Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 287: Handle with Time, Listen to the Years

"Oh, blame me."

"Make the atmosphere so sensational."

After clinking drinks, Li Zian smiled and broke the sad atmosphere just now.

"Haha, yes." Tang Shi responded with a smile, then patted Gao Baisong on the shoulder: "Lao Gao, shall we come to a song? Live the atmosphere?"

"Come on yourself, I haven't sang for years."

"Here’s a song. I haven’t sang for many years now. Isn’t that why I’m here today? We were famous talents at Huayi. How about regaining our youth years today?"

When Tang Shi was talking, he drew a guitar from the corner of Dai Weibao, and then skillfully put the guitar on his leg.

Gao Baisong heard this, and shook his head helplessly with a smile: "Which song to sing?"



After Tang Shi responded, his finger flicked the guitar in his hand.

Tang Shi and Gao Baisong have a tacit understanding, and they can understand each other's intentions with just one look.

Tang Shi is playing, Gao Baisong is singing.

Listening to the performance of the two, Hua Jiong, Xu Yahui and others flashed a flash of reminiscence in their eyes, and the corners of their lips did not consciously rise up.

"You know, Mr. Tang was very handsome when he was young. At that time, he had a guitar, and he didn't know how many girls fell in love with Acacia, and this "Distance" is a song written by Mr. Gao for Mr. Tang's lyrics. , This song could be said to be popular all over the country. You may not have heard it, but for me and Yahui, this is our youth, and teachers Tang and Gao are our memories of youth."

Listening to the song, Hua Jiong sighed with emotion to Li Zi'an, Zuo Feng'er and Du Sichen.

"Mr. Hua, was Mr. Tang in the eyes of your generation, was it like Zeng Ang in our generation's eyes?" Zuo Feng'er leaned his head and smiled toward Hua Jiong with a smile.

Hua Jiong heard the words and couldn't help but smile: "Your teacher Tang is very handsome and hot, but it seems to be a little bit worse than your son Ang."

"Ms. Hua, Ms. Tang and Zi An are a little bit different, how about comparing with me?" Du Sichen asked with a smile.

After hearing Du Sichen's words, Hua Jiong suddenly looked at Du Sichen with a strange look: "Compared with you... that should be much stronger..."


Looking at Du Sichen's instantly collapsed face, Zuo Feng'er suddenly giggled.

Li Zian leaned on the wooden pillar of Dai Weibao, his hands behind his head, looking at the harmonious scene in front of him, he always kept a faint smile on his face.

"What do you want?"

Xu Yahui noticed Li Zi'an's appearance. He leaned back and asked, smiling at Li Zi'an.

"I didn't think about anything." Li Zian shook his head gently: "I just saw Teacher Tang and Teacher Gao, as well as Brother Xu and Teacher Hua, this kind of friendship that spans half a lifetime, I feel very envious, and I can have three friends in my life. , Enough."

Hearing Li Zi'an's words, Xu Yahui smiled: "Yeah, at our age, we can still have a friend. It's really nice to have a friend who is nagging the youthful days of that year."

Xu Yahui also leaned on the wooden pillar, looking at the tacit understanding of Tang Shi and Gao Baisong, his face also showed a smile from the heart.

After the song, Li Zian and others gave warm applause to Tang Shi and Gao Baisong.

"Haha, both of us haven't sang for years, and ugly."

Gao Baisong smiled and waved his hand, but everyone can see that he is very happy. Obviously, this song gives him the beauty and feeling that others can't understand.

"The two of us were just throwing bricks and introducing jade. Next, let's ask Zi An to have a song. People are serious singers," Tang Shi suggested with a smile.

"Good idea!"

"Zi An Ge, let's have a song~"

"stand by!"

Tang Shi's proposal immediately aroused everyone's response.

Li Zian, who leaned on the wooden post, saw everyone so interested. He smiled and did not refrain from taking off. He took the acoustic guitar from Tang Shi quite readily.

"Zi An, what song is singing?"

"Improve a song."


Hearing Li Zi'an's words, Gao Baisong and Tang Shi and others were all bright.

They did not think that Li Zian was bragging, that Li Zian's talent was recognized by the entire circle.

"Improved improvisation, which is interesting." Gao Baisong asked curiously: "You should have a draft now, right? Do you want a name?"

"Think about it."

Li Zian smiled and answered.

"This song is called "Ordinary Day", I hope that all of us will be like today in the future."

