Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 274: First trailer

"Teacher Hua Jiong, hello."

Under the leadership of the staff, Li Zian and others quickly came to the recording floor of "Happy Camp" and saw the five hosts of "Happy Camp" in the host's lounge.

Hua Jiong, as one of the twin brothers of Star City TV, has a great reputation in the host circle in China and even the world. There are many friends in the circle. There are only five hosts in the world, and Hua Jiong is one of them. One.

Although the ranking of the first line is very low, but the first line is the first line, Hua Jiong is definitely the handful of people standing at the top of the global entertainment circle.

Hua Jiong was not tall and was over forty years old, but he didn't look old at all.

"Zi An, welcome to "Happy Camp" as a guest."

Facing Li Zi'an's greetings, Hua Jiong didn't have any international attitude. He came to Li Zi'an with a smiling face and shook hands with Li Zi'an.

Originally, Li Zi'an felt a little uneasy when he came, but when he felt the enthusiasm of Hua Jiong, Li Zi'an felt relieved suddenly.

Li Zi'an and Hua Jiong exchanged a few words, then Hua Jiong looked at Xu Yahui beside Li Zi'an.

"Yahui, I haven't seen you for years, hug it!"

Hua Jiong looked at Xu Yahui, and he stepped forward and hugged Xu Yahui.

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you in 4 years. The main reason is that it's not good to be mixed in these years, and I'm not too embarrassed to contact you." Xu Yahui said with a wry smile.

Hua Jiong said with a displeased expression on her face: "You are stubborn and stubborn, and you will not go to the drama recommended to you, nor will you come to the notices you find. I am really convinced of your stubborn donkey temper. Now."

Faced with a somewhat unpleasant tone of voice, Xu Yahui said with a smile: "I'm not afraid that the relationship between us has deteriorated. The drama you recommended to me, the notice you gave me, if I took it, then in the end It’s because you owe humanity. I can’t take advantage of myself and let you pay for it."

Xu Yahui and Hua Jiong, you said me one by one, and Li Zi'an standing beside them was a little confused.

"Brother Xu, you and Teacher Hua are..."

Seeing Li Zi'an's confused eyes, Xu Yahui and Hua Jiong smiled at each other.

"Li Dao, I forgot to tell you when this happened. Actually, Hua Jiong and I met as early as 20 years ago. The two of us were college classmates, and we had a drama together. Later, after graduating from college, Hua Jiong went I have been a moderator for Chuncheng for a while, and I also went to Chuncheng for development."

"It wasn't until Hua Jiong came to Star City TV as the host that I was separated from Hua Jiong, but we have been in contact for so many years. We are old classmates and old friends for many years."

Xu Yahui explained to Li Zian with a smile.

Li Zian heard the words, and then suddenly.

Hua Jiong, Li Zi'an, and Xu Yahui both smiled and greeted for a moment, then he began to introduce the other four people of "Happy Camp" to them.

They are two women and two men, two women are Shen Na and Cheng Xin, and two men are Mu Tao and Song Jiawei.

Of the four, only Shen Na ranked second, and the remaining three ranked third.

Under Hua Jiong's introduction, the crowd quickly greeted and hushed up.

Li Zi'an and Xu Yahui, one is the idol of the current entertainment industry's top traffic, genius singer, and genius director, and the other is an old classmate of Hua Jiong for many years. These two people are not light. Shen Na and others are very polite and Relief.

"Teacher Hua, the variety shows I used to participate in were singing competition variety shows. I haven't really participated in this type of variety show. Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

After the greeting, Li Zian asked about the business.

Hua Jiong said, he smiled and waved his hand: "In our show, you just relax as much as possible. We will have a lot of game sessions. You just have to actively participate in the game session, and then there will be some Q&A sessions, everyone Sitting and chatting together may ask you some questions that your fans are more interested in, but will not ask sensitive questions. You can rest assured."

"Every episode, our host has a Taiwanese version, you and Yahui can follow our rhythm, and then about your movie promotion, we will indirectly intersperse throughout the show."

After listening to Hua Jiong's narration, Li Zian nodded slightly and felt a little bit in his heart.

