Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 408: It's hard to choose

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After the premiere, Li Zian's domestic work is over.

On the second day, the first day of Chinese Labor Day, Li Zian took an international flight again and returned to South Korea, where he continued to train his five female apprentices.

At the same time, "Wrestle, Dad" was also officially released on this day in China, Japan and South Korea.

As a movie that has already been popular in Southeast Asia, a movie full of huge gimmicks, the attendance rate reached a terrifying level on the first day of the movie's release!

92.37% attendance rate!

what does this mean?

This means that almost all of the thousands of theaters across the country from eight o'clock in the morning to the early morning of the evening are full.

Countless people who were already full of curiosity and anticipation for "Wrestle, Dad" flooded into the theater, and then one by one super high ratings, making the movie's popularity reached a peak again.

Similarly, in Japan and South Korea, although it is not as exaggerated as Huaxia, movies are still very popular.

On the first day of the movie's release, the total box office of China and Japan and South Korea exceeded 200 million on the first day!

In just one day, it reached 70% of the box office in Southeast Asia!

At the same time, the first day of the movie’s box office was even stronger than several major domestic productions in the same period. With a far leading attitude, it won the box office champion on the first day of release.

In the following days, the box office of "Wrestle, Dad" seemed to have opened up, and the box office went up one after another. In just seven days, the box office of the movie exceeded one billion.


Movie box office is rising steadily, but Li Zi'an in South Korea has always maintained a steady state of mind about this, because the film can achieve such results, it should be regarded as his expectation, the box office has not exceeded his expectations too much, also Not below the lower limit he expected.

"very good!"

"That's the feeling, hold on!"

"Come here today, go back to drink more hot water, rest early, recharge your energy, and gather here at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Let's go to the live rehearsal!"

The day before the second round of the finals, Li Zian stood at the front of the practice room, looking at the tired girls below, a touch of satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

Compared with the first competition, the second competition gave them only seven days to prepare. It is quite difficult to complete a new style of dance in seven days.

The five girls finally let go when they heard Li Zian, and they all sat on the ground without any image.

"Let me slow down..."

"Finally perform tomorrow, Devil Hell Week can be regarded as the past!"

Tina lay directly on the ground, muttering in her mouth.

"It's too early for liberation. This is the second performance. There are two more games in the finals and one finals waiting for us...!"

Bo'er reached out and pulled Tina up, holding Tina's delicate face in both hands, pouring cold water mercilessly.

"I don't listen, I don't listen!" Tina covered her ears: "Don't tell me such a cruel reality!"


Seeing the clever Tina, everyone in the practice room couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, go back to the dormitory and rest. If you finish the game tomorrow, if you win the championship again, then we still have the old rules. We celebrate in the evening and rest the next day."

Li Zi'an said with a smile.

"What if you didn't win the championship?"

Tina asked stupidly.

"Didn't win the championship?" Li Zi'an raised his eyebrows, pretending to be vicious and said: "If you didn't win the championship, don't celebrate or rest, double your training volume next week!"

"Oh, so cruel..."

Li Zi'an almost didn't scare Tina to cry. The amount of training now is abnormal enough. If it doubles again, it will make people live.

They don’t have any weird habits, wouldn’t it be okay to live well? !

"Brother Zi'an, if we win the championship tomorrow, we want to apply to watch "Wrestling, Dad" in the cinema, can we?"

Yunxi raised his hand and asked Li Zian expectantly. The other girls looked at Li Zian expectantly.

Li Zi'an raised his eyebrows and smiled when he heard the words: "If you want to support someone in Li's place, it must be possible!"


Hearing Li Zi'an's promise, the five girls suddenly celebrated with a little excitement. Obviously, they should have been thinking about this for some time.

While the five girls were resting, everyone laughed and chatted for a while, but they didn't talk for too long. After the five girls had almost slowed down, they got up from the ground, said goodbye to Li Zi'an, and left the practice room one after another. .

After the five girls left, Li Zian packed his belongings and walked out of the practice room.

"Eh, why did you come and when did you come?"

As soon as Li Zi'an left the house, he saw Anya leaning against the door, and he asked curiously.

Anya usually stays in the exchange dormitory of Seoul National University of the Arts. Recently, she is responsible for the release of films in Japan and South Korea.

"Just arrived."

Anya answered.

"have you eaten?"


"Then have a bite together."

Li Zian said to Anya casually while locking the door.

Speaking of eating, the two did not find any restaurants, and went straight to the cafeteria of MG headquarters.

The cafeteria at the MG headquarters is open 24 hours, and even in the early morning, you can still eat warm meals.

After Li Zian and Anya had finished their meal, they found a place to sit down.

"You should have something to come here, right?"

"Of course, otherwise what am I doing here."

Anya said of course that she has been busy with movie affairs these days, and it is so busy that she really has no idle time.

"What's the matter? Domestic affairs?"

Li Zian guessed.

Anya nodded: "In the afternoon, Mr. Han called me and said that he had negotiated with "The Strongest Singer and Composer". UU Reading, you will participate as a supplementary singer in the next round. The program is officially official. The recording time is ten days later, and the program team hopes that you can post the song demo as soon as possible."

"It's settled so soon?"

Li Zi'an was shocked when he heard the words.

He thought that this matter would have to be delayed for another ten days and eight days, but it only took six days to complete it, and it was done.

"Boss, what is your own popularity? You don't know how to count it. How many variety shows are staring at you, and you are about to kneel down. You ignore it. Now that you actively ask to be on the show, how could the other party refuse..."

Anya looked at Li Zi'an speechlessly, and said angrily.

Li Zi'an raised her eyebrows, An Ya really said the most insulting words in the harshest tone.

"Which issue of "The Strongest Singer and Composer" has been recorded now?"

Li Zi'an had almost eaten, put down his chopsticks, and asked Anya.

"Currently the seventh episode has been recorded, and three days later it will be the eighth episode. Every two rounds will eliminate one player. You are on the ninth episode. If it goes well, you can still be on the four episodes. The final episode is the finals. I can sing almost five songs in total."

Anya responded.

Li Zi'an nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Five songs are almost the same, and it should be able to relieve the hunger and thirst of those fans almost temporarily.

And in a strict sense, the songs on this side of Mythical Girls were all composed by him, and should be considered his works, except that the person who sang was not him.

Adding this up, there are almost ten new songs.

Thinking of the recording ten days later, Li Zi'an started thinking about the song at this moment.


There are too many good songs, which one to choose?

I really envy those ordinary singers who don't have so many choices.

Li Zian thought so shamelessly...

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