Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 32: Price increase


   "In just half a month, he broke into the star list. There is no limit to the future!"

   "When I first saw Zi An, I thought he was a star seedling. Sure enough, let me say it!"


  After everyone was shocked for a while, many staff members gathered up and sent their congratulations to Li Zi'an.

   And those young players who are still in consternation, seem to be squeezed like autumn leaves.

   Faced with the ardent enthusiasm of everyone, Li Zian could not bear it. After thanking him, he left Li Zimu and Hua Ning backstage.


   "Are they all so realistic?"

After    came out, Li Anan took a long breath, and then felt a little emotional.

   Huaning smiled and did not comment. She saw Li Zimu next to Li Zian and suddenly patted her head: "Eh, it seems that Zi Mu also broke into the five-tier star list, it seems that it is!"


   Li Zimu, who was originally pretty, was a bit lonely. When she heard Huaning's words, her face suddenly regained its luster.

Li Zian can break into the star list, she is also very happy and excited, she is not jealous, but she is a little unwilling in her heart. After all, she has been targeting Li Zian during this time, and now she is suddenly left behind by the other party. , The heart is naturally discouraged.

But when she heard Huaning's words, her mood suddenly improved again. In fact, she didn't care if she didn't make it to the list. It was entirely because Li Zian was on the list that she wanted to be on the list, and now both of them are on the list. This shows that the gap between the two is not that big.

  Hua Ning's talking skills, took out his mobile phone, clicked on the latest five-star list released by the China Art Association, and looked up from the bottom up, and quickly found Li Zimu's ranking.

   No. 459 of the five-line star list-Li Zimu!

   "Num, 459th, it's amazing!" Hua Ning handed the phone to Li Zimu and said with a smile.

Li Zimu took the phone and looked at her profile picture on the 459th star list. She suddenly smiled into two crescent moons, but she flipped up and looked at Li Zi'an ranked 397th. , Slightly murmured.

   "I haven't won him..."

  Li Zimu's voice is small, but the corridor is so empty. Both Li Zi'an and Hua Ning can hear Li Zimu's small murmur clearly.

  Li Zi'an smiled and said: "Sister Mu, admit your fate, you are destined to be crushed by me and can't turn over!"

Just after this sentence was spoken by Li Zi'an, Li Zi Mu froze, and his face was suddenly covered with Hongxia, even the crystal-clear ears were covered with blush, and Aunt Huaning's complexion also became Some weird, eyes linger between Li Zimu and Li Zi'an.

  After seeing the two people look like this, Li Zi'an had a recollection.

   Just then...

   What a ambiguity!

   "Cough..." Li Zian was a little embarrassed, and felt that it was necessary to reinterpret what he meant: "No... I mean..."


  Li Zimu blushed and glared at Li Zi'an. After dropping two familiar words, he hurried forward.

  Looking from behind, Li Zimu's neck was filled with a touch of pink.

   "You are all celebrities now, can you speak through the brain, people can still be Huanghua big girl." Hua Ning said a little angrily.

  Li Zian scratched his head: "Mistakes, Mistakes..."

   "Aren't you going to explain?"

   "Forget it, we often do this..."

Hua Ning:"???"


   This way? !

   Facing Hua Ning's increasingly weird eyes, Li Zi'an felt that he had only two mouths and could not explain it.

   "Oh, Sister Hua, I'll go back to the hotel first. Please help me look at the theme of the next episode. Call me if you have anything!"

  Throwing the next sentence, Li Zi'an also hurried away.

  Looking at Li Zi'an's fleeing appearance, Hua Ning smiled and shook his head. He didn't follow him anymore, and turned back.


  Back to the hotel room, Li Zian first went into the bathroom to remove her face makeup, then took off her clothes and took a shower, the clothes were also stuffed into the washing machine.

  The stage was illuminated by thousands of lights, and the stage temperature was extremely high. Li Zi'an was already soaked behind her.

  After coming out of the bathroom, Li Zian sat on the bed, picked up the phone, and saw that there were two unread messages from Li Zimu Feixun.

  Li Zimu: Rogue!

(ten minutes later)

  Li Zimu: Actually ignore me! (Exciting expression)

  Li Zian: I was in the bath just now, it was my mistake, I apologize!

  Li Zimu: No sincerity~ (Ao Jiao expression)

  Li Zian: Then you say, what is sincerity......

  Li Zimu: Well... Then you take a day out to play with me in a few days!

  Li Zi'an:? ? ?

  Li Zimu: Why? unwilling? (Exciting expression)

  Li Zian: Is this a punishment? Obviously it is a reward. How many people should be with me to go out with a big beauty like my sister Mu! (Surprised expression)

  On the upper floors of Li Zi'an, in a certain room, Li Zimu was wearing a light pink cartoon pajamas, leaning on the bedside and holding her mobile phone, with a sweet smile on her face that she didn't even notice.

  Li Zimu: Well, don’t want to use good words to disintegrate me, can’t you agree?

  Li Zian: Do I have another choice?

  Li Zimu: No!

  Li Zi'an: Well, you can choose the time at random. Is this sincere?

  Li Zimu: Well, forgive you!

   Li Zian, who was in the room, followed Li Zimu and chatted to the sky with flying news. Both of them responded extremely fast, basically in the state of second return.

   The two of them chatted from dusk until it was dark and then stopped. Just after chatting, Li Zian just wanted to put down his his phone rang.

   I saw a pop-up message: [Your account income on October 06 (Guofeng Youth Phase III) Chinese yuan 50000.00 yuan]-[China Merchants Bank]

Seeing this news, Li Zian's eyes suddenly widened a little.

   "Lying trough!"

   "Five thousand?!"

  Li Zi'an was a little ignorant. Wasn't it originally 25,000 per issue? How did you double it all at once?

  Li Zian sat up straight from the bed. After thinking about it, he made a call to the director of the show, Lu Leshan, and the call was quickly connected.

   "Lu Dao."

   "Zi An, what is it?"

  Lv Leshan's voice came from the other end of the phone, and his attitude was very gentle.

   "Lu Dao, this is the case. I just received money from our CCTV. How did the third installment give me 50,000?" Li Zian asked.

Lu Leshan heard Li Zi'an calling for this matter and couldn't help but laugh: "It's normal, your current popularity is your price, and the price is still estimated by the finance a few days ago, if it is a few days before you Breaking into the five-tier star list, this price must be mentioned again!"

"The contracts signed by you players were flexible in terms of fees. At present, you and Li Zimu can do the price increase. The rest of the players can maintain the original price, and the prices of more players are lowered. Now."

   Li Zian and Lu Leshan chatted for about ten minutes, and then ended the call.

   There is nothing wrong with this money, and in the future, his appearance fee will continue to rise, which makes Li Zian very excited.

   After all, money is life!

   Being a star is really the right way!

  Make money really fast!