"Kiong Jiong, is this the show just for me and Li Dao? Is there anyone else?" Xu Yahui asked.

"There are four more people." Shen Jiong said with a smile: "But they are all special guests and will only appear in the late stage of the show. The main guests in this issue are the two of you."

Xu Yahui heard the words and nodded with a smile.

Li Zi'an and Xu Yahui stayed here for half an hour at Hua Jiong, then the two left the dressing room of Hua Jiong and others and came to the makeup room arranged by Xing Chengwei as the two of them.

Time rushed, and it quickly arrived at night.

At five o'clock in the evening, the recording of the latest issue of "Happy Camp" officially began.

In the spacious studio, accompanied by cheerful music, Hua Jiong, Shen Na, and Song Jiawei walked side by side from the LED screens separated from the back of the stage.

"Hello everyone!"

"We are a happy family!"

The tidy slogan sounded, and the audience immediately gave a warm applause.

"Nana, do you know which movie has the highest online expectation recently?"

Standing on the stage, Hua Jiong asked Shen Na with a smile.

"Which one?" Shen Na pretended to be a blank expression, and then suddenly showed a suspicious expression: "It will not be that... "Time Management Master"?"


The audience at the scene all knew what Shen Na was talking about, and couldn't help laughing.

"Sister Na, what the **** are you talking about!"

"Of course not that movie!"

"Nana, how much benefit does Time Management Master give you, you can't eat solitary food!"

Mu Tao, Song Jiawei and Cheng Xin laughed.


Shen Na laughed.

Just after the opening, the atmosphere at the scene was quickly heated up by Hua Jiong and Shen Na.

"Just make a joke." Shen Na finished laughing and continued: "You are blessed, the audience who came to our show today, because the movie's promo has never been officially released. Today is the first time this movie trailer Appearance."


"I look forward to it!"

Hearing Shen Na's words, the other several presenters echoed their words, all appropriately showing a curious expression.

"Come, please see the big screen!"

Hua Jiong looked at the audience with many curious expressions on the stage. He turned sideways and pointed his right finger at the big screen.

The studio gradually became dark.

"You police handle the case..."

"Is it based on evidence?"

"Still rely on storytelling?"

Li Zi'an slightly cynical voice, as the screen lights up, at the same time sounded in the studio.

I saw on the big screen, Li Zi'an, dressed in a straight suit, exuding an unbending atmosphere, his eyes cold, his eyes full of oppression staring at Xu Yahui in front of him.

Xu Yahui's eyes were calm and his eyes seemed peaceful, but he still concealed a sharp face.

This is a close-up shot. Li Zian and Xu Yahui stared at each other for five seconds.

But the five-second close-up shot made everyone feel impatient, but it made people feel full of stunning.

"Li Zi'an's play is so good."

Hua Jiong and others standing by the stage also saw the trailer for the first time, and Shen Na whispered to Hua Jiong beside her.

The layman looks at the bustle, and the layman looks at the doorway.

Just the beginning of a trailer is enough to show a lot.

"Yahui is the bone of an old drama for nearly two decades. Li Zian can meet Yahui in his eyes without falling off. Li Zi'an's drama may not be as good as usual." Hua Jiong whispered. .

"We police handle cases..."

"It depends on the evidence..."

"tell a story!"

Xu Yahui's low voice sounded, and then the rhythm of the trailer in vain began to increase rapidly.

Li Zi'an's violence and arrogance, Xu Yahui's justice and bravery.



Drag racing!

The scenes of stimulating blood flashed one after picture is absolutely wonderful, and every picture can evoke the infinite expectations in people's hearts.

The two-minute trailer is fleeting.

After watching the trailer, the audience at the scene seemed a little excited.

"Li Zi'an looks bad?"

"Yeah, is this the arrogant male **** I once thought? This image is simply shockingly reversed!"

"I, a person who has never felt for action movies, is now looking forward to this movie?!"

"Although Li Zi'an's performance is very bad, why is it so full of expectations!"


PS: You guys are going to talk a little bit to get me out of it. Your handsome author Jun is about to suffocate at home...