Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 400: : 《Killthislove》

In a VIP box in Seoul Stadium, the senior executives of the company behind the six women's groups all sit on the sofa chairs and look down on the stage below.

"Piao Chengming, you MG still have to make a face, and quietly invited Li Zian to come!"

Seeing Li Zi'an slowly appearing, although these executives knew that MG had invited Li Zi'an before the start of the game, when he saw Li Zi'an, it was still difficult to suppress the suffocation in his heart. Tucao.

The Tucao Park Chengming executives are YH executives who belong to the three giants of South Korea with MG, and the two have never dealt with them.

Park Sung-ming said with a smile, "Who made our company's Chang Xun and Li Zi'an brothers, as for the faceless, compared with the champion, what is the face."

Park Chengming used four or two pounds to make YH's executives feel as if they were punching cotton, and the whole person was suffocating.

The rest of the companies are foreign entertainment companies. The struggle between the two giants of South Korea has been heard for a long time. Naturally, it is impossible to blend in. Although they are also not uneasy about MG bringing Li Zian to help, but they can get Lee Zi'an, that's MG's ability, not as good as people, and they have nothing to say.

The executives in the VIP box have their own secrets, and on the following stage, the competition has already begun, and the first female group has already staged their performance.

The first female school is from Thailand. It is a group of eleven Thai girls. The whole group is in the style of girls. They are wearing JK skirts and braids of girls. The whole stage is exudes. The breath of youth.

This style is the most lethal for young people, especially minors.

The top stage, with the top lighting and production, has made this female group maintain a good heat since its debut, especially when eleven girls dance, the scenery under the JK skirt is looming. There is a little temptation in the girls, this contrasting style can best get to the G point of those fan groups.

The whole dance took about six minutes. After the end, eleven people stood in a row and introduced themselves. Then the six mentors who were in the mentor seats only made a symbolic comment. After all, the six mentors are group mentors. It's impossible to devalue others' group and then hold your own group, it is too ugly to eat.

The six mentors are all people with heads and faces, and naturally cannot do such a thing.

There was a good start for the first Thai women's team. The first game of the final selection was officially kicked off, and the next one was played successively.

Soon, there were only two women's teams left.


In the background, the myth girl and the 3TY1 regiment have their own distinct performances, and their eyes are sometimes intertwined, and they are full of gunpowder.

3TY1 is a five-generation girl group cultivated by another Korean giant YH, with a total of 7 people, each of whom was selected from thousands of girls.

The companies of the two parties are in a competitive relationship. The two women's teams also have their tips against Maimang in the competition. It can be said that they are not against each other.

"Yo, look at your dress today, are you going to take the style of Bailian **** again? Change the style?"

Soon after the seven girls of 3TY1 arrived in the background, a certain girl couldn't help but sneer proactively, trying to disturb the mentality of the mythical girl who will be on the stage.

Hearing the ridicule from the opposite side, Tina glared at each other suddenly, and the captain, Bao'er, was more calm, reaching out to stop Tina, and responded in a nonchalant way: "Someone wants to pretend that White Lotus can't pretend, after all, I have seen There are too many markets in the market, and the smell in a certain place is really a bit big. I don’t know if I went to the hospital to see it. If I get any disease, I can get treatment sooner."


Tina, who was stopped by Bao'er, heard that her captain didn't bring the dirty word, and couldn't help but laugh out.

YH's erosion is famous in the whole circle. Recently, there have been many scandals of actresses and high-levels. The entire YH has almost become a joke, so the irony of Bao'er is a fatal blow.


The girl at 3TY1 was furious. After all, for girls, fame is still very important. Although it may be very open to play in private, even if the woman who plays again in private, no one can stand being tolerated by others. Pointed directly at the nose and scolded to make a bitch.

The captain of 3TY1 saw the mentality of her team members collapsed. She frowned and appeased her team members, and then looked at Bao'er with a cold eye: "The mouth is quite powerful. It is different to have Senior Li Zian as a mentor. I don't know if you Can be a bit like your mentor."

"On the strength of your mouth, who can have your YH powers?" Jin Xiuyan raised her eyebrows, her face slightly playful.

Listening to Jin Xiuyan's clearly connotative words, all seven girls of YH tremble with anger.

But there is no way. The recent scandals of their company have caused the reputation of the entire YH actress to be questioned by the public, resulting in a very serious crisis of trust. After all, no fan can accept that his idol goddess is someone else’s plaything.

