Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 321: Who is more qualified

Outside the exhibition venue of Li Zi'an's solo exhibition, a group of media reporters staring at the exhibition venue but unable to enter, sat on the road in twos and threes, looking at the entrance of the exhibition venue with their eyes full.

   A few hours later, basically all those who could enter the exhibition hall went in. As for the ones outside, basically except the journalists, I am afraid that they are also the few sweeping grandpas wearing art school uniforms.

"I'm wondering, is Li Zi'an's painting exhibition so beautiful? So many people have been in for hours, but it's not a single one!" A man holding a SLR camera in his arms, with a cigarette in his mouth A middle-aged media reporter, he was puzzled: "Or does Li Zi'an's solo exhibition have a door that we don't know, can people get away?"

The middle-aged media reporter is named Zhao Hao, and a young media player named Wang Hu is sitting next to him. The newcomer to their company can follow Zhao Hao to the Huayi Academy of Fine Arts to track the big news of Li Zi'an's solo exhibition. What is going on, Zhao Hao's heart is clear.

   Nothing more, rely on a good dad!

   Wang Hu was sitting next to Zhao Hao. During this time, he kept looking down at the photos he had just taken for Li Zi'an's "Four Gods and Beasts". His face was full of joy.

   Hearing Zhao Hao’s voicing now, he subconsciously said: “It may be that Li Zi’an’s exhibition is of high quality, so that the painters in the art world are very happy to leave.”

"Hey, they are happy to see it, blowing air conditioners and looking at the pictures in it, and they are dying leisurely. We are going to be exposed to the sun in the big sun." Zhao Hao sighed: "Come out personally, after the interview Then quickly withdrew, and almost here for a long time.

At the end of Zhao Haogang's emotions, Wang Hu whispered: "Brother Zhao, your prayer seems to be fulfilled, but it's just a little out of the way. There are no people in the exhibition hall, but there are more than a dozen people... …"


   Hearing Wang Hu's words, Zhao Hao suddenly raised his head and quickly saw the group of people that Wang Hu said.

"That is……"

   "Gao Fu?"

   Looking at the three old men in front of the crowd, Zhao Hao first recognized Gao Fu.

  As a senior media reporter, Zhao Hao has a very good professional quality. Before every visit, he will read some materials related to this interview.

Although he came to interview Li Zi'an's solo exhibition today, he knew very well that the fundamental reason why Li Zian's solo exhibition attracted the attention of many netizens was that Li Zi'an was about to become vice president of the China Art Association. Therefore, this interview is essentially inseparable from the China Art Association.

Before he came, Zhao Hao carefully reviewed the relevant materials of the China Art Association. He was deeply impressed by the material of the Gao Fu, because in many materials and news, he said that he is a master in the field of Chinese landscape painting. Many years ago, his voice for taking over Sun Rong was high.

  However, now that Sun Rong abdicates, it is not Gao Fu who took office, but Li Zi'an, who is only 20 years old.

  Now Li Zi'an is holding a personal art exhibition. Gao Fu didn't come sooner or later, but he chose this improper and unreasonable time to come. He also brought years of old friends and apprentices. Such actions made Zhao Hao want to think about it one after another.

   "Go around, it seems that there is big news!"

When Wang Hu was still unknown, Zhao Hao stood up from the road. He patted Wang Hu in a hurry. After throwing the next sentence, he hurried towards Gao Fu and others. past.

  Wang Hu stayed in place with a sullen face, but although he didn't know the reason, he quickly got up and chased toward Zhao Hao.

   "Hi Director Gao, Director Bao and Director Zheng, how are you? I am Zhao Hao, a correspondent from Tiantian Daily, can I interview you a few questions?"

   Zhao Hao rushed to Gao Fu and others, and he introduced himself quite quickly. He walked backward while Gao Fu and others walked.

Gao Fu and others looked at the reporter who suddenly rushed out. They frowned slightly, but they hadn’t waited for them to say something. Zhao Hao, who had been in the business for many years, had already started talking before they refused. Asked.

   "Director Gao, it is well known that in the past few years, you were the most famous landscape artist in the China Art Association, who was most likely to take over Sun Rong's position, but now Li Zi'an has taken over Sun Rong's position, how do you feel at this time?"

   Zhao Hao straightened Huang Long, but he didn't have any foreplay.

   Hearing Zhao Hao asked such a sharp question, Gao Fu looked a little unsightly.

   "I have no feelings."

   Gao Fu looked a little cold. Although he was a famous Chinese painting master, he was really not good at dealing with the media, so he only left this sentence in the end and wanted to play Zhao Hao.

   But Gao Fu underestimated the difficulty of matchmaking and their cheekiness.

I saw that Zhao Hao, who was sullied, didn't change his face. He continued: "So, Director Gao, you are here just to visit Li Zi'an's solo exhibition? Are you here to congratulate Li Zi'an? Is it?"

   Gao Fu and others heard that his face became more ugly.

   "So, Director Gao, do you think Li Zi'an is deserved to be elected vice president of the China Art Association? Director Gao, do you think you are really inferior to Li Zi'an, so did you give up the competition?"

