Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 31: Star list

  Meet Li Zian and the host standing on the stage side by side, and the audience soon re-seat the chair.

   "Now have four judges comment!"

The four judges on the stage looked at each other, and then Feng Yueqiu and Zhang Junhao all made a gesture of gesture to Gao Baisong. They all knew that Gao Baisong highly appreciated Li Zi'an.

  Gao Baisong saw it, but it was also polite.

   "Zi An, is this song a Tibetan song?"


   "Do you still speak Tibetan?"

   "Slightly understand."

   Gao Baisong asked two questions one after another with interest, Li Zian smiled and answered one after another.

"You can compose songs in Tibetan. It's not as simple as understanding it." Gao Baisong smiled and said: "It's quite new to combine Tibetan culture with modern music, and it can be said that it is a pioneering development of Chinese national music. A brand new avenue is very useful for reference!"

  Li Zian heard the words and bowed slightly to express gratitude and show her humble attitude.

  Looking at Li Zian on the stage, the appreciation in Gao Baisong's eyes is undisguised, talented and not arrogant. Such a teenager, at the age of Gao Baisong, basically few people will dislike it.

"Composing, composing, arranging, singing, Tibetan, poetry, you will have too much, you will surprise our four judges and the audience on every show, you are a treasure. Ah!" Gao Baisong said with a smile.

  Zhang Junhao said when Gao Baisong's voice fell: "Isn't it a popular word on the Internet recently, called Treasure Boy, I think this word is very appropriate to describe Li Zi'an."

   Hearing Zhang Junhao's words, the other three judges on the scene all laughed and nodded frequently. Obviously, they applauded Zhang Junhao's appraisal. Even the audience from the audience raised applause in support of Zhang Junhao's statement.

   "Yes, using the word treasure boy to describe Li Zi'an is really apt!" Gao Baisong clapped and smiled.

  The four judges said one thing to me. They highly praised Li Zi'an, but rarely commented on Li Zi'an's performance.

  Because they simply can't evaluate...

  Li Zi'an sang in Tibetan!

   They don't even know what Li Zi'an sings, what do you think? !

   They are also very embarrassed. Forcibly commenting if they say something wrong, after the program is broadcast, the shame will be lost, and they will even have to go abroad.

   Therefore, they can only evaluate Li Zian himself. Finally, only Zhang Junhao commented on Li Zian's singing as a singer. After giving a high evaluation, he directly scored it.

  Finally, Li Zi’an scored 9.9 points, and scored 9.9 points for three consecutive periods, which made many young players feel a little bit worried.


   came down from the stage, Li Zian saw Li Zimu with a small face who was sullen, and he walked over with a smile.

   "Oh, what's wrong with Sister Mu, the oil bottle can be hung on her small mouth, who irritates you?" Li Zian asked, knowingly.

Li Zimu saw that Li Zi'an was cheap and she was a good girl. She stared at Li Zi'an, her face was bulging, her **** were fierce, she muttered: "I don't want to care about you, every time I am 0.1 points more than you, you are Intentionally!"

   "Isn't it!" Li Zian deliberately put his face up, and said seriously: "The first time it was obviously more than you by 0.2 points!"


Li Zi was anxious, so he kicked Li Zian’s calf, but the strength was very small. From the outside, it seemed to be a coquettish. This is the envy of those single dogs, and subconsciously began to touch the cocoon in his hand. .

   While the two were playing, Aunt Huaning suddenly appeared in the background.

   "Zi An?"


   heard Aunt Huaning's cry, Li Zian quickly whispered: "Sister Hua, I'm here!"

  Hua Ning looked back when he heard the sound. After seeing Li Zian, he hurriedly trot over, and the excitement on his face was difficult to suppress.

   "You are on the list!"

   "You are on the list!!"

  Hua Ning's face was a little ruddy due to excitement. After seeing Li Zian, she couldn't wait to make two more remarks.

   "I am on the list?" Li Zi'an was confused by Hua Ning, and he was a little confused: "What list am I on?"

   "Just now the China Art Association has released a new five-line star list, you are shortlisted and ranked 397th in the five-line star list!"

  Hua Ning's voice was slightly louder due to excitement. Many people around him heard Hua Ning's words, and everyone's eyes looked at Li Zi'an.

  Envy, exclamation, shock, jealousy, unbelievable and many other emotions, Li Zian became the focus of the background in the blink of an eye.

   And Li Zian as the party concerned, he was no less shocked than the rest.

  The star list is a unique product of this world.

   In the last world, the concept of star is very vague, as long as you are a little famous, maybe it is a star in the eyes of others.

   But the world is different. Only those who are officially certified can really be called stars!

The star list is an authoritative list jointly formulated by many official labor unions and departments of China and dozens of countries. The star is divided into six levels, namely super first-line superstar, first-line star, second-line star, third-line star, fourth-line star Stars and five-line stars.

   As for those who are not included in the five-line star list, they can only be called public figures or internet celebrities.

The setting of this star list is used by dozens of countries around the world. The second-tier stars below include second-tier stars, which are selected by each country. The two lists of first-tier stars and super-first-tier stars are all owned by the world. National joint selection.

   As long as it can be squeezed into the first-line star That is the level of world-class stars, identity and status will be completely different, and the future stage will also be infinitely broad.

   For the evaluation of stars, the country will conduct a full range of assessments.

  Because in this world, stars have the guiding role of the social vane and are the leader of the positive energy of the social trend, so the selection of stars is extremely strict and fair, and there will never be such things as unspoken rules.

   The return of celebrities with bad behaviors and ethical deeds similar to the previous life is impossible in this world, and there are artists who have no works that rely solely on hype and sell traffic. They can never be selected as a star list.

  Each star list has a number of restrictions, the number of five-tier star list is limited to 500 people, the fourth-tier 400 people, the third-tier 300 people, the second-tier 200 people, the first-tier 100 people, and the super-first-tier 20 people.

   The star list adopts the promotion and elimination system. If a second-tier star has not done a long time, then he will continue to fall until it falls out of the star list.

   The list of stars is extremely wide. It covers people from all walks of life. For China's 2 billion people, there are only more than a thousand places. It really can only be said to be a drop in the ocean.

   Don't look at Li Zi'an just squeezed into the five-tier star list, it seems to be the lowest level list, but it can be said that from this moment on, his identity and the identity of the rest of the players have been very different from now on.

   And after being on the star list, he is truly in the entertainment industry. First of all, from the perspective of his income, there will be a substantial increase, and there are many other potential benefits.

   That's why everyone was so shocked when he heard that he was on the top five star list...