Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 296: Premiere (Part 1)

It's seven thirty in the evening.

The premiere of "Big People" officially began.

In the auditorium, the lights were bright, and in the applause of nearly a thousand people in the auditorium, dozens of film masters of "Big Character" walked to the center of the forefront of the cinema.

As a multi-tasker, Li Zi'an is naturally in the C position of everyone. On the left hand side of Li Zi'an is the movie protagonist Xu Yahui, and on the right hand side is the film's producer Han Qian.

On the left, from Xu Yahui, they are the main actors in the movie, and on the right, from Han Qian, they are the main creators of the movie.

"Kaka Kaka..."

The crowd had just stood still, and the reporters in the front row picked up the camera in their hands and started shooting wildly.

The fans who were above the theater were all very excited when they saw Li Zian and others appearing.

"Brother Zi'an is so handsome!"

"An An's popularity is really good. The premiere can actually invite so many celebrities, even the teacher Hua Jiong is invited!"

"The stars are bright, "Bigger" must explode at the box office!"

"I can finally see the full version of the movie, so look forward to it!"


The appearance of Li Zian and others caused a brief commotion on the scene, but the commotion soon subsided, the fans gradually became quiet, and the media reporters in the front row also understood the reason for the end. After taking enough photos, there was no more That crazy shooting.

After seeing the scene quiet, Li Zi'an picked up the microphone.

"Welcome all media friends, critics friends, fan friends and my star friends to come today to participate in the premiere of my new movie "Big People". This film has been prepared since the end of December last year, and the film has been officially released so far. It’s been almost eight months, and now..."

Li Zi'an's opening remarks were quite official. They first politely thanked a wave of invited guests, and then talked about the creative process of some movies.

Li Zian spoke for about ten minutes, followed by brief speeches by Xu Yahui, Han Qian and others, and finally a brief questioning session by front-row media reporters.

The whole process was basically carried out in anticipation of Li Zi'an and others. After all these links were over, the time was already 8:15 in the evening.

The lights at the scene gradually dimmed, and Li Zian and others, who were originally in the front, walked up the stairs with the dim light and came to the seats belonging to them.

The usual dragon logo appeared, and the movie "Big People" was officially screened.

Seeing the film's official screening, everyone at the scene came to have some spirits. The many critics in the front all took out the small books they carried professionally and stared at the big screen in front.

The celebrities and fans behind the film critics are much more casual, either holding a bucket of popcorn, or holding iced coke, ready to enjoy the next two hours [] Advance preview.


After the dragon logo, after the pre-screening logo of the superstar media, the screen switched to the positive film.

In the bustling streets, small business hawkers clamored for the fish market.

The beginning of the film was when the Criminal Police team cracked a major case of manufacturing and selling counterfeit currency. When Sun Dasheng, played by Xu Yahui, rushed out of the large truck, the fat boss who manufactured and sold counterfeit currency squinted for a long time, unable to speak.

There was a little laugh in the cinema.

This Interpol image looks a little different from the serious and serious Interpol image in previous film and television works.

It's a little funny, a little carefree, and a little grounded.

Next came Sun Dasheng's single war with the entire criminal gang that manufactures and sells counterfeit coins, poking eyes, kicking crotches, poking eyes again, and the fat boss was also portrayed in a particularly interesting way, which caused laughter in the theater forehead after burst.

The movie started with a vivid case, which quickly attracted many audiences.

Next, after the counterfeit case ended, the plot began to get on track.

Facing the trouble of the school district's housing, Sun Dasheng found friends, followed his friends to a luxurious club, and then saw Zhao Tai, the top young man in the city.

When Li An combed her neat hair, dressed in a sturdy suit vest, held a cigar in her left hand, and carried a red wine glass in her right hand, and appeared in front of everyone with her delicate beauty in her arms.

Seeing Li Zi'an's unbridled laughter, and watching him get a natural smile when he poked his cigarette **** with a cigarette **** and smiled.

The imagination of Jiang Chen, the proud man wearing a white shirt and riding a bicycle, once collapsed in the minds of many fans.


This is exactly two people!

"It's so handsome to wear, but it's a good smile!"

"The villain played by Brother Zi'an looks a little scared!"

"It would be nice if Brother Zi An could be so diligent in reality, so that I would have a chance to be scumbed by Brother Zi An!"

"Uh, Jimei, do you want to be slagged, or do you want to be pierced? If it is the latter, would you mind being together~"


Seeing Li Zi'an playing, many female fans were a little excited.

But these greedy Li Zi'an girls have been a little crooked when they talked about the topic. It really made women blush and men can't stand it.

The plot of the movie continues to advance. In this scene, Li Zi'an's arrogant, unscrupulous and lawless character is displayed by Li Zi'an, which is full of a little crazy and paranoid eyes, which makes many people feel quite shocked.

Many film critics in front of each other, after seeing this scene, have their eyes crossed, and they can all see the incredible in their eyes.

"Li Zi'an's acting skills...Awesome!"

