Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 379: Friends of Women? !

After a few days.

  Walking in the Bollywood Film Academy and looking at the girls who passed by, most of the people were short hair, Li Zian and others could not help but secretly claim to be strange.

   "Haircutting has become a unique symbol of progressive women in India. Perhaps many women at the bottom do not dare to cut hair, but many middle-class and even high-class women use haircuts to show their attitudes."

   "It is not just India, many countries in Southeast Asia are now setting a trend for women to cut their ambitions, and the slogan of feminist independence is now screaming."

  Anya walking beside Li Zian explained to Li Zian with a smile.

   These days Li Zi'an has been busy with the film propaganda, and has heard about the event of cutting the record, but more is learned from the Internet. Today is the first time he has seen the influence of this matter.

"Camila Pendit, the advocate of the Sci-Fi Journal, said in an interview that she only made up her mind to resist all this unfairness after watching our movie. She would rather live in a low-rent house. I don’t want to live in the canary of the big villa."

"Oh, by the way, this little girl is now your super little girl, crazy about you, she also said in an interview that she intends to apply to the school in Huaxia, and she will be like you after learning Similarly, work hard for Indian women's independence movement."

Anya's face was a little playful, and he smiled at Li Zian: "Xiao Li Dao, do you want to look at other people's photos? It's super beautiful. It's inferior to your family's Li Zimu. People express their admiration to you openly. What about considering it?"

   In the face of Anya's ridicule, Li Anli was a little emotional, coughing, and used the wrong words. Come back, Li Zi's peace of mind.

"I find that you are getting more and more gossip now. Don't stay in public relations when you go back. You can go directly to Zhang Sihui's side for publicity. There are so many gossips on that side, which is suitable for you." Li Zi'an was not angry. Anya glared.

   "Don't, don't be wrong, wrong." Anya raised his hand high and surrendered, laughing: "I'm not watching you have been too busy recently, to report the gossip on the Internet."

   "It's okay, let alone useless, talk about the box office."

  Li Zi'an waved and commanded.

   Hearing Li Zian inquiring about official matters, Anya seriously said: "As of last night, our movie was launched in Southeast Asia for six days, with a total box office of 220 million."

   "Is it so low?"

  Li Zian frowned slightly.

"It's still low?" Anya's eyes glared slightly: "Boss, this box office is already very high, okay, you can't compare the domestic box office data with this one. The total Southeast Asian box office is not as big as ours! "

   "How much is the single box office in India?"

   "Indian single box office is currently about 90 million, then Malaysia's box office is about 40 million, then Thailand's box office is about 30 million, and finally Singapore's box office is about 20 million."

   "The remaining 40 million was divided by the remaining countries."

  Anya reported the overall box office distribution and Li Zian.

   Hearing Anya's report, Li Zi'an had some confidence.

  The box office in India is indeed very good, 90 million in six days, which is a bit worse than the box office record in India.

   "A bit high on Southeast Asia's ticket warehouse."

  Li Zian sighed softly, even though he knew that he had a good box office score, there was still a feeling that he had earned a lot of white flowers.

"Oh, Xiao Li, you can relax. Let's try water in Southeast Asia. The real money box is in the country." Anya patted Li Zi'an on the shoulder and comforted: "For our movie Now the domestic expectations are quite high."

"With your own strength, you set off the feminist independence movement in Southeast Asia and spoke for the feminist independent platform. It is no exaggeration to say that you are now a friend of women, and women in Asia have a super affection for you. The goddess in the woman's mind!"

  Friends of women? !

  Li Zi'an was stunned, and then there was some crying and laughing.

   "Don't talk nonsense, how did I start the feminist independence movement in Southeast Asia? It was clearly caused by Camilla Pandit."

  Li Zi'an didn't want to carry this pot. He didn't want to be thrown eggs by a man when he was on the street.

"It's not caused by you. If you didn't watch your movie, why would Camilla Pandit think of cutting your records? If it weren't for your movie, how could women in Southeast Asia be so united, So cohesive!"


  A big cauldron was firmly buckled on Li Zi'an's head by Anya.

   Okay, this pot is on the back.

   chatted along the way, and soon returned to the exchange student villa area of ​​the Bollywood Film Academy.

  At the moment, there were several large suitcases piled up at the door of Li Zi'an villa.

  The Indian movie was successfully released. They have almost nothing to do on this side. In the next few days, they will leave India and fly to the next exchange, which is South Korea, to start the next exchange life.

   Sitting on the sofa, Li Zian poured a glass of ice water to get rid of the body's heat.

  Anya just entered the cell phone and came in a phone call. He stood at the door and could not hear what he said. He could only hear some voices.

  After about ten minutes, Anya hurried to Li Zi'an in front of her, with a flush of flush on the delicate face.

"what happened to you?"

   asked Li Zian with a slightly weird expression.

   "Guess who's calling just now?"


   "UN Women!"


   "UN Women's Agency!!!"

  Li Zian thought he had heard it wrong at first, so he subconsciously asked again, and the answer given by Anya the second time was still the same as the first one.

  Li Zi'an straightened up and asked a little ignorantly, "What does the UN Women call us to do?"

"The UN Women wants to have an exclusive interview with you, and because of your "" and the recent women's independence movement in the Southeast Asia because of the film, it is very consistent with the gender of the UN Women's Department. The concept of equality and women’s empowerment."

"and so……"

   "They still want you to be a goodwill ambassador for UN Women!"

   Hearing Aya's last words, Li Zian's eyes widened.

"I rely on, Anya, don't **** me!" Li Zian couldn't help but swear: "As far as I know, the UN Women's Goodwill Ambassador has always been a woman, it seems that no man has ever been there." !"

   "Yeah, so you are the unprecedented first person!"

   Anya looks extremely excited.

Hey Hey hey!

   What's so exciting about this? !

   "I don't want to be unprecedented, I don't want to be the first person, can you say I can refuse?"

  Li Zian blinked his eyes at Anya, hoping to get an energy word from her mouth.

   Anya heard the words and squinted: "That's the UN Women's Agency, which belongs to the UN. Are you sure you want to refuse?"

  Li Zi'an: "..."

  Li Zi'an's expression had already explained everything. Anya patted Li Zi'an on the shoulder with a smile.

   "Boss, come on, they said they will come back in a few days, you are well prepared."

  Li Zi'an suddenly fluttered on the sofa and began to pretend to be dead.

   Anya giggled.

   And Li Zi'an was wailing inwardly.

   Is impossible...

  I really want to be a friend of women? !