Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 288: VIP Card for Mushroom House

The evening wind blew quietly, softly as smoke.

A song, Yu Yin surrounds the beam.


Li Zian wiped the tears in her eyes quietly, then asked everyone with a smile.

"You are knowingly asking."

Tang Shi rested his hands on the wooden pillars. He looked at Li Zian and responded with a smile.

"Zi An, since your debut, I have listened to each of your songs." Gao Baisong patted Li Zi'an on the shoulder and smiled: "But this song is my favorite of all your songs. ."

"Yeah, the whole song is made up of very small things. When I first listened, I might not catch people's ears so much, but the more I listened, the more charm I felt. The more I listened, the more beautiful I felt."

Xu Yahui picked up the glass and gestured to Tang Shi and Gao Baisong. After taking a sip of the wine, he echoed.

"Zi An, your "ordinary day", the mood is too in line with our program, when will you release a single for this song, I think this song is the most suitable as the theme song of our show." Hua Jiong said Finished, shouted at Tang Shi and the director not far from them: "Teacher Tang and Zhang Dao, how do you feel?"

"If Zi'an is willing to authorize us, then I raise my hands in favor. After thinking about it, I stand in front of the kitchen while cooking, looking at the garden orchard outside, and listening to this song from Zi'an, it's so beautiful. !"

Tang Shi clapped and said with a smile.

"How much did I buy!"

After Tang Shigang finished speaking, the voice of the program director also passed from the camera, causing everyone to laugh.

"Teacher Tang and Teacher Hua, you like this song, you can use it directly. You don’t need money. This song is used as a gift for the mushroom house. I only hope that I will record it every season of "Longing for Life". When I can think of it, after all, Mr. Tang’s meal is really delicious, and in such an environment, it is really decompressed.” Li Zian said with a smile.

"That won't work. How can we use your song in vain?"

Tang Shi waved his hand and said that this would not work.

"Teacher Tang, I can't sell this song. If you want to cook and listen to the song later, let's not talk about money."

Li Zian said with a smile.

Hearing Li Zi'an's words, Tang Shi suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Zi An, then I thank you for the show. In the future, as long as I and Teacher Hua are still on the show, we promise to invite you to the mushroom house every season."

After a moment of contemplation, Tang Shi said seriously.

"I support Teacher Tang, as long as I am the director of this show in the future, you can come at any time every season, Zi An, we welcome with our hands raised!"

After Tang Shigang finished speaking, the voice of the director of the program group also passed.

"Haha, I didn't expect to use a song to change to the mushroom house VIP card. I think it's a good deal."

Li Zian said with a smile.

"Haha, Zi'an described it very well. Isn't this the VIP card!"

"Zi An Ge, I welcome you too~"

"So envious, so handsome, so talented, oooo..."

"Chen Chen, don't collapse the stable gas field. If it collapses, eat another bowl of rice and suppress it!"


Everyone said with a smile, the atmosphere soon became lively again.

"Zi An, my house is in Kyoto. If you are free in the future, you can come to my house at any time and say what you want to eat in advance." Tang Shi smiled.

"Mum, Tang, you are honestly recruiting." Gao Baisong patted Tang Shi lightly with a fan, and said with a smile: "Are you looking at your son, and want to get a moon near the water tower, pull the red line for your girl!" "

"Yo, is my performance so obvious? It seems that my recent acting has deteriorated a bit!"

Tang Shi pretended to be a surprised expression and said with a grin.

"Lao Gao, you have to understand that if I don't have a girl, if I have a girl, I want my daughter to marry a child like Ann."

Hua Jiong added with a smile.

A few middle-aged men talked to me one by one, but did not find that Li Zian, the protagonist, had a stiff smile.


Mu Mu, I didn't say anything!

I'm innocent, I didn't want to tease Miss Tang's girl!

Li Zian looked at the camera seriously, his face full of innocent expression.

Everyone was chatting with joy, and after Li Zi'an's "Ordinary Day", the atmosphere in the Dai taste bag seemed more harmonious and sincere.

Drink more and more.

But everyone is drinking more and more sober.

They don't like the taste of wine, they just like the slight feeling that wine can bring them.

