Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 378: Cut the Journal


   and girlfriends, Camilla Pandit stepped up to pick up her luxury car toward the house.

  Looking at the cars and horses outside the window, her tan pupil lost a little focus. Although the man was in the car, his heart was still immersed in the plot of the movie just now.

   "Hey, let me tell you what this is, how could you be a proud girl..."

  Recalling what the girlfriends said before watching the movie, Camilla Pendit's beautiful cheeks showed a touch of sadness.

  How could she not understand...

   In the eyes of outsiders, she is the proud daughter of heaven, enjoying the thousands of love of her parents, and the bottom women are simply people of the two worlds, and the equality that the bottom women desire is perfectly reflected in her.

  However, are they really equal?

  This answer is only known by Camilla Pandit himself.

   True equality has never belonged to her.

  Compared with the women at the bottom, she can learn a good culture, can learn knowledge, and can learn art.

   But sadly, all of this was done at home. Her father would let her study at the teacher’s house, but she had never been to school.

   And the father’s reason was that, as a noblewoman, she should not show her head.

   Even if she goes to and from the high-end cocktail party, she will follow her father, she will always wear a veil, and will always be with her father and cannot talk to any stranger.

   feels like an accessory, without autonomy, like a puppet is generally put in the hands of his father.

   is that in the future, she can marry the sons of the nobles of the same level with the extremely high value and get the maximum benefits for her family.

  From small to large, she was used to being rejected.

   She has a bright appearance, but in essence, what is the difference between her experience and the women at the bottom?

   is just a difference in class, but the root causes are always the same.

  Recalling the whole movie, Camilla Pandit only felt that her inner emotions were extremely complicated, and an inexplicable surge made her a little difficult to express.

   "Indian women, need an example..."

   "If no one takes the first step bravely, then equality will never come..."

   "In the ancient times, people with surnames of Brahmin held the divine power, and now my blood is flowing with blood of the surname of Brahmin, and I deserve to be a role model for Indian women!"

   Camilla Pandit whispered softly, the yellow-brown eyes gradually disappeared, and his eyes became firmer and sharper.

   Along the way, Camilla Pandit thought a lot.

   As soon as she came home, Camilla Pandit saw her parents sitting in the living room, her mother kept her eyes on her, and her father's face seemed to be covered in dark clouds.

   "Who told you to leave home privately and go out to watch movies?"

   Father's voice was low, and he looked at Camilla Pandit with a sullen face and asked.

   "Father, I texted you in the afternoon, but if you didn't return, I will default to you."

   If it is said that before, Camilla Pandit will apologize immediately, but at this time, she is the first to slap the other side.


When his father saw Camilla Pandit dare to hit him, he was furious and picked up the porcelain cup in his hand and threw it at Camilla Pandit. The hard porcelain cup hit Camilla Pandit. Special forehead suddenly hit a bruise.

   Camila Pandit’s tears were smashed, but she refrained from letting the tears flow down. She clenched her teeth and said nothing, and turned and ran towards her room.

When my father saw this, he was so angry that he turned back and pointed at Camilla Pandit’s mother. "From today, she will be banned from me for a month. Without my permission, if she dares to step out of this house, I Just discount her legs!"

  The mother's low eyebrows followed her eyes, and the whole person seemed to be only promised, not daring to have the slightest collision against her husband.


The father snorted, turned his hand, and left the house. As for what to do, the mother knew what she knew, but she did not dare to complain at all. She could only mourn herself and hate herself for having failed to give birth to her son. The woman took a chance.


   Inside the house.

  Camila Pandit stood on the balcony, looking at the father who left by car below, she did not cry.

   She turned back to the house, turned on the computer, and then took out a pair of scissors from the head of the bed.

   Turned on the computer's video recording. Sitting in front of the computer, she looked at herself in the video, first slowly spreading her hair away, and then took up the scissors, and suddenly cut her hair against her long black hair.

   A large amount of hair was cut off in an instant, and Camilla Pandit only felt a sudden tremor in her heart, but then it was an empty heart.

   seemed like some kind of shackles, and suddenly a "click" broke apart.

   The kind of relaxation from the heart makes her feel that the whole heart is sublimating.

  Camila Pandit's hand kept moving, and soon she cut her original long black hair into short shoulder hair.

   "My name is Camilla Pandit..."

   "From today, I live for myself..."

   "No freedom, rather die!"


The video editing is good. Camilla Pandit did not hesitate to upload the video directly to all her social accounts. There are social accounts in India, social accounts common in Southeast Asia, and international ones. Weibo account.

   As the daughter of the noble and extremely beautiful, Camilla Pandit has tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of fans on various social networking sites.

   After Camilla Pandit sent out such a video, Camilla Pandit fans were all blown up.

  Countless women have forwarded messages.

   "It's so handsome, Sister Camilla is going to fire the first shot for the independence of Indian feminism!"

   "No freedom, no death, this sentence is so good!"

   "Cut the journal, I will also cut!"

   "Sister Camilla also watched "Wrestling, Dad", yes, this movie is really burning, I am very happy to watch all girls!"

   "Only if you are strong enough to win the respect of everyone, we women do not strive for their rights and equality, and who will help us fight for it!"


  In just one hour, Camilla Pandit was turned crazy by countless women.

  At the same time, when this video went crazy, countless follow-up videos followed.

   By the next morning, tens of thousands of women had joined the ranks of haircuts.

  However, the heat of this matter has just risen, and the wind of cutting records is like a hurricane, sweeping across the entire Southeast Asian countries.



   Early in the morning, Camilla Pandit's door was knocked with a violent knock on the door.

   Camilla Pandit came to the door quietly in her pajamas and opened the door.


   As soon as he opened the door, his father slapped Camilla Pandit on the face.

   "Did you post the video online?!"

  Father red eyes, like an angry bull.

   "I sent it."

  Camila Pandit responded calmly, looking at his father's eyes without any fear.

   "Delete! Then immediately apologize!" Father gasped: "Otherwise I will kill you!"

"I won't delete the video. If your father kills me because of this, I can't resist." Camilla Pandit said lightly: "But I am a Brahman noble caste. If my father killed me, I think Father, I am afraid you have to be in prison for more than ten years."

"As for your father, if you want to put me under house arrest or torture me, I think it’s best to think carefully about your father. Last night, I already published a statement on my social account. If I didn’t post a photo on time every day, I would bother netizens to help I call the police. UU reading"

   "And I have sent an email to UN Women, if I have an accident, I think that with the public opinion on the Internet today, UN Women should not just sit by and ignore it?"

   Camila Pandit was so thoughtful that she was so stupid that her father's eyes were dumbfounded, and the blazing murderous heart gradually calmed down.

   "Camilla, I gave birth to you, and you dare to count with me like this!"

  Father said angrily.

Camilla Pandit smiled: "Birth me to support me? I am afraid that in your eyes I am only a commodity with sustainable investment. When the right time is reached, I will be sold as a commodity. , I think the time is almost right, are you already contacting the buyer?"

Camilla Pandit’s eyes became sharper. She stared at her father’s eyes and said: “My life must be controlled by me, and my husband must be chosen by myself. No one can Dominate my life, even my parents!"

"go away……"

   "Get out of this house, from now on, you and I will have no trouble!"

  Father seemed to be confessed by Camilla Pandit, and the whole person became extremely mad.

   Camilla Pandit heard the words, bowed slowly to his father, and then turned around to pick up the suitcase that had been prepared and strode out of the room.

   18-year-old, originally confused and wandering...

   Just yesterday, the moment her long hair was cut, she was no longer confused.

   Her own life is already in her hands!

   The life of a canary in a cage, she has had enough...