Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 390: As a mentor?

"and so……"

"What is your job to say...?"

Li Zi'an's expression suddenly became a little weird.

"Fuck, won't you let me wear women's clothing?"

In an instant, Song Changxun's expression became stranger than Li Zi'an, and the whole person was stunned by Li Zi'an's strange brain circuit.

"Ango, where do you want to go?" Song Changxun couldn't help crying: "The job I'm talking about is to ask Ango if you are interested in serving as a mentor for our MG participating women's team during the final election."


Li Zian raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Song Changxun nodded slightly: "Before the final election, I was always their mentor, but now in the final round, the remaining five teams are also top-level, and the mentors are all It’s the top level in the industry. To be honest, I really have no confidence."

"The five girls in our MG team are all very good and good seedlings. If I delay them because of my reasons, I am afraid I will feel guilty, and it happens that you are here, so I will work with our company. Proposal, I want to invite you to guide our MG girl group, our company also very much agrees with this proposal, so my invitation is not only my invitation, but also represents our company."

After listening to Song Changxun's explanation, Li Zi'an suddenly felt a little sudden.

Li Zian had some doubts when he came. Although Song Changxun's status in MG is quite high, it should not be high. Just to greet a friend, he can fully cover the company's private resort and call it from the company. There are so many beautiful young female trainees supporting the scene.

Perhaps for Song Changxun, to welcome him is the main thing, and this work is only secondary, but for the MG behind Song Changxun, the two should be reversed. Inviting Li Zian to be the mentor of the female group is the most important. The main thing is to give Song Changxun a face and let him take the resort to greet Li An.

"Let’s put aside the work first. Are there any performance videos of your MG girl group? I want to let me be a mentor. I will not say the conditions first. If your MG girl group can’t get into my eyes, then the next Needless to say the conditions."

Li Zian said with a smile.

"Some have some." Song Changxun was a bit interested in seeing Li Zian. He was overjoyed and quickly took out his mobile phone to turn over videos for Li Zian: "These are the performance videos of them on the previous stage of the competition. You see Ange Look."

Li Zian took the mobile phone handed over by Song Changxun, then clicked on the video in order and started watching it.

"Five people group?"


"The face value and figure are good, and the innate conditions are very good."

"These five people are what we MG intends to cultivate into the fifth generation of the strongest women's team. They are all elite seedlings selected from the best, and the innate conditions cannot naturally be bad."

While watching Li Zian, there was a chat with Song Changxun who didn't take a ride.

With Li Zi'an's current vision, plus the experience of the original X4 Youth League and Magic Light, this group should be quite experienced.

What's more, Li Zian experienced the baptism of the last explosion of the Korean women's group, and her vision is very high.

"This lead dancer is good."

"She's Song Shien. We and her fans call her Shien."

"This Vocal is not bad."

"Her name is Bao'er, it's the Vocal of the team, but the dance is a little behind, otherwise it will be perfect."

"Who is this? Rap is boring?"

"Her name is Tina, and she is of mixed ethnicity from Thailand and Korea. She is currently very popular in China, Thailand and Korea, and has a lively and cheerful personality.


Li Zi'an watched several videos one after another, and when he saw any member's eye-catching performance, he would comment out and ask, and then Song Changxun introduced Li Zi'an's girls in the group.

After a few videos, Li Zian had a general understanding of the five girls.

"The five girls are all good. It is worthy that your elite seedlings carefully selected by MG all have the potential for fire."

After watching several videos, Li Zian did not continue to look down, returned the phone to Song Changxun, and then laughed and praised him.

"Ango, you don't boast about me. I took them for a few months anyway. Do they have my credit for their excellence?" Song Changxun asked with a smile.

Li Zian heard the words and raised his eyebrows with a chuckle: "Then you are so good, did you also have some credit for me?"

"Of course, without Angkor you, I might not be living in the same place now!"

Song Changxun did not have any euphemism for Li Zi'an's help to himself, and he responded very seriously.

"Ango, how is it, our girl group from MG has caught your eye?"

"Into the eyes." Li Zian nodded slightly, then said with a smile: "It is not impossible to serve as the mentor of your women's team. As for whether this can be achieved, then it depends on the sincerity of your MG."

"Brother, our MG is really sincere and will never treat you badly in terms of salary."

Song Changxun patted his chest and promised.

Li Zian heard the words and smiled: "Chang Xun, is your company only planning to give me some money?"


"Nothing else?"

"It's gone..."

Song Changxun was a little dumbfounded by these two sentences that Li Zian asked one after another.

Of course, the salary is money, otherwise, what else could it be, Song Changxun thought a little bit dumbfounded.

"Chang Xun, call your company and ask them to send someone who can make the decision to come and talk to me. Of course, if your MG only intends to use the money to settle the salary, then this matter is no longer necessary."

"You tell your MG company's leadership, I'm not short of money. If I want to make money, I can make another movie while I have free time. There is no need to take over your work."

Li Zian took a sip of the juice on hand and then said this with a smile to Song Changxun.

"Ango, I didn't understand what you meant."

Song Changxun hadn't turned his brain yet, he said with a wry smile.

Li Zian heard the words and explained with a smile: "Chang Xun, your company intends to let me serve as a mentor for your girl group. In fact, the most fancy is my creative ability. I want to let me personally manipulate your girl group. Finalize the songs of several games."

"But Chang Xun, do you think that you can measure my original songs with your money? You can change my original songs with just a little money. UU reading It’s too loud, and I’m not exaggerating to say that if I want to sell one, people who want to buy songs can go from this resort to the center of Seoul.”

"Of course, if you MG said that all the songs of the women's group selected by the general leader were produced by myself, then I would agree to pay with money, but if you want me to go all out, everything will be done by me. Then show some sincerity, it is definitely not easy to use money."

Li Zian understood what he said, and explained the whole thing to Song Changxun.

"It turns out this way..."

Song Changxun suddenly realized that he realized at the moment that the company was not only counting Li Zi'an, but also counting him. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but reveal a little guilt for Li Zi'an and a little bit of indignation about the company. color.

Li Zi'an saw it and smiled: "Chang Xun, you don't have to be angry. Businessmen chase profits. It's a normal thing to calculate each other. If you are calculated and don't know it, it can only be said that my skills are not as good as you are. Being a boss, you don’t know the truth, it’s normal."

Song Changxun's starting point is good. He wanted Li Zi'an to be a mentor for the women's group because he felt that he was not capable enough and did not want to do so because he had delayed the future of the five girls in the group.

He can think of Li Zi'an also because he has enough trust and admiration for Li Zi'an.

"Think about it. If you get it, call the leader above you."

Li Zian patted Song Changxun's shoulder and said with a smile.

"OK, then I will call our company leaders."

Song Changxun nodded, then stood up from the recliner, picked up his cell phone and walked to the side to call the leader...