Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 401: The foundation of the invincible trend

Feeling the audience's cheers like a storm, looking at the fans who are crazy for them, the five girls on the stage feel that everything is so dreamy.

Since their official debut, they have never been so intoxicated on this stage.

At this moment, they really feel like they are the protagonists of this world, and their every move will cause countless people to go crazy.

The worries originally caused by the sudden change of style disappeared at this moment, and the movements of the five girls were more natural, and the aura exuded from their bodies became stronger.


(What to do, I can’t stand my weakness)

(Must try to blindfold)

(Kill this love completely)


The performance of a singer or dancer is greatly related to the feedback from the audience.

But now, the feedback given to the five girls on the scene of 50,000 people is undoubtedly extremely positive, making the five girls more confident, and at the same time the star fan of the body is more intense.

The dance is charming and the eyes are charming.

Even if it was Li Zian, who had watched this dance many times, he had to admit that at this moment he was a little moved by the five girls on the stage.

Of course, this heartbeat is just a pure appreciation of beauty, and it is completely different from the heartbeat of love.

The splendid stage, coupled with the atmosphere of the scene, will undoubtedly make many people's adrenaline secrete quickly, which will generate excitement.


In the VIP box of Seoul Stadium, Park Sung-ming looked at the countless spectators below who stood up and cheered for his celebrities. Any reservedness or calmness has long been thrown out of the sky. The corners of his mouth are almost full of ears, and he smiles directly.

At this moment, his inner admiration for Li Zian was really a five-body cast.

I think he even questioned people's rash changes in style, and even wanted to stop them.

"Fortunately, Li Zi'an didn't listen to herself..."

Park Sung-Ming was thinking of luck secretly.

Park Sung-Ming was smiling on this side, but YH's face was extremely ugly.

Because their company's 3TY1 hasn't appeared yet!

As a professional who has worked for many years, he knows what a disadvantage he will be in after the combination of bombing.

After the audience consumes a large amount of enthusiasm, the adrenaline fades quickly, and the whole person will usher in a short period of fatigue. At this time, their 3TY1 will appear behind the Mythical Girl, even if their performance is of the same level as the Mythical Girl, let alone beyond. It is impossible to be equal to the mythical girl.

What's more, the performance they are preparing today is not even a little bit different from the mythical girl. As a result, today I am afraid that the mythical girl will be crushed into dust...

Thinking of this, YH's executives felt infinitely sad, and it was in stark contrast with that of Park Sung Ming who was grinning at the corner of his ears.

As for the executives of the other companies, they are all those who look at YH sympathetically.

"Great Demon King Li Zi'an, it really wasn't a blow..."

The executives of several companies thought so in unison.



(Kill this love)


(Kill this love completely)


The five girls stood in a triangle formation, turned around sharply, raised their left hand to salute, then compared their hands to a long spear and shot them.

The soft waistline, the exquisite body curve, and the charming eyes of Super A instantly made the audience plunge into a kind of madness again.

In the live broadcast platform, in just a few minutes, the number of real-time viewers soared by millions, and these people were all exchanged by friends to watch the excitement.

"They saluted me, and you have to pay attention to courtesy when you are a person, and I salute too!"

"Your patience upstairs is so good, I saluted it a long time ago!"

"Crack, demon demon spirit? Upstairs is engaged in HS, all the trouble is tortured!"

"Super sweet vs super A, which of the two styles do you like?"

"Brother smelly upstairs, after the appraisal is completed, of course adults have to choose!"

"Tina's rap love is so cool!"

"It deserves to be the girl group trained by Li Zian, who has completely inherited the skills of their masters. Is the bombing madness going back out of the arena again?!"


The entire Seoul Stadium, the entire live broadcast platform, seems to be caught in a carnival at this time. On this night, countless people are crazy for mythical girls.

At the same time, for many entertainment companies, the name Li Zian once again broke into the eyes of many entertainment executives, but in just one song, Li Zian's value skyrocketed!

The value of being able to bomb the site is completely different from being able to teach a girl group that can bomb the site. This means that if you can invite Li Zi'an, it is very likely that the artists under your company will copy today’s mythical girl. Miracle.

This kind of star-making ability is undoubtedly an extremely popular thing for many entertainment companies.


In just six minutes, the mythical girl can be said to be doing her best.

When the last note fell, the five girls neatly stood sideways in salute poses, and the whole performance ended in a swift manner.

"Hello everyone, I'm Boa!"

"Hello everyone, this is Tina!"

"Hello everyone, this is Song Shien!"

"Hello everyone, this is Lee Yun Hee!"

"Hello everyone, I'm Kim Soo Yeon!"

"We are……"

"Mythical girl!"


After the five girls maintained their final look for three seconds, they stood neatly in a row and introduced themselves neatly.


"Mythical girl!"






Countless fans shouted the names of the five girls frantically, and the scene seemed to fall into a frenetic atmosphere.

Sitting on the mentor seat, Li Zian looked at the feedback given by the audience, with a smile on his face.

"This wave has stabilized..."

Li Zian thought so inwardly.

With today's grand occasion to lay the foundation, as long as the next few games do not collapse, after the entire variety show is over, Li Zi'an is confident that the mythical girl will begin to emerge as a female group. UU reading www.

What is the trending girl group?

The trendy women's team represents invincibility!

Invincible in the same period!

Invincible of the same generation!

It doesn't matter whether it is a men's or women's team, as long as we post a movie to hit the list, all the teams will stand back for me. Only with this kind of momentum and confidence can we be called a major women's team.

Although the mythical girl is still far behind, if she can win the championship in the midfield of this variety show, the foundation of this invincible trend will be laid down.

After all, this variety show covers almost the entire fifth-generation female group in Asia, and it can barely be called invincible in this variety show.

After the show, the next step is the comment section of the instructor.

As their mentor, Li Zi'an is naturally difficult to comment on in this session. As for the other mentors, regardless of whether they are sincere, the comments are basically very positive. After all, the five mythical girls performed today. It is impeccable.

After the mythical girl stepped down, it was 3TY1's performance.

Just as YH executives expected, there was a bombing scene with Mythical Girls before the 3TY1 performance, and the audience received mediocre response, and it ended without any waves.

So when the seven girls of 3TY1 stepped down, they all walked off the stage with dark faces. When they met the five girls of the mythical girl, all of them felt hot and painful. They didn't dare to say a word of unnecessary gossip, for fear of the opposite. ridicule.

After all the six women's groups have finished their performances, all six women's groups will be on stage, and after their respective canvassing, it is the link of online voting.

The final result is undoubtedly, the Mythical Girl reached the top with a very high number of votes, far ahead of the second place, and the first round of the finals...

Mythical girl accumulates six points!