   Zhao Hao asked again, one by one, it can be said that one by one is sharper than one.

  The difficulty of memorizing the media, Gao Fu et al. had knowledge this time.

   In this respect, the media and paparazzi are somewhat similar.

It’s just that there is a bottom line to the difficulty of matchmaking. They will be entangled under certain rules that everyone abides by. But paparazzi is not. The paparazzi have no bottom line and principles. They can be scrupulous and unscrupulous. These are the two. Difference.

   If Li Zi'an is to cope with the difficulty of matchmaking, he is basically handy now, but for Gao Fu and others, it is very difficult.

   Facing Zhao Hao's "aggressiveness", Gao Fu, Bao Haisong, and Zheng Enhong looked ugly, but after all, where were their ages?

But the apprentices behind them, without their fortress and deepness, heard Zhao Hao being so aggressive, someone immediately couldn't hold back and said: "You fart, my master has been immersed in the landscape of Chinese painting for decades. Is it Li Zi An Neng? For comparison, today we are going to compare with Li Zi'an, and let many of the famous experts present today take a look. Who is better than my Master and Li Zi'an, and who can qualify as the vice president of the China Art Association!"

   said, the man also raised a long picture frame wrapped in white cloth in his hand.

"To shut up!"

   Hearing the words of his apprentice, Gao Fu looked stern, and he turned his head to yell at the apprentice who had just spoken.

   looked at Zhao Hao who quietly retreated with a smile on his face.

   is on!

   It turned out that the reporter's goal was never the three of them, but the young apprentices behind them!

   This is using the militant method!

Now he can guess without thinking. I am afraid that after ten minutes or even a few minutes, he brought his works, old friends and apprentices to Li Zian's solo exhibition in order to compete with Li Zian and compete for Chinese art. The news of the vice president of the association will spread throughout the network.

  Originally he only wanted to solve this matter internally. Whether it succeeded or not, it was an internal matter in the art world. As a result, this matter now seems to be overwhelming and will soon be known to the world.

   But this is the end. He really has no turning back now. There is really no other way but to go to black.

During the whole process, it seems that Zhao Hao, Gao Fu and others have spoken a lot, but in reality it is just a momentary effort. When many reporters later realized that there was big news, Gao Fu and others had already accelerated The pace rushed into the exhibition venue.

   "Lao Zhao, your kid eats solitary food, no justice!"

   "Brother Zhao, do you have any big news to share with your sister~"

   "Lao Zhao, what news did you get, and looked at you for pleasure, I don't know if you thought your daughter-in-law gave you a son!"


   Listening to the shouting of his surrounding colleagues, Zhao Hao disagreed and ordered Wang Hu to deal with it, and then he immediately called the leader and reported the exclusive news he had just received.

Facing the leader's praise and promise of benefits, Zhao Hao smiled with flowers on his face. At this time, he didn't feel that the sun outside was drying, but instead felt that the sun was so brilliant and the flowers were so beautiful. Even the single dogs not far away felt inexplicably cute.

   "Don't shout, you will know when you look at the news later."

   looked at Wang Hu, who was not far away from the big man, Zhao Hao laughed and shouted.

   Everyone heard that they knew that they wanted to get something out of Zhao Hao's side. They couldn't help but sighed all of them, and then went back to their homes, oh, no, they sat down on their roads.

   Ten minutes later, as Zhao Hao said, his exclusive news began to be published on the Internet.

  #Chinese painting and landscape master Gao Fu refused to accept Li Zian as an office, and brought his old friends and his works to ask for advice! ##

  #The post of Vice President of China Art What will happen? ##

  #Shocked, at Li Zi'an's solo exhibition, the old man wanted to do such a thing! ##


  Various posts full of gimmicks were sprinkled on the Internet like a fishing net by the editorial department of Tiantian Daily.

   And quickly attracted the attention and hot discussion of the majority of netizens.

   "Gao Fu, a famous domestic landscape artist, is a famous painter who can compete with Sun Rong's wrists in earlier years. His creative power has not been reduced in recent years, and he is regarded as the top painting landscape in the current painting world!"

   "Sure enough, it is difficult for Li Zi'an to become the president of the China Art Association smoothly. I just checked the information of Gao Fu. This person is really a real master of mountains and waters, and there is no water!"

   "We believe that brother Zi'an, fair competition is very reasonable, those who are capable, those who can't, we are right and wrong, no matter whether Gao Fucheng is successful or not, Anfan will treat this matter reasonably!"

   "It's all based on the work, I hope that after the test, both parties can publish the work, this is the most frank!"


   There was a lot of hustle and bustle on the Internet. At this time, many reporters outside the exhibition venue also knew the general situation. When they saw such controversial news, they missed it in front of their eyes, and many people were almost regretful.

   However, they did not complain for a long time, because soon they all received calls from their respective leaders, and without exception, they were all sprayed with dog blood sprinklers.

   As the only two to survive Zhao Hao and Wang Hu, the smile on Zhao Hao's face has not disappeared since just now.

   "The opportunity will always be reserved for those who are prepared..."