Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 403: Sexy is not a show

#大魔王李子安 is coming out again and teamed up with MG to create the fifth generation of the trendy women's team! #

#一歌"killthislove" successfully exploded, after two years, Li Zian's style remains the same! #

#Millions of fans Guiqiu Li Zi'an to release a new song, how should movie upstart Li Zi'an choose? #

#The godfather of the women's group in the future-Li Zian! #


Hot posts swept all Asian countries this night.

As the current all-female **** Li Zi'an, all posts related to the three words Li Zi'an will always be sought after by countless young girls.

Since Li Zian created "Wrestle, Dad", he bravely spoke for women's rights and became an all-female god. Many girls who did not know Li Zian could not help but have carried out a comprehensive exploration of Li Zian.

After the exploration, many girls fell.

This is exactly a treasure boy!

Not only can he create, but he can also perform, sing, dance, and paint. He is perfect in every aspect. He is also the boss of a company with assets of over 1 billion, and he is three points better than the hero of the novel.

As a result, after the fall of many girls, they naturally became fans of Li Zian, and among these new fans, a considerable number of them were fans of Li Zian.

After all, although Li Zian’s movies are good-looking, it’s enough to watch several times in a row, but the songs are different. The songs that Li Zian has composed so far are enough for these new fan singles to loop for a long time.

As a result, Li Zian’s current popularity has grown extremely fast. Since the release of "Wrestling, Dad", Li Zian’s Weibo fans have increased by more than 20 million, and since the announcement of the third-tier star list in March, Li Zian’s name has changed. He is no longer in the third-tier star list, which means that Li Zi'an has already entered the second-tier star list, but it is not yet known how far Li Zi'an can go.

But Li Zian and others have a hunch that Li Zian's ranking this time must not be too low.


Weibo Hot Search List, Douyin Hot List, B Station Hot List...

On the hot list of China's famous social networking sites, at this time without exception, Li Zian's name is all on it.

The super-burning field of the mythical girl and the identity of Li Zian's teacher are the origin of these heats.

Although the strength of the Chinese women's group is not strong, the basic market of the idol group is still very large, and the number of people chasing the women's group is not few.

"I'm in love with this dance music. The sensible dance master has already begun to dance. I bet on a pack of spicy strips. This dance will definitely be screened in the next few days!"

"Can you be more confident upstairs, a pack of spicy strips is too silly, I bet two packs!"

"Millions of fans beg Li Zi'an to release a record!"

"We have had enough fan fans, so why should Ange dominate fan fans alone? Fan fans demand both rain and dew!"

"Make trouble, make trouble, make a movie, make a movie!"

"Sisters of fan fans, step up their efforts to make troubles and top the hot search. As long as we stand high enough, Ang will be able to see us!"


From "killthislove", which originally blew the mythical girl, the situation soon went a little uncontrollably, and countless fans of Li Zi'an began to "clamor" for Li Zi'an to release a record.

Li Zi'an now has over 60 million fans in Asia. At least half of them are fans of Li Zi'an. Among the other half of the fans, perhaps they did not follow Li Zi'an because of Li Zi'an's music, but it does not hinder them. Following the booing, after all, Li Zian's song is really good.

Following the booing, if Li Zi'an made a record, it would be no loss in blood!

As a result, the post of "Millions of fans begging for Li Zi'an to release a new song", thanks to the efforts of Li Zi'an's countless fans, has been vigorously on the hot lists of major websites. , Zhao Yuqian, Fang Chang's Weibo have not let go.

The following comments are all: Talk to your boss, let him post a few new songs (gootou)


Seoul, Japanese Food Museum.

Anya, who was sitting not far from Li Zi'an, clucked her mobile phone in her arms. The happy Li Zi'an was a little inexplicable.

"What are you happy about, as happy as a silly girl."

Li Zian looked at An Ya with a strange look, and asked.

"look by youself."

Anya handed her mobile phone to Li Zi'an. It was a funny video made by the up master of station B. The content was the post content of "Millions of fans begging Li Zi'an to send a new song" that was just searched on the top. Up master made a video with a very humorous paragraph. In just half an hour, the amount of playback has exceeded one million.

After watching the video, Li Zian had a row of black lines on his forehead.


"Am I being violent online?"

"Do I need to babble a few times for comfort?"

Li Zijian asked Anya with a weak expression.