"No need to get up early, stay up all night, live in a flower-filled courtyard, the gentle breeze warms the sun, friends are around, laughter winds around the beam, there are more sunny days than rainy days, the wind is light and cloudy, and the time is the same, listening to the years and saying Zen, ordinary and happy……"

(The original singing of "Ordinary Day": Mao is not easy)

After Li Zi'an's words fell, he gently shook the strings in his hands.

The sound of the piano is melodious, and the lightness is just like the smoke and mist at the entrance of the village at dusk, the tune is not slow.


Wake up at 7:30 every morning

The wind chimes sounded another day and the clouds were very light

The sun-baked clothes are very reassuring

Everything is soft and quiet


When Li Zi'an began to sing, everyone was still immersed in what Li Zi'an said just now.

Hold the cup with time and listen to the years to talk about Zen.

It sounds like people are full of infinite longing.

Li Zi'an's singing is just like the tune of this song. It is also not in a hurry. The sound is as clear as the clear spring stream in front of the village, and at the same time contains the warmth of the water to raise one party.

The scene was extremely quiet. Whether it was everyone in the Dai Wei bag or the staff in front of the Dai Wei bag, everyone listened very carefully to Li Zi'an's song.

Li Zi'an leaned on the wooden post in the back, crossed her legs, and had a drunken red face, but her eyes were very clear, she was immersed in the light, feeling the natural evening breeze, smelling the natural fragrance.

Maybe this is how drunk people get drunk...

The angle provoked by Li Zi'an's lips is even worse.


Every intersection flower blooms in the sun

A nice love song came in front of the shop

It won't take long to get to the destination

Everywhere is full of goodwill


Songs, insects, winds, barking...

These sounds seem to be perfectly integrated.

"This song..."

Gao Baisong uttered two words as if murmured. He wanted to describe the song in words, but his words were jammed.

Because he did not know what words to use in order to describe the mood and beauty of the song.

He looked at Li Zi'an, who seemed to be immersed in the music world, and the expression in his eyes was more intense.

"The name of a talented man is well deserved..."

Gao Baisong sighed in his heart.


This is the most ordinary day

Do you miss too

Go home slowly without chasing

Just wasting my life

Not concerned

Only the evening breeze fluttered on the cheek


Li Zian sang songs and talked about the piano.

Originally, the corners of his lips were raised, but singing, his eyes were moistened.

He missed his mother...

It was a small county town attached to Yangcheng.

There is no prosperity in big cities.

The county is very small, so small that every household in the whole county knows it.

He can sleep until the sun hits his face and wakes up naturally.

A mother at home made breakfast for him.

She was wearing an apron, her hair was pulled up, and her eyes were as gentle as water.

There are flowers blooming in the house, exuding a pleasant fragrance.

After having breakfast, he followed his mother out of the house and came to this little county.

The sun is just right and the air is fresh.

She took his little hand and walked in the lively market, buying him the fruits and vegetables he loved to eat and preparing for his evening dinner.

At dusk, the two returned home.

Sitting at that small square table, in the sunset, slowly eating dinner.

At night, she was washing the tableware in the kitchen.

He sat in the living room, practicing his guitar seriously.

Later, in front of the dim desk.

He wrote seriously last night, and she sat beside.

So quietly looked at the book, from time to time looked up at him.

Until late at night.


This is the perfect day

Do you want it too

Life can be less complicated


With tears blurred in his eyes, Li Zi'an remembered his childhood.

Once upon a time, he thought it was just the most ordinary day.

But at this time he realized that it was actually the most perfect day. It was a day he couldn't get even if he spent all his money.

Everything is so ordinary, but it is so beautiful.

Singing, Li Zi'an's singing could not help but bring a trace of consternation.

The people sitting around Li Zi'an are now all immersed in Li Zi'an's singing.

Drunk in Tang Shi's eyes, he leaned on the wooden pillar, but the smile on his face was more and more full; Huagong's eyes were a little red, but the corners of his lips were slightly picky, I don't know what he thought of the past; Zuo Feng Her hands are on the dining She looked at Li Zian with her eyebrows curved, and the smile on her face was sincere and sweet...

In Li Zi'an's singing, everyone found their own story and found an ordinary day of their own.

It's all that beautiful, so happy.


Just wasting my life

Not concerned

Only the evening breeze fluttered on the cheek


So old now


This song made everyone present drunk.

Maybe this is...

Ordinary happiness.