Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 289: Long Learning Path

Jogging on the mountain path in the village, the fresh air rushed forward, facing the breeze, in the distance is the verdant mountains surrounded by clouds, and in the vicinity is the song of birds and birds, the whole person seems to be completely in nature.

After running along the winding mountain path for some time, Li Zi'an, Zuo Feng'er and Hua Jiong stopped slowly, and turned from jogging to walking.

"It's really comfortable, I just feel refreshed now."

Standing on the mountainside, Hua Jiong looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance, and smiled with emotion while moving the waist and limbs.

"Yeah, the air here is really too fresh. This alone is beyond the reach of the city."

Li Zian echoed with a smile.

Zuo Feng'er squatted halfway down the road to pick flowers, and his original white and tender face glowed healthy and rosy.

The three stopped to rest for a while, and then began to walk down the mountain.

"Eh, there is a little sister, she seems to have fallen."

The three walked for about five minutes, and Zuo Feng'er suddenly raised his finger and said in front.

Hearing Zuo Feng'er's words, Hua Jiong and Li Zi'an looked in the direction of Zuo Feng'er's finger, and they both saw the girl Zuo Feng'er said.

"Come and see."

Seeing this, the three immediately trot all the way.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you?"

I saw on the side of the road, a little girl with pony tails was sitting on the side of the road, her small face was fleshy, her eyes were big, she was carrying a small schoolbag behind her, and the whole person looked almost six or seven years old. The left and right look.

Seeing the stranger in front of her, the little girl was a little timid, her eyes were a little scared, and she didn't speak with her head down.

Seeing the child acknowledging her life, Hua Jiong squatted down and said in a very light tone: "Little sister, are you a child in the village on the mountain? Brothers and sisters are in the program group of "Longing for Life", you should listen to Dad Mom said, brothers and sisters are not bad people, you see, there are cameras behind them."

"Yeah, what's wrong with you, my little sister? You accidentally slipped and fell. Where did you feel uncomfortable? You can talk to your sister." Zuo Feng'er followed with a soft voice.

The little girl looked at Hua Jiong, Zuo Feng'er and Li Zi'an in front of her, and then looked at the photographer who was carrying the camera behind the three people.

The main reason is that Li Zi'an, Hua Jiong and Zuo Feng'er all have super high face values, and they don't look like bad guys.

For mentally sound adults, face value is a decisive thing, let alone a child.


Good looks, the initial goodwill is high!

"I... I slipped accidentally just now, and my feet hurt a little bit..."

The little girl's voice is like a mosquito. If Li Zi'an and others didn't listen carefully, they might not be able to hear what the girl said.

"Little sister, can you show your feet to my sister?"

Li Zian said softly, and gestured to Zuo Feng'er beside him.

The little girl's eyes were big and round, and her eyes were clear like white paper. She looked at Zuo Feng'er and then nodded gently.

Zuo Feng'er smiled at the little girl, and then gently stroked her right hand on the little girl's feet.

"Little sister, does it hurt here?"

"No pain..."

"What about here?"

"No pain..."

"What about here?"

"It hurts a little."


Zuo Feng'er's movement is very light, and her voice is very gentle. She presses the little girl's feet barely.

After about a few minutes, Li Zian and the three of them had almost counted.

"It should be accidentally kicking the foot, not hurting the bone, not serious."

Hua Jiong analyzed and concluded.

Li Zi'an nodded: "Little sister, why are you alone? What are you going to do?"

"I...I go to school..."

The little girl whispered.

"Sister, don't go to school today. Brother and sister will carry you home, will you raise your feet and go to school?"

Li Zi'an suggested softly.

"No... no." Upon hearing Li Zi'an's words, the little girl immediately showed great resistance, and her voice became louder for the first time: "I'm not going home, I'm going to school."

"But, you hurt your foot."

Zuo Feng'er perplexed.

"I want to go to school!"

The little girl who has always been timid showed amazing determination in school.

