Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 357: Killing

After the Lantern Festival, the crew returned to the right track.

   For one month, Harry Tiwidi gained 30 pounds of fat. Although there was still a gap of 50 pounds from the target, some scenes could already be filmed.

   As the protagonist of the play, Harry Tweedy has been idle for nearly a month. The fragmentary scenes have already been filmed, so that after the work of Harry Tweedy, the daily scenes are almost full.

   But Harry Tiwidi’s professionalism is really impeccable. In the face of high-intensity shooting tasks, not only do he not have any complaints, but always adhere to the high standards of excellence to demand himself.

In this way, from the small village on the outskirts of Mumbai to New Delhi, the capital of India, in the past two months, everyone seemed to be screwed up in a clockwork, and all the filming work of the whole movie was nibbled. .

  In the four months of shooting, Li Zian took only two days to fly to Italy and met Li Zimu once.

   As for Li Zimu, Li Zi'an never let her come, but the shooting environment was really bad.

  Four-month long-distance relationship may be a bit difficult for ordinary people.

  But for the two busy people, Li Zian and Li Zimu, they were busy every day in a dark place for four months. For the two, they did not suffer too much.

   Of course, if you don't suffer, you will not suffer, but you miss each other very much.


   January 20, 2023.

   Taj Royal Court.

   "Now I announce..."

   "Kill the green!"

   Standing on the original stage, Li Zian held a red wine glass in his right hand and a microphone in his left hand, announcing aloud.


   "Come on!"

  When Li Zi'an shouted those two words, I saw many of the crew below, and it instantly boiled. The cheers and applause burst like thunder in the auditorium of the Taj Mahal.

  Many people got up from the chair in excitement, and this trend quickly spread to the audience, and finally everyone got up from the chair.

   Even Harry Tiwidi, who was at the front, got up and applauded Li Zian with a smile.

   It's not easy!

  Many young workers or women think of the hardships they have suffered in the past three months, and they do not remember how they survived.

   In the late stage of filming, for Li Zian, everyone's caliber is basically the same.



   Of course, this metamorphosis is not an insulting word, but it is incredible and admirable for everyone's consistent rigor and seriousness.

   Standing on the stage, Li Zi'an looked at the crowd, and his eyes were filled with emotion.

   "Wrestling, Dad" is the third film he made, and the fourth film and television project he made.

  Among these four film and television projects, "Wrestling, Dad" is the most difficult to shoot, the shooting environment is the most difficult, and the shooting time is the most hurry.

  At the same time, Harry Tiwidi, as an international movie star, and in a foreign country, also brought psychological pressure to Li Zi'an.


   After all, stick to it!

  Li Zian looked around for a week, looking at the people below, without saying too much sensational words, he knew exactly what the people below wanted.

   Nonsense is not needed at all, just hide it!

   "Drink today!"

   "Mainly attack Uncle Harry, accompany Uncle Harry, there is a program to watch!"

  Li Zian glanced at Harry Tweedy in front of the stage, showing a familiar little fox-like smile, and then said aloud.

  The people below heard the words and immediately cheered. At the same time, the memories of a long time ago began to rise, and they all remembered the quite sultry dance of Harry Tweedy two months ago.

   "Look forward!"

   "Brothers, fill Uncle Harry!"

   "Uncle Harry, come one!"


  Everyone cheered, and Harry Tiwidi's expression was a bit stunned. Why was he suddenly caught fire? !

  When he reacted to what happened, his face suddenly turned black, looking at Li Zi'an who was happily happily transferring his fire-fighting target out of the stage. He couldn't help crying and laughing.

But Harry Tiwidi has been mixing for so many years, and naturally he is not innocent. He turned his eyes and suddenly raised the wine glass in his hand and said loudly: "Let me sing and dance without any problems, but you don’t think let Li Dao follow. Is it more fun for me to sing and dance together? So..."

   Harry Tiwidi dragged the long note, and suddenly pointed his right hand at Li Zian on the stage.

   "Brothers, don't let him go!"

   "Think of the three months of being squeezed, the target to be set must have him!"

   Everyone in the audience heard the news, first amazed, then all smiled.

   Didn't expect the two biggest people in the group to "kill each other"?

   Hey, great!

   "Yes, Uncle Harry is right, you can't let Li Dao pass!"

   "Neither of them can stand upright through the door of this hall tonight!"

   "I want to watch Li Dao sing and dance!"

   "Supplied second-hand!"


  Li Zian on the stage was dumbfounded.


   Good cunning drop, this is the idea to die together!

  Looking at the increasingly lively scene below, Li Zi'an will naturally not say anything disappointing.

"bring it on!"

  Li Zian waved his hand!

  Don’t care if you go out in the end, yuck, whether you go out horizontally or vertically, let’s talk about it first!


  The audience laughed and laughed together.

  Li Zi'an said nothing more, and walked off the stage with a smile, and the killing feast began.

   "Your boy, it's too cloudy, let me carry mine for you!"

   Today, Harry Tweedy is already a little blessed, and his face is round, and he looks quite happy when he glares his eyes.

   "Hey, Uncle Harry, it is better to be alone than Lele, I am sharing happiness with you!"

  Li Zian said with a smile.

   Harry Tiwidi shook his head angrily, then said: "The film is finished, what do you plan to do next?"

   "Next?" Li Zian heard the words and didn't even think about it: "Of course, I went to find my girlfriend. I have booked the ticket. I haven't seen it for more than two months. I want to die!"

   Harry Tiwidi: "..."

   "Who asked you this? I mean something in the movie!"

"Oh." Li Zian scratched his head and coughed softly: "I might go to my girlfriend for a few days, and when I get back, I'm ready to start editing. I have already contacted a professional editing studio~www other party has dedicated venues and equipment, and there are about fifteen professional editors attached to the Bollywood Film Studio. I expect that if everything goes well, it will be cut in about a month. ."

   "Wrestling, Dad" is different from "Big Men", both of which are not the same in terms of length or difficulty of editing.

If Li Zi'an cuts it himself and wants to finish the quality and quantity editing of "Wrestling, Dad", the minimum is about two and a half months. If time is enough, Li Zi'an would be happy to cut it himself, but the conditions are different now. Within a limited time, it is necessary to hire a professional editing studio.

   By the time Li Zi'an coordinated the overall situation, let the following editors cut according to his requirements, so that although more troublesome, but the efficiency is the highest.

   Harry Tiwidi heard Li Zi'an's plan, he was not surprised.

  He is an actor. After the film is made, his task is considered to have completed more than half. The editing of the post is not his thing. Even if he is involved now, he is also weak.

   "That line, when the movie is finished, when you plan to release it, contact me again, I will try my best to cooperate with you about the announcement."

   Harry Tiwidi said with a smile.

   "Haha, there is this sentence from Uncle Harry, I will not be polite to you by then."

  Li Zian responded with a smile.

  Li Zi'an and Harry Tweedy smiled and chatted a few words, but it didn't take long for the two to be surrounded by a large group of people who came to toast.


  At the end of the banquet, Li Zi'an didn't get upright...