Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 342: Who snatched my actor? !


  After leaving Harry Tweedy's lounge, Li Zian took a breath.

  Not only Li Zi'an, Anya and Wang Chen also relaxed.

   "There is too much pressure in front of Harry Tweedy." Anya whispered in a low voice, and then she was slightly worried: "Boss, do you say that Harry Tweedy might work with us?"

Li Zian heard the words, he looked at the direction behind him, pondered, shook his head, and sighed: "This is not easy to say, I have said everything I should have said, I have done everything I can do, and finally this thing Whether it will succeed, it depends on whether we are European or European."

   "Everything has gone smoothly today. If it is not successful, it can only be said that there is no fate."

  Anya also echoed the emotion.

   quickly walked along the promenade, and soon returned to the interior of the auditorium.

   "Brother, how is it going?"

   "Boss, did Harry Tweedy agree?"

   "Ango, what's the matter?"

  Li Zian just returned to his seat, He Yilun and others asked one after another.

   "The progress is quite smooth, but will Harry Tiwidi agree, it is not easy to say, wait for the news."

  Li Zi'an just returned, and bursts of cheers burst out at the scene, only to see Harry Tiwidi returned to the stage.

   Looking at Harry Tiwidi on the stage, maybe he felt Li Zi'an's gaze, or maybe he noticed Li Zi'an. Harry Tiwidi smiled at Li Zi'an and nodded.

   For Harry Tweedy's gesture, Li Zi froze, and then he smiled and responded to Harry Tweedy.

   The whole lecture, a total of two hours.

  After the lecture, Harry Tweedy directly left the Bollywood Film Academy, and Li Zi'an and others temporarily put down Harry Tweedy's affairs and continued to prepare for the movie.


   Late at night.

   walked three announcements in a row, Harry Tiwidi, sitting in a business car back to the hotel, his face slightly tired.

   Leaning on the comfortable seat of the aviation chair, Harry Tweedy kept closing his eyes to refresh himself.

   Suddenly, Harry Tiwidi seemed to think of something. He opened his eyes, reached for his shoulder bag, and pulled out a script from it.

   This script is exactly the script that Li Zi'an finally put him on the table in the morning.

  Since the Bollywood Film Academy left, he has been busy announcing commercials. He has never had time to read this script, and now he can take a look at it in his free time.

   Harry Tiwidi picked up the script and began to read it.

   After only two pages, Harry Tweedy's face showed a serious look, and there was a little surprise in his eyes.

   First of all, the content of the script is really very high quality, and secondly, the whole script is very professional.

   What level of professionalism?

   Harry Tividi has made dozens of movies in his life, but on the fineness of the script, Li Zi'an's script is enough to rank in the top three.

  Thinking about the creator of this script, Harry Tweedy couldn't help but the appearance of Li Zi'an's young and handsome appearance, which made him quite emotional.

  Mumbai's traffic, congestion is the norm.

   Harry Tiwidi was sitting in the car, blowing air-conditioning while watching the script.

  With his current vision and experience, ordinary scripts have long been out of sight for him, but Li Zi'an's script made him fascinated.

   article after article, until the car arrived at the hotel, he got off the car and then back to the room, he did not leave the script.

   nearly an hour before and after, he carefully read the script.

  Closing the script and putting it away, Harry Tweedy breathed a sigh of relief.

   He habitually closed his eyes and began to outline the father's role in the script in his mind. With rich experience, he quickly outlined a vivid father's role in his mind.

   This is a character he has never tried!

  He has played many roles in his life, but most of those roles are images of young people or middle-aged people.

   or a ruthless killer, or an ordinary ordinary person, or a young college student, or an ancient prince...

   However, he had never played the role of father, and he had never tried the role of an elderly person!

  He is 52 years old this year, but the roles he usually plays are usually around 30 years old, and often perform across ages.

  As he ages, Harry Tiwidi has begun to feel strenuous. In fact, he has long ago wanted to play a role similar to his age level.