The 3TY1 who originally wanted to break the opposite mentality, all kept silent, and did not even look at the five girls of the mythological girl, because they found that if they talked to the opposite line a few times, the opposite mentality might not collapse, their mentality Collapsed.

Seeing the defeat on the opposite side, all five girls of the Mythical Girl breathed out in a comfortable breath. Some time ago, they were all ridiculed by them. Now it is not too cool to win a round.

And at this moment, the host also heard the report from the stage.

The five girls were suddenly shocked, gathered around each other and cheered each other, ready to go on stage.


"Next, I would like to ask mythical girl to bring us the original work "Killthislove" of his mentor Li Zi'an..."

"Let's applause welcome!"

After the host finished the report, the stage suddenly dimmed.

On the live broadcast platform, after the host reported, countless barrage swarmed.

"Lying trough, familiar taste, it is really original!"

"Hahaha, you guessed it, the big devil is really back!"

"Li Zi'an's new song, look forward to it!"

"Li Zi'an and mythical girl, what kind of chemical reaction will this produce, look forward to it!"


At this moment, the number of real-time viewers on the live broadcast platform has exceeded 30 million, and a considerable number of them are Huaxia people. They are all people who heard Li Zi's appearance, and there may be new songs coming to join in the lively people.

Not only the audience is interested, but also the executives of major entertainment companies, at this time also focused their attention.

After all, Li Zi'an's reputation two years ago was too great, and they were very curious about whether Li Zi'an still has the power to create legends before.

Just under the spotlight...

The accompaniment of "Killthislove" sounded!

Like the electronic sound of military music, the combination of trumpet and snare drum, just the opening of the accompaniment makes people feel shocked.

However, the appearance of the five girls of Myth Girl is the most shocking.

In the slightly dense smoke, the red light flashed, and the five girls walked out side by side in the looming smoke.

The costumes of the five are all silver and black. They are all wrapped chests and hip skirts. The feet are either high boots or high heels.

The makeup of the five girls has also changed from the style of the sweet girl in the past. The overall makeup is full of dark makeup.

Without the sweet smiles of the past, the face is full of cool girls. Through the close-up of the ultra-clear camera, each girl's eyes are full of the charm of the cool girl.

The five girls walked out of the smoke side by side. The neat model steps seemed to have a strong visual impact.



(Begin beautiful)


(It ends like a nightmare)


(After each madness)


(Turn around but pay the price)


Boer, who is in the C position, spoke first. The singing voice is much wilder than before. Compared with the original sweet and delicate singing voice, it can be said that there is a great contrast.

The five girls stood at the forefront of the catwalk, wriggling their postures and showing their most beautiful face in front of everyone.

At the same time, everyone's parts are excellent, and the formation changes are neat and clean.

Many viewers are stupid.

"Is this the same mythical girl? It's...A burst well!"

"It's too A, too cool. I used to have no feeling for mythical girls. The sweet kneading made me feel tired, but today's style is just too appetizing for me, Mom! I'm in love!"

"Completely different styles, Li Zi'an deserves to be Li Zi'an, directly changing the style of mythological girl!"

"It's like that, it's a bit of a trendy girl group!"


Numerous netizens commented that UU reading and the audience at the scene gradually eased from the great shock of the contrast of the mythical girl, and the scene gradually became a little boiling.

The song quickly came to the chorus part. I saw the five girls suddenly turned around and walked back. Then at the moment when the chorus part really came, the five girls turned their heads together and compared their hands to the audience. Shoot in a gun pose.



(Kill this love)


(Kill this love completely)


Then he danced neatly and turned back sharply. The five girls made a salute to the audience.

The exquisite curve, with super A and super sultry eyes, instantly detonated the audience.


"Tina, so beautiful!"

"Boa, Boa!!"

"It's so cool, my heart!"


Many audiences couldn't bear the excitement anymore. The successive audiences stood up from their seats. The impact of the five girls from the mythical girl was too shocking.

Li Zian, who was sitting on the instructor's seat, looked at the five girls on the stage, and his mood was also surging.

Is this the pleasure of training?


Don’t dare to think, crab pliers are too scary.

But watching the faint trend of being bombed, Li Zian was heartily happy.

"As my apprentice, shouldn't the bombing be a basic exercise?"

If Li Zi'an's words were heard by the five mentors around them, they would definitely give Li Zi'an a classical Chinese text.

"Do you listen to others?"