Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 267: 0 husband referral

"Eh, is this man the daughter-in-law named Huang Yong's paparazzi?"

"It seems to be her. I read Weibo today. She and the paparazzi's daughter were studying in our elementary school!"

"Huh, I have to tell my girl to stay away from her daughter when I get home, but don't get involved in my daughter because of this."

"Her husband is actually a paparazzi, and it is the number one paparazzi who reported that Li Zi'an's mother was seriously ill. I saw his husband before, and he looked very good-faced. I didn't expect that his heart was so dark. The blood buns are not soft at all!"

"Husband like this, can his wife be well?"


Listening to the whispering whispers in her ears, Cheng Xueqiang endured countless strange eyes. She forced herself to calm down, but the hand under her sleeve was trembling.

A huge sense of humiliation came to mind.

Especially when someone talks about his daughter's head, Cheng Xue's heart feels as if it was hurt by a needle.

She wanted to hysterically shout at those who criticized her. Her daughter was innocent. She was just a child. Don’t involve adults.

But whenever she just had courage and thought of what her husband had done, all of her courage had vanished, and the whole person looked like a discouraged ball.

Her daughter is innocent. Isn’t Li Zian’s mother, family, and friends innocent?

Li Zi'an's mother is even in a vegetative state. His husband still hasn't let others go. Compared with his daughter, is Li Zi'an even worse?

How does her husband behave like this, how can she call herself innocent toward others?

Cheng Xue wanted to turn around and leave, but she had to stand here because she wanted to pick up her daughter.

Facing the criticism and guidance of everyone, there is no one person in a circle with a radius of about one meter with Cheng Xue as the center, and Cheng Xue is completely isolated by people.

Standing here, Cheng Xue never felt that time would be so long.

"Bell Bell Bell..."

When the crisp school bell sounded, Cheng Xue was relieved.

When she received her daughter, she picked up her daughter and turned and walked away, while covering her daughter's face with a mask.

"Mom, I haven't said goodbye to my classmates yet."

The daughter looked at the hurrying mother, she tilted her head and her voice was full of tenderness.

Cheng Xue heard her daughter's words, her nose was sour, and she held back the tears in her eyes.

However, at this moment, several reporters suddenly hung out in front of Cheng Xue.

"Are you Huang Cheng's wife Cheng Xue? What do you think about Li Zi'an making your information public?"

"Ms. Cheng Xue, your husband is a paparazzi, do you know?"

"Ms. Cheng Xue, your husband was the paparazzi who initially exposed the hype of Li Zi'an's mother. Did you know it?"


Several reporters took the microphone, followed by the cameraman carrying the camera, and they asked questions after seeing Cheng Xue.

Facing the inquiries of many reporters, Cheng Xue was just an ordinary person. Where she had seen such a battle, she couldn't help but look very alarmed.

"Sorry... Sorry, you admit the wrong person, I'm not Cheng Xue."

"Sorry, please let me, I don't know who Huang Yong is."

Cheng Xue took care of his daughter's face while avoiding the reporter's lens, and quickly walked towards the roadside. He got into a taxi in a panic.

"Madam, where are you going?"


"Madam, you have to tell me where to go first?"


Cheng Xue shouted with some collapse, and tears burst into his eyes.

Seeing the appearance of Cheng Xue, and then looking at the reporter next to the car, the taxi driver didn't ask any more, and stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the distance quickly.

"Mom, why are you crying, what do those uncles and aunts mean by paparazzi?"

The daughter held out her childish little hand to help Cheng Xue wipe her tears, and at the same time tilted her head and asked with some doubts.

Cheng Xue heard that she reached out to hold her daughter in her arms and burst into tears silently.

Go home.

Cheng Xue has controlled his emotions.

Looking at Huang Yong sitting on the sofa with his head smoking, the ashtray in front of him was filled with dense cigarette butts.

"I'm home……"

Huang Yong's voice is hoarse. His hair is like a honeycomb. The whole person seems to have emptied his soul.

Cheng Xue looked at Huang Yong, and his tears were flowing.

"I plan to take my daughter back to her home for a while."

"When are you coming back?"

"When will you allow our mother and daughter to walk on the street without being pointed by a thousand husbands, and when will we come back." Cheng Xue led her daughter slowly toward the house: "Or, we divorced and my daughter followed me."

Huang Yong's body shook slightly, and there was a touch of pain in his eyes.


Huang Yong grasped his hair with both hands, and the whole person snarled in a low voice.

Soon, Cheng Xue walked out of the bedroom, carrying the suitcase.

Looking at his wife and daughter, Huang Yong suddenly came to his daughter's body, half-kneeled on the ground, her right hand trembling slightly and stroking her head.

The man in his forties was crying.

"Fuck, it's Dad's mistake, the mistake that Dad made, Dad bears, Dad will never let him take it."

Holding her daughter, Huang Yong howled and cried.

Cheng Xue looked at this scene, she covered her mouth and cried silently.

But in the end, she still led her daughter and left the house.

What is wrong is wrong. All she can do is prevent her daughter from being implicated. This is the only thing she can do as a mother.


"let's break up."

Du Quan looked at his fiancé in front of him, his eyes full of disbelief.

"For... why?"

Zhu Kexin turned sideways, avoiding Du Quan's gaze.

"What is the reason, you really don't know? Why do you ask for it?"

Zhu Kexin said softly, her eyes were red.

Three years of feelings, she is also heart-cut at the moment.

"Just because I am a paparazzi?!"

Du Quan shouted with some collapse.

"It's because you lied to me!" Zhu Kexin turned around in vain, looking at Du Quan, who also had red eyes, and the tears in her eyes drowned: "You lied to me that you were a photographer in a big studio, you lied to me Saying you are an entertainment reporter, you have lied to me for three years, you have lied to my parents for three years, and you are even getting married, you are still cheating me!"

"If you tell me at first that you are a paparazzi who secretly photographs others' privacy, you are a paparazzi who eats people's blood buns, and you are a paparazzi who does nothing for money, we may not even start!"

Du Quan has never seen such a wishing heart. In his heart, his girlfriend has always been gentle and virtuous. He speaks softly, and there will always be a smile on his face. He has never seen such a hysterical. Best wishes.

At the same time, Zhu Kexin's words pierced his heart like a knife.

It hurts so much...

But he was powerless to refute.

"Why don't you dare to tell me that you are a paparazzi?"

"Because you know what kind of occupation this is, because you know the dirty and dirty of this occupation, because you understand that this occupation will shame you and make your family shame!"

"This profession is indeed profiteering, but behind this profiteering is the blood of others!"

Zhu Kexin shouted a little panting, and she was tired and dying.

"We are I hope you are well."

After Zhu Kexin finished speaking, she did not look at Du Quan anymore and turned around and walked away quickly.

Du Quan looked at Zhu Kexin's back, his red eyes, and could no longer restrain the tears in his eyes.

He collapsed to the floor and thumped the floor tiles with his right hand.

A home that is clearly within reach...

It was so ruined.


Similar scenes to Du Quan and Huang Yong have been staged all over the country.

Some fled the whole family, and looked like a dog who lost their family; some wives and children left, leaving only one person at home; some were pointed out by thousands of people, and they lost their faces in front of their friends and family; some were watched by countless passers-by. It's hard to avoid others' pointing...

When it was their turn to endure their usual methods, they knew how painful the people who had been hurt by them...