   But he has no suitable script, plus he cares about his word of mouth, so this idea has been buried in his heart.

  However, at this moment, looking at the script lying on the table in front of him, he suddenly moved.

   There is no doubt that this is a good script!

The father's image is formed with flesh and blood, and in this script, the father's image has three ages. For the actor, it will be a big challenge. If this role can be won, Harry Twedi thinks he is in In acting, there will definitely be a breakthrough, and at the same time, he will be able to widen his future drama.

   Harry Tiwidi closed his eyes and wondered, the more he loved the script in his heart, the more he moved.

   Just then, Harry Tweedy's phone rang suddenly.

   Harry Tiwidi opened his eyes and reached up to pick up the phone. He habitually glanced at the caller ID. When he saw who the caller was, he frowned unconsciously, but he still picked it up.

   "Harry, how do you think about the movie? If you think it's okay, let's find time to sign up?"

   There was a very light voice on the phone.

  Harry Tiwidi heard that he was silent for a moment and smiled bitterly: "Reynolds, I'm sorry, maybe we can't cooperate this time."

   "Ah?" The voice on the opposite side became a little shocked, and then angrily said: "Harry, what happened? Which **** cut me off, is it Samson or eh?"

Reynolds, a famous Bollywood director, is very famous throughout Southeast Asia, and even throughout Asia, he is regarded as one of the most famous directors in Bollywood, and the two people he just said, They are all Bollywood directors, and their status is similar to him.

  Harry Tiwidi heard Reynolds and replied: "Uh, neither Samson nor Ehra, but a director from China."

"Director of Hua Xia?" Reynolds suddenly fell silent, and then sighed: "No wonder Harry will refuse me. The film from Hua Xia Hua Studios is indeed more worthwhile for you, because Hua Xia can help you. Going to the world..."

   Harry Tiwidi's expression became a little strange. What brain circuit is this? How is it related to Huaying Studio? !

   "It's not China Film City. The other party is just an exchange student from the director department of the Film School of Huaxia University of Arts. Of course, the other party is not a general exchange student. It is a very famous young director in China, um... extremely talented!"

   The last sentence is that Harry Tweedy pondered and gave Li Zian a rating he thought was very pertinent, especially after he had finished reading the script in his hand.


   Hearing Harry Tweedy's sentence across the line, the tone directly increased several decibels.

"Harry, if you go to China Studios or sign a contract with an international famous director of China, I can still accept it, but you actually plan to sign a young director of China, why? Give me a reason, I don’t understand!"

   Reynolds' voice was full of doubts.

   "Conquered me because of his script!"

   Harry Tiwidi was concise, but his voice was full of enthusiasm and expectation.


   " This script has conquered me, and I have a long-lost desire to create. I like this character very much!"

   "Harry, listen, the light script is good, if the director is not good, then..."

   "The box office of the other party's upper movie is Rs 110 crore."

   "Yeah, that's both script and director, but making a movie is a very expensive thing. This involves many investors, if..."

   "The other party is not only a director, but also an investor, with a total net worth of over 10 billion rupees."

   "Ah... well, he won..."

   Reynolds was served. Originally, he planned to find another way to persuade Harry Tiwidi to come back. However, there was no loophole in the other party, so he had no holes at all, which made him feel very powerless.

Listening to Reynolds’ slightly decayed tone, Harry Tweedy said sincerely: "Reynolds, I’m really sorry this time, but I really like the script of the other party. My instinct tells me, If I reject this script, I may regret it for a lifetime, so, Reynolds, we can only look forward to the next collaboration!"

"Well, since your heart is decided, I won't say more." Reynolds sighed, and then said: "If there is a chance, you must introduce me to this young Chinese director who grabs my actor, I’m all curious about you."

   "Haha, sure!"

  Harry Tiwidi and Reynolds finally exchanged a few words, and then hung up the phone.

   After putting down the phone, Harry Tiwidi breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person relaxed, looking at the script lying on the table, with a look of anticipation in his eyes...