Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 355: The whole sky will be reflected in the

Rama Gore quietly and quickly came to sit next to Li Zi'an, extremely well-behaved and quiet.

   "Rama, wait till you sing, do you have confidence?"

  Li Zian looked at the little girl beside him, he asked with a smile, with a little encouragement in his words.

  Rama Gore heard that she glanced at the lively crowd in the distance. A timid glint flashed through her eyes, but she still nodded gently and said to Li Zian that she was confident.

"Rama, music knows no borders, and even music can transcend racial boundaries. You don't need to be afraid. All you have to do is sing out bravely." Li Zian looked at Rama Gore's eyes and said seriously: " This song, today you are present for everyone here, but at the same time, you are singing for the tens of thousands of confused girls, believe yourself, you can!"

  Li Zi'an's voice was not loud, but he gradually calmed down the cowardice and tension in Rama Gore's original heart. The pair of extremely magical eyes, at the moment, also showed a slight expression.

   "Go, give everyone a surprise, and I will accompany you."

  Li soothed Fu Rama Gore's head and said softly.

  Rama Gore heard that Li Zi'an would accompany her, and her heart suddenly settled down.


  Li Zi'an smiled and patted Rama Gore's head, and then took the lead to get up from the spot and walk towards the small stage set up temporarily before the campfire.

  Rama Gore also quickly got up from the ground and followed closely behind Li Zi'an.


   Seeing that Li Zi'an and Rama came over at the same time, a huge cheer broke out from all the staff at the scene.

Li Zi'an had a warm smile on his face and waved at the crowds applauding and cheering, while Rama Gore lowered her little head slightly, aiming at the many uncles and aunts around, but followed Li Zi'an By the side of him, there was no tension at all.

The two came to the small stage that was set up temporarily. Li Zian asked Rama Gore to stand in the most central position, and he took a chair and sat on it, while receiving the call from He Yilun. guitar.

  After connecting the electric guitar and the sound, Li Zian quickly flicked it with both hands, and tried out the pitch.

  After everything was ready, Li Zian smiled at Rama and nodded and gestured.

Rama Gore looked at the pair of eyes below and faced hundreds of eyes. Her heart was beating quickly, and she said softly: "Hello everyone, I will sing a song for everyone, this song It is the ending song written by Li Dao for the movie. The song title is "MainKaunHoon", I hope everyone can like it, thank you."

  Rama Gore finished, and bowed deeply to the people below.

   The applause of sparse Lala sounded, and everyone soon became quiet.

   "Are you ready?"

  Li Zian asked softly.

  Rama Gore heard the words, she took a few deep breaths in succession, and then nodded heavily to Li Zi'an.

Li Zian smiled, and in the next second, Li Zian's flexible hands gently pressed on the guitar strings in his arms, and the soothing music came out from the sound, accompanied by the sound of a campfire burning, Floating over the entire camp.






Rama Gore was filled with a little childish voice, and at first it was slightly timid, but soon Rama Gore gradually found some state, a force unique to her, which was being slowed down in her singing Is gestating.

   looked at Rama Gore who gradually found his state, and Li Zian had a light smile on his face.

   This "Who Am I" is not the ending song of the last world's original "Wrestling, Dad", but the theme song of the last classic Indian movie "Mysterious Superstar".

   The film is also a film reflecting the independence of women’s rights. There are many popular songs in the film. This one is "Who Am I".

  In Li Zi'an's opinion, this "Who Am I" is also very suitable in "Wrestling, Dad", which is very suitable for the content of the film.

From the initial misunderstanding of the two sisters, to the rebellion of the two, to the despair of the two, and finally to suddenly understand the father in despair, it is a kind of gradually finding a path that belongs to their own life in a confused life reflect.

   So, Li Zi'an got this song here.

  He not only hopes to use the movie to infect the girls who are still in the confusion, but also wants to use music to deepen this appeal.







   Ever since he had the opportunity to learn music by Li Zi'an, Rama Gore has been extremely serious and attentive.

  Every day after a very strong shooting task, she still has to devote a considerable amount of time to practice the song repeatedly.

   Thousands of times of practice, just to best interpret this song.

   Maybe she just didn't want to let Li Zi'an down, or maybe she wanted to use the power of this song to keep her going.

   She is just an ordinary girl from the bottom of the family. If no accident happens, the fate of her life will be the same as that of many girls.

  Married to a boy from the bottom of the family, married and have children, there will never be a future.

  Li Zi'an's horizontal sky appeared to her, as if it were a ray of light, which suddenly illuminated her originally dark road.

   The superior life of the upper class society, the equality and freedom of the upper class woman, and the richness of the upper world are all things that she had never seen or even imagined.

   The appearance of Li Zi'an gave her hope, and she gradually began to have a trace of fantasy.

   She also imagined the girl in the play, mastering her own destiny, and gaining life and dignity.

   So she tried her best!

  The workload that even ordinary adults feel extremely tired, but she can insist on it abruptly. That persistence and perseverance once shocked Li Zian more than once.

  She didn't know how to step on the passage that could lead to the upper level. She only knew that this opportunity in front of her might be the only opportunity in her life.

   So she went all out!

   Rama Gore's singing became more and more high, and the original double-faced eyes that dodged from everyone's eyes gradually became firmer.

  Standing on this stage, the kind of eye-catching and respected eyes......

that's nice!

  Rama Gore has never had such an experience, and at this moment her mood is unprecedented.

   Sitting next to Rama Gore's quiet accompaniment to Li Zi'an, he could clearly feel that as Rama Gore sang, the power gestating in the other party was undergoing a transformation.

   That force, Li Zian knows exactly what...

   That is the desire for freedom!

   That is the expectation of equality!

   That is hope for fate!

  At this moment, the song just reached the climax of the whole song.

  Li Zi'an's left hand pressed on the body of the piano and slid down sharply, and then the five fingers of the right hand flicked frequently. The accompaniment sound changed drastically.







   Rama Gore's singing suddenly became high. UU reading www.


   flawless purity!

   is like the moonlight from the full moon, bright and holy!

   The childish high song seems to be an arrow that pierces everyone's heart.

  In an instant, no one could help but goosebumps all over.

   Even for Anya and others who can’t understand the lyrics!

   From the heart shock!

   singing voice contains that strong hope, that desire to control their own destiny, everyone can clearly feel it.

  Many of the staff members who can follow Li Zian in this movie in the Li Zian crew at least agree with the core spirit of the movie.

  But the identity belongs to the identity, but it does not understand the desire of a few bottom women who desire freedom and equality.

   And at this moment, all of them have a profound insight.

  Because they felt the shocking power in the singing of Rama Gore.

   Behind Rama Gore is a burning bonfire.

  Under the sky-high fireworks, everyone seemed to see a female at the bottom, the fireworks in his heart longing for freedom and equality.

   It's burning, maybe it's not high now.

   But one day...

   It will reflect the red sky of India!