Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 343: Polo Arena

Early morning two days later.

   Li Zian, who had just slept for four hours, was woken up by the constant vibration of his mobile phone.

  The sleepy Li Zi'an reached out and took the phone at the head of the bed. Even without opening his eyes, he answered the phone.


   "Li Dao, this is Harry Tweedy."


  When the five words of Harry Tiwidi came from the microphone, Li Zi'an, who was still in the chaos of the brain, was instantly sober.

   "Mr. Harry Tweedy?" Li Zian quickly sat up from the bed: "Will you call...?"

   "Director Li, your script is great. Are you free today? Would you like to come out and meet, let's talk?"

   Hearing Harry Tweedy's words, Li Zian was stunned for a moment, and then at the next moment, his heart was instantly overwhelmed with ecstasy.

   "Are you free, Harry Tweedy, please tell me a time and place, how about I take someone to find you directly?"

  Although his heart was ecstatic, Li Zi'an still maintained a certain deepness, and his tone remained as steady as possible.

   "Haha, okay, then I will send the time and place to your phone next time, shall we meet?"

"it is good."

  Li Zi'an and Harry Tweedy didn't talk too much. After a few words, they hung up the phone.

   After putting down the phone, Li Zi'an could no longer restrain the ecstasy in his heart, and his right hand waved heavily towards the air.

   That's Harry Tweedy!

   International frontline!

   India's national treasure star!

  Now that the other party has shown this attitude, it shows the possibility that both parties can cooperate...

very large!

   How can this not make Li Zi'an excited.

  Although she only slept for five hours, Li Zian had no trouble at the moment.

   Get out of bed and walk out of the room, Li Zi'an "pedaled" and ran to the second floor, slamming against Anya's door for a while.



   First came a wail of sweet dreams being awakened, then a crackling sound of getting out of bed, and then Anya, who was disheveled, saw Li Zi'an outside the door.

   "Boss, your most beautiful and beautiful little secret, just slept for four hours. Have you forgotten how you used to toss people last night?"

   looked at Li Zi'an outside the door. Anya's wake-up breath was crushed by the air, but the faint voice and the small grudged eyes made Li Anli a little embarrassed.

   "Cough, don't talk nonsense, I didn't just ask you to put together some actor materials last night, I said what I thought of you."

  Li Zian felt that it was necessary to explain to the readers' fathers in front of the screen, my innocent little virginity can not collapse!

  Looking at Li Zian's busy explanation, Anya couldn't help but reveal a cunning smile.

  Tease your little boss or something, the best fun!

   "Hurry up and tidy up. Just now Harry Tweedy called me. He said he was very interested in our scripts. We are looking for us to meet and you will follow me!"

  Li Zi'an didn't say anything else, hurry up and pick the right thing.


   Hearing Li Zi’an’s news, Anya’s staring boss, the degree of surprise, is basically not much different from that of Li Zi’an just now.

   "Of course it is true." Li Zian said with a smile: "Take care of packing and give you twenty minutes, I will go down first, and I have to pack and pack."


  Any nodded quickly, she also knew the importance of this matter, immediately said nothing, closed the door and began to change clothes.

  Li Zi'an went downstairs and went to Pei Xiong's room again, yelling Pei Xiong.

As for Qin Yuzhu and Xiao Qianru, Li Zi'an didn't bother, but let the two go to sleep, after all, it was enough to bring Harry Tiwidi, with a bodyguard and assistant, if the volley was bigger than Harry Tiwidi , It's a bit inappropriate.

  About half an hour later, the three people left the house, driven by Pei Xiong, navigating the location given by Harry Tiwidi on the map and heading towards the destination.

Sitting in the back row of the car, Li Zi'an and Anya are both in formal attire, Li Zi'an is wearing a more formal business suit, while Anya is wearing a white big-name workplace women's dress with exquisite makeup, high hair and high hair, matching With her fair complexion, she followed Li Zi'an, which really gave Li Zi'an face.

