like him can bear.

"Mr. Li, I took over the sale, but please keep this matter confidential!"

Li Zian heard the words and nodded gently: "Yes."

With that said, Li Zian pulled out a bank card from his pocket and pushed it to Qian Hui: "After we get the detailed information, this card will score 500,000."


Facing Qian Hui's doubts, Li Zian raised an eyebrow gently.

Qian Hui quickly responded, and then kept silent.

Seeing Qian Hui's conscious reaction, Li Zian nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"Go, I will give you three days."

Li Zian sorted out the lunch box in front of him, and said softly to Qian Hui.

Qian Hui heard that he subconsciously made a said nod to Li Zian and said goodbye, then some left the office of Li Zian.

Retrieving his recording pen from Pei Xiong, he quickly left the China Trade Building.

Standing in front of the China World Trade Center, Qian Hui stared at the dark night, and his eyes were full of confusion.

For a long time, he looked at the documents in his left hand and the bank card in his right.

He suddenly laughed, but the smile was bitter and self-deprecating.

"Paparazzi, it's been a long time. Not only do people not treat you like people, they don't even treat themselves like people, hehe..."

Qian Hui took a deep breath and looked back at the towering China World Trade Center.

Suddenly there was a decision in his heart. After the matter was completely over, he decided to change his method.

Straighten the waist plate...

Be a real person!