"Is Li Zian a student of the director of the Huayi Film Academy or a student of the acting department? This level of acting seems to be difficult for students who have graduated from the Huayi Performance Department for two or three years!"

"This acting is too mature. Whether it's body language or eyes and facial details, it's all just right!"

"Li Zi'an is too strong in shaping Zhao Tai's role. Zhao Tai's character and Li Zi'an's character are simply two extremes. What is called Ju Ruo two, this is called Ju Ruo two!"


Almost all film critics are praising, even the most discriminating film critics, for Li Zian's interpretation of the play just now, can not pick out any faults, and still feel emotionally beautiful.

The film critics in front were feeling emotions, and many stars sitting behind the film critics were shocked by Li Zi'an's stunning performance.

Tang Shi and Hua Jiong sat next to each other.

"Kang Jiong, are Huayi's students so powerful now?" Tang Shi said dumbfounded: "If it's all like Zi'an, then I think I shouldn't be able to go back. I seem to be unable to teach them at this level. !"

Listening to Tang Shi's tone of suspicious life, Hua Jiong couldn't help but say: "Li Zi'an is just a special case. How could the entire school's students be like him. You have a calm mind and you should go back to teach and go back to teach."

Tang Shiwen said that this was a little reassuring: "You said to me some time ago how Zi An's acting skills are good. I still don't believe it. I didn't expect him to be able to compete with Yahui Biao. This The child is too good."

"Yeah, Yahui has been on the set for more than 20 years. Although his reputation is not very great, he can definitely be called the old drama bones in terms of acting skills. Zi Anneng and him The play is undefeated, enough to see his acting skills." Hua Jiong echoed with emotion.


On the other side, Jiang Lili, Luo Qiguang and Du Ze sat together.

"What I said at the beginning, our little Li Dao's acting skills are definitely not bad, now it is not true."

Jiang Lili said with a small smile, a small expression of "I was hit by me" appeared on his face.

Luo Qiguang heard the speech, slightly nodded and smiled bitterly: "Then I can't rely on me. Who would have thought that Director Li, who has such a high level of expertise in the field of directors, can still have such a high level in the field of performance, which is also my inertia what."

"You didn't find it, you just didn't want to believe it. I thought when we filmed "Perfect Stranger", Xiaoli guided us how many times we tried it, whether it's my main drama or Du Ze's comedy. Li Dao can perform with ease, and you should be able to see it then." Jiang Lili laughed.

"Hey, what are you talking about..."

Du Ze sighed, he really did not want to believe.

The main reason is that Li Zi’an’s professional level on the director is already very strong. If he is better than him in the performance field, it will be too shocking. Therefore, Du Ze and Luo Qiguang were quite a bit of a whisperer. Don't believe it, just don't want to believe it.


Located in the very center of row C, Zhou Guochuan and Hou Chen sat next to each other.

Looking at the works on the big screen in front of which both the shooting techniques and the editing techniques are quite mature, Zhou Guochuan's eyes showed a touch of satisfaction.

Although he has watched the movie once, he still feels very satisfied after watching it again.

Maybe Li Zi’an’s current level and the level of the international famous directors he has been in contact with for a long time still have a long way to go, but at such an age, Li Zi’an can produce such a commercial film with his own style and mature techniques. It's already amazing enough.

In Zhou Guochuan's eyes, Li Zi'an's level at this time can already stand at the peak of China's young directors under the age of 30.

However, Li Zi'an was only 20 years old at this time!

He is ten years old from the group of thirty!

But the professional level is almost the same, and even more so, how can it not make Zhou Guochuan happy.

Hou Chen, who was sitting beside Zhou Guochuan, looked at the smiling smile of the old dean, and he relaxed a little.

However, when he just relaxed, he heard a voice beside him.

"Xiaohou, did you say that the acting department of our college has been too comfortable recently? The big acting department, from freshmen to graduates, can't find anyone who can compete with acting director Li Zi'an. People, are you saying that?

Hou Chen heard that his body suddenly tightened, and his head began to ooze cold sweat.

this problem……

It's a proposition!

If he speaks right, then this answer is obviously not what Zhou Guochuan wanted, and if Zhou Guochuan is dissatisfied, if he wears small shoes, then he will probably have to leave the school with Li Zian next month, It's just that Li Zi'an went to and he went to Africa!

If he doesn’t speak the truth, then if his words reach the ears of the teachers and leaders in the performance department, he will still be able to escape the fate of the arrangement.

Hou Chen's brain turned fast, and soon he had a decision.

As long as you don’t go to Africa, you will be arranged!

"Not so ridiculous, so ridiculous!"

Hou Chen said immediately with a look of indignation.

Zhou Guochuan heard the words and looked at Hou Chendao with a look of admiration: "Look, let alone my dean can't see it, even your little mentor can't see it. When I go back, I'll let the whole The performance department has given me a plan. The next two semesters, the learning and training of the Academy’s performance department must raise two more steps!"

Hou Chen's face showed a smile like a cry...

End bird...

This offense can be offending!