Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 376: A single spark can start a prairie fire

#"Wrestle, Dad" the little heroine Rama Gore is devoted to the record ending! ##

  #Shock sound, childish voice! ##

  # Little body, great energy, the voice of Rama Gore! ##


  After the first roadshow, a post quickly swept across the entire Indian network, and then quickly swept across Southeast Asia and even Asia at a very rapid rate in a very short time.

   In just 24 hours, the video of Rama Gore singing the title song "Wrestling, Dad" on the road show stage was reposted by countless people.

  Li Zian forwarded!

   Harry Tiwidi forwarded!

   The number of broadcasts exceeded 100 million, the number of reposts exceeded 10 million, and the number of likes exceeded 10 million!


  In just one day, Little Rama burst into flames!

  Through this short video, I don’t know how many people have known Little Rama or how many people know the movie “Wrestle, Dad”.

   Such a situation was not initially expected by Li Zi'an and Harry Tiwidi.

   Before the two of them reposted, the video itself was already on fire. The reposting of the two played only a role of boost.

   The reason why this video is so popular is mainly because the little Rama sings so well.

   was sprayed on the net, abused and booed.

These negative voices, like combustion aids, are constantly accumulating in her heart. Over the past few months, she has been used to expressing her negative emotions in music, so on that stage, she ignited the fire in her heart, His desire, stubbornness, perseverance and other emotions were all fused into the song, and burst out.

   Such music will make everyone see this video and feel shocked from the inside out.

  At the same time, as the little Rama burst into flames, the origin and experience of the little Rama also came out.

  In Southeast Asian countries, although women in other countries are not as hot as the Indian women, sexism is still very common in Southeast Asian countries, and the idea of ​​patriarchy is deeply ingrained.

   So many girls have similar experiences. When they hear the little Rama's song, they will have the same feeling as the little Rama. The kind of song full of longing for the future will be so touching.

   Little Rama exploded overnight, but what followed was a huge controversy.

   abuse and criticism still exist, and the voice becomes louder.

   But this time, it was no longer one-sided scolding.

   The voice of support began to appear. This voice was like a spring fire. It only took a few days from the spark to the fire to the prairie.

   Almost all of these supporting voices come from women.

   Perhaps in real life, their status is very low, they are determined not to dare to argue with men at home, but online, who cares who you are.

There are enough grievances on weekdays. Do you have to get used to you, the men who stink of machoism on the Internet? !

  The combination of new hatreds and old hatreds leads to the exceptionally strong fighting power of these female voices on the Internet, not to mention one enemy ten, but one enemy five is absolutely no problem.

  Because of a small video, a huge public opinion on the equality of men and women has enveloped the entire network of Southeast Asian countries.

   Of course, after realizing that the video was on fire, Li Zi'an's film advocacy team immediately formulated a series of plans around the video, and then quickly began to promote the topic around the topic.

   Because the protagonist of this video is Little Rama, and Little Rama is the little heroine of the movie, she sings the ending song of the movie.

   So the hotter this video becomes, the more favorable it will be for the promotion of the movie.

  Under the operation of Li Zi'an and others, Li Zi'an's new movie "Wrestling, Dad" has already become the most anticipated movie among all the recently released movies of all women in Southeast Asia.

  Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to this matter. This movie has super high expectations in women's hearts, but in many men's hearts it is very resistant.

   "Women can hold half of the sky, and look at the whole world, which big country is not advocating and firmly implementing the policy of equality between men and women?"

   "The country wants development, women want independence!"

   "Fart, what can a woman do besides watching her children at home? Can you defend your home and defend the country? Can you fight on the battlefield?"

   "So what can you men do? It's hard to say whether our women can defend the country and protect the country, but I can be sure that the soldiers who defend the country and protect the country are born of our women!"

   "We women can have children, can you men?"

   "Only men and women have equal status, there will be no discrimination in the society, and the country will flourish. The example of Hua Xia is in front of you. Why do so many people turn a blind eye to what they do?"


  Because of a video from Little Rama, this old theory was once again put on the bright side.

  And behind the scenes, Li Zi'an and others, whenever the public opinion's heat dropped slightly, they would choose an appropriate time to throw out some videos that could maintain the heat.

   is either a trailer or a tidbit during the filming process.

Most of these tidbits were made by Little Rama and a few female hostess. There was a tidbit where Little Rama was filming a bunker wrestling scene. UU Reading Books The filming took place in the process of shooting over and over again.

   Full half an hour, and finally until little Rama was tired enough to climb up in the sand pit, she never shouted any tired words.

   There was also a big heroine who filmed the wrestling scene in the gymnasium, came down from the set, took off her clothes, her elbows and knees were all bruised but smiled and said that it was okay.

  These videos have been released one after another, making the wave of public opinion even bigger. More and more women are beginning to end. There are even many women with status and status who enter the real name for the independent support of women.

   Southeast Asian countries are mostly small countries with small land and small population.

   In such a small country, the cycle of the topic is usually very long, and the heat will last for a long time.

   For example, the previous Gulf Province, is a discussion where a leader puts a fart in public and will be overturned by various media in the Gulf Province.

   Why did she fart on this occasion? Does she fart on that occasion? What does this fart taste like? What does she think of that fart?

It’s true that those media outlets have been spared. These small countries are similar to the Gulf Province. There is not so much news for people’s entertainment every day, so in the face of the current wave of public opinion sweeping across Southeast Asia It is very positive, and those people are very happy to eat such an international melon.

  In the continuous public opinion boom, "Wrestling, Dad", which was the core of public opinion, was officially released in dozens of Southeast Asian countries on March 26 after a grand premiere...!