Anya was so amused by Li Zi'an, she smiled and said, "Who makes you uneven in rain and dew, so that many fans have been hungry for a long time, and sooner or later you have to make up for the public food you owe!"

Li Zi'an: "..."

For the five girls sitting opposite Li Zi'an, Tina lay quietly next to Bao'er's ear, and muttered in a low voice, "How do I feel Anya and Zi'an are driving?"

"Be confident and get rid of the feeling. They are driving, and they don't brake and slam on the accelerator." Baoer calmly responded while dipping the sashimi in soy sauce.

"Can I get in this car?"

"This is not a car to kindergarten!"

"Who gets in the car to the kindergarten!"

Boa: (_)

Tina: (〃"▽"〃)

Li Zi'an didn't know that there was a little girl who was eagerly trying to get in the car. He silently digested Anya's sturdyness and replied: "Since the fans are looking forward to it, we can't let the fans down. You let Zhang Sihui Let’s reply together and say that the new song is already being created, and new songs will be released when the time is right."

"Do you really have a new song? If you can't get a new song after the official reply to this matter, this is a very bad character. It's better to be silent." Anya reminded responsibly.

Li Zi'an heard this and chuckled lightly: "It's not easy to write a few new songs based on your boss's creative ability. Forgot what your boss's nickname is?"

Anya groaned for three seconds, then raised her eyebrows and replied, "Music fast gunner?"

Li Zi'an: "..."

Inhale, exhale, and take a deep breath!

Li Zi'an was almost unable to hold his chopsticks by the five words of Anya: "Anya, your vacation is gone!"

Faced with the threat of the holidays, Anya suddenly lost her skin, and said: "Music talent, entertainment all-rounder, creative talent, boss, I believe you, a few new songs are a dime!"

Hearing this, Li Zi'an only showed a satisfied smile this time.

Li Zi'an and Anya talked a few words about this, and then looked at the five girls who were about to eat, and said: "I have already thought about your style for the next round of competition, and the music demo has been made. Your next round of style Take the **** route."

"Sexy route?"

Hearing Li Zian’s words, the five girls were a little surprised, but only a little surprised. After all, **** style has always been the main direction of many girl groups. There is a huge group of fans who eat this style. According to Li Zian’s previous thoughts, **** style It will definitely not be missed.

"Take a rest tomorrow. If you have nothing to do, you can go to your seniors who take the **** route to learn from the experience, mainly to learn the eyes and expressions from others, and come back to me the day after tomorrow to check." Teacher Li went online and assigned tasks to several girls.

"Brother Zi'an, who do you look down on, as a woman, **** is not a pinch." Tina said, stood up, and asked Bo'er to cooperate with her. She kept stepping on Bo'er's leg for an instant. The body curve opened, Tina bit her lip slightly on her expression, with a seductive expression on her face, and said, "Brother Zi'an, do you think they are so sexy?"

Looking at Tina in this way, Li Zi'an felt a jump in his heart for no reason.

Well, **** is not sexy, it depends on the face in the end.

Good-looking, just biting a lip are sexy, but not good-looking, even wearing qingqv underwear is useless.

However, Li Zi'an, who has the burden of a teacher, naturally can't be defeated like this. Although he is a little throbbing, he still strictly says: "Sexy is not a show, you are too low-level!"

Hearing Li Zian's comment, Tina broke her work in a second, and sat down again with her pink lips.

"But Tina did have that meaning just now, but it was too deliberate. It is faintly sexy. The sexiness that fills men with infinite reverie is the highest level. You must know that human brain supplement is the most terrible. thing."

"In this regard, Bo'er, Shien, you two need to strengthen, your two styles and sexiness are very different, and you will work hard tomorrow and be humbly to learn from your predecessors."

Li Zian finally nodded Bo'er and Song Shien, and when they heard Li Zian's exhortation, they both nodded well.

Bo'er has always been sweet and lovely. Song Shien has a model body and a cool temperament. Both of them are indeed a bit different from the **** style, so this dance is quite challenging for both of them.

However, both of them have confidence in themselves. Although the style does not match, which woman would think that she is not sexy?

That is an insult to them!

After talking about the style of the next round of competition, Li Zi'an stopped talking about competition and work. Since it was a celebration, he naturally relaxed.

The crowd did not leave until midnight and sent the five girls back to the MG headquarters. Then Li Zian and the others went straight to the hotel next to Seoul Airport to stay, so that they could catch a plane in the morning...