   "Boss, do you think it is possible to sign Harry Tiwidi today?"

  Anya who just finished applying lipstick, she asked Li Zian casually.

   "It's not easy to say, after all, we don't know Harry Tweedy very well, we don't know what is the habit of others, some people like to be simple, and some people will be more cautious.

  Li Zian shook his head and said.

   Anya nodded and said no more.

  The two closed their eyes to refresh themselves, and the journey took about 20 minutes.

   Harry Tiwidi gave Li Zi'an the location that Li Zi'an thought it would be a private club or restaurant, but it turned out to be a polo hall.

   Such social occasions, Li Zi'an has never been there.

   "Big Bear, you parked the car and came in to find us, we are advanced."

  Li Zian finished talking to Pei Xiong, then he took Anya into the polo hall.

   As soon as the two stepped into the polo hall, a waiter dressed in traditional white Indian clothing hurried up.

   "Hello, sir, ladies, our store is a membership system, do you have a membership card for our store?"

   The waiter's attitude is very good, and it can even be said that it is a little humble, and the waist is always slightly bowed when speaking.

   "We are not a member of our shop, we are here to find someone, I think Mr. Harry Tiwidi should be a member of your shop."

  In order to save trouble, Li Zi'an did not speak Chinese but directly spoke Hindi.

The waiter heard that Li Zi'an was here to find Harry Tweedy, and his waist was bent a little lower. "Mr. and sir, please, please, Mr. Harry Tweedy has just greeted us. ."

   The waiter was talking, making gestures to Li Zi'an and asking them to lead the way.

  Li Zi'an followed the waiter toward the inside, while he looked around with some curiosity.

   Everything can only be described in two words, luxury!

   "Mr. Harry Tiwidi is a member of you?"

   "This store has 7 stores throughout India. Mr. Harry Tweedy is the top VIP of our store. Any store in India can enjoy the best service."

   "Harry Tiwidi would like to play polo?"


When    followed the waiter toward the inside, Li Zian asked the waiter casually.

   Soon after, the waiter, Li Zi'an and Anya came to the outdoor horse farm.

   I saw a large horse on a green lawn, and a horse was galloping on the lawn, and on that horse, they were sitting with their owners.

  Everyone is wearing a full set of equipment, waving a polo stick in his hand. Even if the shouts are far apart, they can still be heard clearly.

  With the blue sky, the open field, being here, can really give people a different mood.


  Looking at this strange Zian said with a smile.

   followed Anya behind Li Zian, she smiled and echoed: "Yeah, the polo are rare in our country. I grew up this way, and I saw it for the first time."

   While watching, the two followed the waiter.

   Soon, the two were led by the waiter into a glass house beside the horse farm.

The glass room is full of glass on all four sides, just next to the horse farm. The people inside can clearly see the surroundings. The interior decoration is luxurious. The main thing is that the glass room is equipped with air conditioning, which is very comfortable. In the weather in India today, the temperature is actually somewhat higher.

  Brought to the door of the glass room, the waiter stopped and stopped moving forward.

   While Li Zian and Anya walked in, they met the assistant who wore glasses in front of the Bollywood Film Academy Lounge last time.

   met again, the two sides greeted each other.

   "Mr. Li and Ms. Ann, please sit down. Mr. Harry Tiwidi should be off soon, please wait a moment."

   Assistant smiled at Li Zi'an.

  Li Zi'an and Anya heard that they were not in a hurry. They found a place to sit down and watched the polo game not far away interestingly.

At first, Li Zian didn't see which one was Harry Tiwidi after seeing it for a long time, because everyone wore a mesh helmet and protective gear, and Li Zian didn't recognize it until the assistant pointed out to Li Zian which was Harry Tiwidi. Qing people.

   Watching the people on the field riding a horse, you came and went, and it took 20 minutes in a blink of an eye.

  Finally, the cheers of Harry Tweedy and everyone ended the polo game...