Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 292: Visit of the President of the China-Am

Next, there are clips from Hua Jiong, Xu Yahui and others who want to compete for painting.

Facing the scramble from everyone, Li Zi'an finally chose to send the painting to the "Happy Base Camp" program group.

"Master Sun, I have made the ink painting you want now. Should you also fulfill your commitment and admit to everyone that your Dao painting is a plagiarism by copying ink painting?"

When many viewers saw this and saw Li Zi'an facing Sun Rong, many people stared at the TV screen.

Many fans were excited, and many audiences in the art world sighed with regret.

So far, Li Zi'an has proved everything with practical actions.

However, something shocking happened.


"You are not real ink painting, I don't admit that this is ink painting, my Dao painting has nothing to do with ink painting!"

"Your group of actors don't understand art at all, they don't do things differently, say goodbye!"

Sun Rong is gone...

In the attention of countless people, he went away.

At this time millions of audiences, even tens of millions of audiences, were all faceless.

Is this a master?

Is this the vice president of the China Art Association?

When Dangchong was dismantled and did not talk about tricks, how could he still act in the face of things promised in advance?

Many fans of Li Zi'an were smirked. Then they felt that their previous anger was really superfluous. Is this kind of person worthy of them?

At this time, many audiences in the art world saw Sun Rong, who was going to choose to be ridiculous, and all showed a trace of shame, and then he was angry.

This is to discredit them throughout the art world!

In front of the people of the whole country, plagiarism and splashing ink paintings boast about Taoist paintings, saying nothing about the promised things.

How does this make the people of the whole country think about the art world in the future?

Regarding the content on TV, many people have no intention to read it again.

Countless netizens poured into Weibo.

"The world is so big, there are all kinds of things. Sun Rong is so wonderful. Such a person can actually become the vice president of the China Art Association. Under the admiration, I thought that the China Art Association should be a very tall organization. Now it seems that I think I have to re-examine!"

"Li Zi'an is really too strong, that "Beast King Picture" is too shocking, how did he do it!"

"The wall crack is longing for Li Zian to make a real ink painting, so that our ancient techniques can really meet people!"

"Sun Rong, I must apologize!"


The network is boiling, and Li Zian's "Beast King Map" directly shocked countless netizens.

At the same time, many netizens with supernatural powers quickly posted Sun Rong's personal Weibo.

Many netizens ran to Sun Rong's Weibo and started scolding, and many netizens ran to the official blog of the China Art Association to speak.

"Sun Rong, anyway, you are also a generation of masters, don't you even have the courage to admit mistakes?"

"It's not shameful, but you can't play us as a monkey. Can your dad's Dao paintings be called paintings? Return Dao to nature, shit!"

"Teacher Sun, I have always respected your landscape paintings, but today you really let me down too much. We can work hard if our skills are not enough, but the character is not good. What good is the skill?"

"Huaxia Art Association, if you do not change Sun Rong, I will withdraw from the meeting, I am ashamed to be with this person!"

"Let Sun Rong serve as vice chairman again, this is an insult to all Chinese artists, and must be replaced!"


In an instant, the overwhelming scolding made Sun Rong a cross-street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

The official account of the Fine Arts Association, the following are all abusive, all voices of people from all walks of art, all asking to replace Sun Rong.

It was already over ten o'clock in the evening, but it was extremely lively on the Internet.

However, just then, another blockbuster hit on Weibo.

Hua Jiong sounded!

"Master Sun Rong, you owe us an apology!"

Only a short sentence, but the attitude is obvious.

Soon, not only Hua Jiong, but also Shen Na, Cheng Xin, Mu Tao, etc. also posted on Weibo one after another, showing their attitude.

Who is Hua Jiong?

International frontline host!

Over 100 million fans!

Friends in the circle spread all over the world!

The public occurrence of Hua Jiong caused the hot topic on Weibo to soar again, and rushed directly to the top of the hot search list.

"Sun Rong, apologize!"

"Sun Rong, apologize!"

"Sun Rong, apologize!"


Neat comments began to sweep the entire network.


The next day.


Just eight o'clock in the morning, Li Zi'an was woken up by a slightly quick knock on the door.

"I'm coming……"

Li Zi'an rubbed his messy hair and came to the door of the house in a sleepy manner, opening the door.

"Auntie, what's the matter..."

Hearing some complaints from Li Anluo, Han Qian ignored it, walked into the room, and pulled the curtains away, so that the bright sunshine suddenly flooded the entire room.

"President Liang Shi of the School of Fine Arts of your school is here, and he is waiting downstairs now. Following Dean Liang, there are several department heads of the Academy of Fine Arts." Han Qian quickly came to Li Zian: "Oh, By the way, Hou Chen, your class leader, also came."

Hearing what Han Qian said, Li Zi Anluo was a little dazed: "President Liang? Why are they here?"

"I don't know, it should be because of last night's things." Han Qian guessed: "Last night was so much trouble, Sun Rong was the vice president of the China Art Association, and Dean Liang Shi was the China Art Association. President, I guess he may have come to try to keep things down."

Hearing Han Qian's guess, Li Zian frowned, and then nodded slightly: "That aunt, please go and receive Dean Liang first. Let me wash and go down immediately."

"Don't worry, Dean Liang has Anya there. I'm here to tell you, and I will go on. You can hurry up and don't make people wait." Han Qian asked.

Li Zian answered.

Han Qian left, Li Zian went into the bathroom and rinsed briefly.

Then he changed to a decent outfit and took the room card out of the room.

Soon, Li Zian came to the hotel lobby.

I saw the rest place in the There are several white-haired old people sitting on the sofa, Han Qian, Anya and others are sitting with them.

Seeing these people, although Li Zi'an didn't know their intentions, Li Zi'an immediately put on a smiling face and greeted him.

"Principal Liang, why are you here?"

Li Zi'an stepped forward, holding Liang Shi's hands with both hands, and said very respectfully.

"Student Li Zi'an, our group of old guys are not invited, please don't be surprised."

Liang Shi got up and responded with a smile.

In addition to Liang Shi, several other elderly people also stood up, and all of them were all smiling.

Looking at this smiling face, Li Zi'an was slightly hairy.

Is it...

They didn’t come to Xingshi to ask for sin?