Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 285: Dinner at the mushroom house

When the evening sunset subsided, the sky and earth became silver-grey, and the milky white smoke and the gray evening mist blended together, like covering the wall, the ridge, the tree top, and the village-a thin layer of cellophane.

The mushroom house lit up at this time, and the air was filled with the freshness after rain and the fragrance of the garden.

Such a view can never be seen in a big city.

Li Zi'an, Gao Baisong, Xu Yahui and others were in the kitchen. While watching Tang Shi's skillful cooking, everyone could only fight next to him.

"Wow, I watched the show for three seasons, and this time I could finally eat the braised pig's trotters made by Mr. Tang, which seems to be too appetizing."

Sitting in front of the small crock, Li Zian took the fan from time to time, fanning the fire, sniffing the flesh that was constantly floating in the small crock, Li Zian said to Tang Shi with a smile.

Tang Shi was busy making sweet and sour pork ribs ordered by Li Zian in front of the cauldron. He smiled back and said, "Zi An, will you cook?"

"Can do."

"Don't tell me that you only cook noodles, haha..."

"No, Mr. Tang, I really can cook, and I can cook a lot, but most of them are relatively simple dishes. I will not be able to do more complicated dishes."

"Then you are good. Now young people rarely cook, that is, Chen Chen and Fenger. When they first came, let alone cooking, they would not wash vegetables."


Li Zi'an and Tang Shi chatted together, but the two were quite speculative.

Tang Shi is a teacher from the acting department of the Film School of Huaxia University of Arts. He has brought out many stars, and he is also a star, ranking in the middle of the second line.

One of them is a student from the Film School of Huaxia University of Arts, and the other is a teacher. Naturally, the two will have a slight sense of closeness.

"I can listen to Jiong Jiong this afternoon. He said that your acting skills are quite good. You played a villain rich second generation in your upcoming movie "Big People", and also played the essence of the villain." Tang Shi said with a smile.

Li Zian heard the words and smiled modestly: "Fortunately, it is okay."

"Your child is really powerful. I didn't know much about you before, but when you and Chenchen went to pick fruits this afternoon, Jiong Jiong and Bai Song gave me a science popularization about you, movies, TV series. , Drama, music, dance, art, performance, and many other fields, you can actually achieve something, which is really great."

Facing Tang Shi's praise, Li Zian smiled and said nothing.

"You're only 20 this year. I heard you have such a result in the afternoon, and I suddenly felt a little emotional. We are really old."

Tang Shi finally sighed with emotion.

At the same time, the sweet and sour pork ribs came out of the pan. Tang Shi packed the sweet and sour pork ribs into a white porcelain dish, and then sprinkled with a handful of cooked sesame seeds on top.

"Zi An, let's put the sweet and sour pork ribs on the table. This pig's trotter should be okay too. I'll take it over and let's start cooking."

At this time, the sky outside was completely dark.

Li Zian smiled and answered, picking up the sweet and sour pork ribs, and headed for the Dai flavor package outside.

"It's dinner!"

Everyone heard Li Zi'an's shouts and responded one after another, and soon everyone gathered here in Dai Weibao.

"Zi An, Bai Song is here today. Teacher Tang is very happy and wants to drink something white. Can you drink it?"

As Li Zi'an placed the plate on the dining table, Hua Jiong whispered in Li Zi'an's ear.

"No problem." Li Zi'an responded with a smile: "But Mr. Hua, I don't really have a lot of white. Please let me go by then!"

"Haha, just the right amount. Both your teacher Tang and your teacher Gao are massive masters, let alone you, even I can't drink them both." Hua Jiong responded with a smile.

"I can rest assured that."

Li Zi'an responded with a smile, and then sat down in accordance with the position assigned by Hua Jiong.

When watching the first three seasons of the show, Li Zian was full of curiosity about the white porcelain cup in this show because you never know what is in the white porcelain cup. Sometimes you think they drink tea, but in fact It's wine, you think it's wine, but sometimes it's milk, which is very mysterious.

"Teacher Hua, do you often drink wine?"

When Li Zi'an helped Hua Jiong to distribute tableware, he asked curiously.

"How is it possible?" Hua Jiong smiled and said: "How could it be often wine, we are not wine Mengzi."

"Actually, we rarely drink wine with the guests, and they are separate. Some guests are invited by the program team. Although we may know each other, we are not familiar with it. Everyone is sitting together to eat, then it is really for doing Program, but you are different."

After Huagong distributed the tableware, he also sat down and continued to whisper in the ear of Li Zi'an.

"Bai Song is Mr. Tang's old friend for many years, and Ya Hui is my old friend for many years. The friendship between us is even older than your age, so you are here, we are really very happy. Wine, I really want to have a good meal and chat with you."

Li Zian heard the words and slightly nodded to understand.

When the two were chatting, Tang Shi, Gao Baisong and others also came to the Dai flavor package.

Everyone was seated around the round table. Gao Baisong, Li Zian and Xu Yahui sat in the middle. Because Gao Baisong was next to Tang Shi, Xu Yahui was next to Hua Jiong, so that Li Zian became the middle of the middle, known as the C position.

Zuo Feng'er was sitting next to Hua Jiong, and Du Sichen was sitting next to Tang Shi.

"Braised pork trotters in yellow wine, sweet and sour pork ribs, abalone braised potatoes, lemongrass roast chicken, pineapple mango rice, honey roasted chicken wings, spicy fried snail, crock soup."

After everyone was done, Tang Shi reported the dish name to everyone according to the usual practice.

"Teacher Tang, hard work."

Hua Jiong said to Tang Shi with a smile.

After Hua Jiong finished speaking, Li Zian, Gao Baisong and others also followed Hua Jiong to Tang Shidao and worked hard.

"Haha, it's not hard work. I'm happy today. I have a few more dishes. Everyone eats Try not to waste it."

Tang Shi smiled and waved his hand.

"Waste is definitely impossible." Hua Jiong said with a smile, looking at Du Sichen: "Chen Chen, today you can open up to eat, don't eat a bowl of rice, let's eat three bowls today."


Everyone knows the terrier of the last season, everyone looked at Du Sichen's embarrassed look, everyone laughed.

"Come on, let's touch one, welcome Bai Song, Zi An and Ya Hui to come to the mushroom house as a guest. We often come in the future, our mushroom house opens the door at any time to welcome you!"

Tang Shi picked up the white porcelain cup and said with a smile.

Li Zi'an and others also picked up a white porcelain cup. All but the younger sister Zuo Feng'er drank white liquor.


Everyone happily touched a cup, and this sumptuous dinner was officially started...