Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 43: I want the Buddhas to disappear!

   "Kneel for three thousand years before the Buddha, but I haven't seen my Buddha ascending..."

   "Touching the dust to cover Buddha's eyes, it turned out that no incense money was invested..."

  Li Zi'an's low voice sounded again in the studio.

   "Buddha, not greedy?"

   "Why should be worshipped by the world."

   "Buddha, not evil?"

   "Why not tolerate the world to be a little disrespectful."

   "Buddha, say that all beings are equal?"

   "Why still divide the bodhisattva, Luohan three six nine etc."

Li Zi'an's voice gradually increased, and the flashing frequency of the light red lights on the stage was also accelerating. The huge LED screen that had been black was lit up at this time, and the endless black mist rolled in it. Li Zian said a word, An ink-style text will flash on the LED screen.

   "We will pay tribute, offer incense, and seek disasters."

   "The Buddha said that people in the world have many lives, and they are destined to be fate.

   "That's the case, why do you worship it!"

   "Ning Chengmo..."

   "No Buddha!"

  Li Zi'an's voice seemed to suppress boundless anger. When the last three words were spoken, Li Zi'an's right hand grabbed the collar of his white Buddha robe.

   The right hand waved violently!

   The white Buddha robe was dragged down by Li Zian directly!

   wearing a gold chain lock, stepping on a lotus foot!

   Fang Wei...

  Qi Tian Da Sheng!

  Li Zi'an suddenly turned around, his right hand extended, and an electric guitar was held in his hand.

   Next second.

   The whole scene was boring!


   ("Goku": Sewing Machine Band)

  Who am I living alone?

   Where do I come from

   Where are you going again?

   as if I committed it

   a certain unforgivable error

  I always feel that I have something to bear


  If Sun Wukong just now is the spiritual manifestation after becoming a Buddha, then Sun Wukong at this time is the unrelenting, sacred heavenly emperor who walked south and broken Lingxiao!

  Countless modern electronic music rolls and countless lights flash.



  Li Zi'an, holding an electric guitar, stood in front of the microphone, his eyes sharp and indifferent.

  If you let Zhang Junhao and Gao Baisong evaluate Li Zi'an's current state, it would be commonly known as "Qi Faner" in the circle.

   looked at Li Zi'an on the stage. He was like a magnet, attracting the eyes of all the girls on the scene firmly to him.

   So handsome!

   The man's domineering power was displayed most vividly on Li Zi'an!


   I want to stop covering my eyes this day

   I want this place can't bury my heart

   I want all beings to understand my meaning

   I want the Buddhas

  The smoke disappears


   When the chorus came, Li Zian raised his right hand violently, and at the same time the eyes of those black eyes were domineering.

five years ago……

   I once pressed all of you!

Five years later……

  You guys bully me?

  You guys laugh at me?


so what?

  Sun Wukong was crushed under Wuzhi Mountain for five hundred years!

   But when he got out of the cage...

  A landslide!

   is a crack!

   He is still the Great Monkey King!

  Demons, ghosts, ghosts and ghosts!

   Still can't stop the iron rod!


  The same is true!


   "If I become a Buddha, there is no demon in the world!"

   "If I become a demon, Foney, I will!"

   "If the sky crushes me, split this day!"

   "If you restrain me, break this place!"

   "My life is free, who dares to stand tall!"

   A series of ink characters flashed one after another on the large LED screen.

  With Li Zian's treble, everyone's heart seemed to be lit by a fire.

   They seemed to see the war-fighting world. They cut through the darkness with gold hoops, killing the mountains and rivers, killing the gods with blood, and killing the monkey who was dim and dark...

came back!


   I want to stop covering my eyes this day

   I want this place can't bury my heart

   I want all beings to understand my meaning

   I want the Buddhas

  The smoke disappears


  Li Zian plucked the strings at will, but felt very refreshed in his heart.

   The agony of being insulted by countless people but unable to do so was completely released in the sound of music.

  Director's room.

  Lv Leshan was already shocked by the scene in front of him. He pointed to Li Zian below, opened his mouth to look at Shi Liang, and his eyes were round.

  Shi Liang shook his head with a smile: "It's shocking, when I saw the finished product of this program last night, I was not shocked less than you."

"In just two days, he wrote another song, both of which are themes of Sun Wukong. The styles of the two are completely different, but they are very cleverly merged together. This person and his head The gap is sometimes even bigger than the gap between humans and dogs. I am convinced of this sentence!"

   Listening to Shi Liang's emotions, Lu Leshan quite agrees.

"But this kid, obviously, the X4 Youth League fans scolded him two days ago, and he is very angry. Now this song is quite a bit of a song. I hope that no trouble will happen." Lu Leshan said softly.

  Shi Liang heard the words and grinned: "What kind of trouble can be caused? I think this is the sharpness that the young man Lang should have!"

  Lv Leshan smiled and said no more. Obviously, he also quite agreed with Shi Liang's words.


   I want to stop covering my eyes this day

   I want this place can't bury my heart

   I want all beings to understand my meaning

   I want the Buddhas

  The smoke disappears


The lyrics of    are exactly the same, but the pitch of Li Zi'an's singing voice is getting higher and higher, and the singing voice is more and more loud.

  All the audience in the studio had already stood up from the chair. The four judges all stood up without exception.


   Those who join in the lively players have long been shocked mouth grow up boss.

  What is this special game scene?

   This is clearly the concert site!

  What is the significance of their existence?

Is    responsible for warming up? !

   In a corner of the Li Zimu looked at the boy who was wantonly on the stage, and his eyes were a little confused.

   Once upon a time, she was the proud daughter of heaven in the eyes of countless people.

   has never lost since entering the game!

   Even in a world-class dance competition like the Tao Li Cup, she is the tallest person on the podium.

   But on this stage, she never won the boy once.



   On this boy, she first tasted the frustration that other peers had tasted on her.

   Even if she pursued with all her strength and practiced the dance desperately, she still felt extremely far away from him.

This successive frustration made her more and more interested in the boy. With the deeper and deeper contact, she found that the boy seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, which made her unclear and unclear. There is an increasing desire to explore.

   Even she didn't even notice it.

  The figure of this boy has quietly occupied a corner of her atrium.


   I want the Buddhas

   All smoke disappears~~~


   loud treble seems to want to cut through the studio.


   looked at the boy who held the microphone high and stood in the middle of the stage.

   Such an image is deeply imprinted in the deepest heart of many girls.

  When the last note falls.

   Thunderous applause swept the studio.


   PS: You all said yesterday that you will vote next time. Do you have to vote today?