Looking at those clear eyes, Li Zian saw the infinite desire for knowledge and the infinite yearning for the classroom in these eyes.

Li Zi'an was silent: "Little sister, then we will carry you to school, and then you will tell us your father and mother's name, we will return to the village to bring a letter to your father and mother, let them pick you up at night ,What do you think of this?"

When the little girl heard this, she hesitated and finally nodded.

"Come on, that brother took you to school."

Li Zian reached out and gently touched the little girl's head and said with a smile.

Soon, with the help of Hua Jiong and Zuo Feng'er, the little girl climbed on Li Zi'an's back.

Hua Jiong and Zuo Feng'er have no objections to Li Zi'an's suggestion of sending the little girl to school.

The three of them carried the little girl all the way down the mountain and chatted with the little girl.

After chatting, all three of Li Zi'an felt quite unpleasant.

The little girl's name is Ayuan. She is the oldest child in the family. There are two younger sisters and a younger brother under her.

Villages on the mountain only have Mongolian classrooms, and there are no elementary schools in the villages.

In this area, there is only one elementary school, and all school-age children in four villages are studying in this elementary school.

Ayuan is a second grader in elementary school. She wakes up at 5 o'clock every day. After breakfast, she leaves her home at 5:30. It takes nearly an hour and a half to walk from home to school. Then she leaves school at 4 o'clock in the evening. Walk back home from school for an hour and a half.

On this long school road, there are mountains, streams and muddy.

But whenever Li Zi'an and Ayuan mentioned the school, the little girl's face would always have a pure smile, and the clear eyes would always have a desire for knowledge.

"Aba and Ama said that only by studying hard can they get out of the village."

"I want to see the cities on TV. I want to see what planes and high-speed trains look like. I want to go to college!"

Listening to the childish but firm voice of the child, Li Zian and the three of them couldn't help but feel a little bit of sourness, and at the same time felt an inexplicable shock and movement in their hearts.

How simple is the little girl's wish!

For them who were born in the city from urination, the desire of the little girl is nothing more than daily life for them.

But for the younger daughter, it is the spiritual pillar that supports her to study hard.

Carrying the little girl, Li Zi'an, Hua Jiong and Zuo Feng'er experienced the hardship of the little girl's schooling.

It's hard to imagine that a child as young as seven years old walks such a long way to school every day, and is full of unknown risks along the way.

At seven o'clock, Li Zi'an and the three successfully sent the little girl to school.

Looking at the bright smile on the little girl's face and watching the little girl waving hard at them, Li Zi'an's faces could not help but smile.

This elementary school is sacred to the little girl, but for Li Zi'an and others, this elementary school is really too shabby.

Only two floors high, the walls are yellow, and some walls are even cracked. Many classrooms do not even have windows. The playground is only yellow sand. There is a basketball hoop, but the basketball hoop is crooked, and the basket is already long. tilt.

However, it is such a school that carries hundreds of dreams, carrying their dreams of going out of the mountains and changing their destiny!

Li Zi'an had only heard about the difficulty of children in the mountains going to school, but this was the first time he saw it intuitively.

Really sad.

"Let's go……"

Li Zian said softly.

Hua Jiong and Zuo Feng'er responded softly, and then the three began to return to the village on the top of the mountain.

" Although the country has been investing heavily in supporting basic education for so many years, our country has a vast territory and the overall situation, but it will inevitably be left behind sometimes. I want all children in the country to have In school, studying in a good learning environment has a long way to go."

Hua Jiong sighed.

"Perhaps, we can do our part to help them..."

Li Zian said softly.

"Yeah, since I saw it, there is no reason for me to sit back and watch. When I go back, I contact Teacher Tang, hoping to do our best to help these children."

Hua Jiong echoed.

"Teacher Hua, I have to do my best!"

Zuo Feng'er interjected.

Li Zi'an also echoed, but his attention was no longer in the outside world at this time, but he focused his attention on the system.

"System, are you there?"