I didn't know how long this meal was. From life to work, everyone talked a lot.

"Sister, study hard in the first year. If there is a chance in the future, we may cooperate."

Sitting on the swing, looking at the starry night sky belonging to the south of Caiyun, Li Zian smiled at Zuo Feng'er next to him.

"Zi An Ge, then we are right, I am waiting for you."

Zuo Feng'er looked at Li Zi'an and smiled with a curvy eyebrow.

"it is good……"

The swing was swaying slowly, and Li Zian leaned on the rope of the swing and responded softly.

Drunkenly, Li Zian just felt his eyelids began to sink.

Without continuing the swing, Li Zi'an walked down from the swing.

At this point, the wine bureau also came to an end.

Du Sichen had already drunk at the table. As for Tang Shi and others, they all drank almost the same.

"Let's go to bed."

"I believe tomorrow is..."

"Ordinary and beautiful day!"

Tang Shi waved and smiled.

Everyone responded with a smile, and then helped each other to walk towards the room.

Sleep well overnight.


The next morning, early in the morning.

Li Zian woke up very early.

It stands to reason that in the early morning after drunkenness, there will always be a headache, but this time Li Zi'an's head does not have any pain or uncomfortable feeling, but instead feels that his mental head is exceptionally vigorous.

At first Li Zi'an was a little strange, but soon he wanted to understand.

Let Hua Jiong and Tang Shi serve as wine for entertaining friends for many years. Naturally, it will not be an ordinary wine. I am afraid that they are all the old wines. Only after the old wines are finished, will people have Such a feeling.

Standing in front of the mushroom house, Li Zian looked into the distance.

In the East, a red glow connects between heaven and earth, and the sun rises slowly, as big as a disk, as duck egg yolk, not dazzling.

The air was filled with water vapor, and it looked like it had been raining at night.

The cool morning breeze blew through, carrying the moisture in the air, skipping the cheeks, making people feel more comfortable.

Standing at the door, he stretched a big lazy waist, and Li Zian took a long breath.

"Brother Ang, early."

Soon, behind Li Zi'an, Zuo Feng'er's voice came.

Li Zian glanced back at Zuo Feng'er and smiled: "It's only six o'clock. He got up so early."

"Fortunately, I drank one night's milk yesterday. I woke up several times last night. I just got up again just now. I couldn't sleep again when I lay down. I didn't expect you to get up so early.

Zuo Feng'er stood beside Li Zi'an. She looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance, with a smile on her face, and she stretched a big lazy waist.

"The environment here is really good."

"Yeah, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, if it is not here to follow the show crew, it is really difficult to imagine that there is such a pure land in the world."

"Perhaps this is Tao Yuanming's mouth of Taohuayuan, left and independent."

"It's really easy to decompress here. If I get stressed again in the future, I will find a place like this to hide and it should be able to decompress well."


The two chatted with each other.

Soon some people got up again, namely Hua Jiong and Tang Shi.

"Zi An, sister, get up so early."

When they saw Li Zi'an and Zuo Feng'er at the threshold, they both asked with some surprise.

"We didn't get up for long."

Zuo Feng'er said with a smile.

"Ms. Hua and Ms. Tang, my sister and I plan to go to the morning run. Do you want to be together?"

Li Zian asked with a smile.

"I won't go, I will make breakfast for you, let Teacher Hua follow you."

Tang Shi responded with a smile.

Hua Jiong stood in front of the threshold and looked out at the golden light of the clouds shone by the morning light. He also expressed his heartfelt emotion.

"Zi' You are really blessed. Our program team came here for three days, but these three days have rain every morning. Today is also the first time we see a sunny morning."

"It's really beautiful. You wait for me. I go back to the house to change clothes. I'll go with you."

Hua Jiong said, and some little excitement ran back to the bedroom to change clothes.

"Wait for you to run on that side, there is a rainbow on that side!"

Tang Shi stood in front of the kitchen window and he pointed in the direction of the distant mountains.

"Really, so beautiful!"

Zuo Feng'er said with some surprise.


Li Zi'an was also excited.

Soon, Hua Jiong changed his sportswear and walked out. The three walked out of the house and jogged towards the distance...