Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 442: Winning Night (1)

The two hosts on the stage are all Asian faces, and they speak very standard Mandarin Chinese, making it impossible to guess which country they are from.

There are many awards at the Asian Film Festival, and there are many small awards besides the grand prize.

After a simple opening speech, the award ceremony of the Asian Film Festival was quickly on track.

After several small awards were awarded one after another, there was an award-the best feature film award!

And for this award, Li Zian's nomination is impressive.

"The films nominated for the Best Feature Film Award..."

"Thai movie "Soul Musician"!"

"Japanese movie "Sakura Fall"!"

"Singapore movie "Reverse Growth"!"

"The Indian movie "Wrestle, Dad"!"

Following the host’s voice, on the big screen behind the host, the four nominated film clips flashed one after another.

Since Li Zian’s film was all completed in India from the formalities to the shooting, this film naturally belongs to the ranks of Indian films. Without this label, Li Zian would never have the opportunity to participate in the selection of the Asian Film Festival.

After the host announced the four nominations, many viewers on the scene began to shout for the films they supported.

The loudest voice on the scene was naturally the local Singaporean movie "Growth Reverse". After all, this is the home of others, and there are more people than others, and it is definitely not comparable.

In addition to "Reverse Growth", the voice second only to "Reverse Growth" is "Wrestle, Dad".

Compared with the previous small prizes, the enthusiasm of the audience is undoubtedly higher than the competition for the grand prize.

The host on the stage gave the audience about ten seconds to express their emotions, and then invited the guests responsible for the awards this time, and the guests announced the winning works.

"I declare..."

"The film that won the Best Feature Film Award at the 35th Asian Film Festival is..."

When the guest read this, he paused for a while. After looking around the audience, he finally fell on Li Zi'an in the middle of the third row.

""Wrestle, Dad"!"

As soon as the voice of the guests fell, thousands of fans in the audience suddenly bounced off their chairs.


There were loud cheers, and the award-winning BGM was also released.



In Han's house, Li Zian's grandparents and uncles and aunts were sitting in the living room together. The TV show was the Asian Film Festival awards ceremony broadcast by CCTV International.

When the host announced that the award-winning movie was "Wrestling, Dad", when the scene switched to Li Zian's feature, Han Jun at home suddenly clapped his hands excitedly and jumped directly from the sofa.

"Daddy and mom, our family has won an award, grand prize!"

Han Jun was a little bit excited. As a close relative who watched Li Zian grow up and watched Li Zian win awards at overseas film events, his inner joy was no less than seeing Han Yiyao win the prize.

"I saw it, I saw it!"

The two old men also opened their eyes and smiled, and the kindness, longing, and gratification in their eyes could not be restrained.


Fetion Live.

When announcing the award-winning film as "Wrestling, Dad", the barrage on the live page suddenly stopped, and then all the congratulations spread all over the screen.

In the comment area, Li Zian's countless fans sent to celebrate.

"I like to mention an award, Ange is awesome!"

"For the best feature film, to win this award, it is estimated that the next best screenwriter award, Ang, should also be stable."

"Our great devil has just been rampant in the music circle once. Is it the turn of the movie circle to suffer today?"

""Wrestle, Dad" deserves its name, no controversy!"


The scene of the award ceremony.

As the winner of the Best Feature Film Award, Li Zi froze for a moment, and then reacted quickly.

He was a little sure about this award, but it was the first award after all, and he was somewhat surprised to get an award so smoothly.

Facing countless gazes, facing each of the shots aimed at him, Li Zian smiled, then calmly got up and hugged Han Qian beside him, and finally walked quickly amidst the congratulations along the way. On the stage.

Flowers in the left hand, trophy in the right.

The trophy of the Asian Film Festival has an obsidian base, with two semi-curved arcs intersecting like a film film. The intersection is set off with a sphere, and the upper part is all golden.

The trophy is handmade and looks very beautiful.

Li Zi'an didn't observe it carefully for too long, and moved his eyes from the trophy to the guests and audience.

He saw Uncle Harry with his eyes full of encouragement, saw Little Rama waving for him with a small fist, saw Auntie and Li Xiaomu whose faces were proud of him, and Anya and others who were flushed with excitement. ...

Holding the heavy trophy in his hand, Li Zian's heart suddenly moved.

Before he knew it, he was no longer alone. He has his relatives in this world, his lover, his friends, his colleagues, and people who are willing to fight with him for his dream...

"First of all thank the jury for awarding the best feature film award to the movie "Wrestling, Dad". I once again represent the 439 staff of the "Wrestling, Dad" crew, and thank the jury for their recognition and encouragement. ."

"Secondly, I want to thank my team and my aunt who has been silently supporting me from behind..."

Li Zian began to give his acceptance speech, and there was not much heartfelt speech. The acceptance speech was quite official. About five minutes later, Li Zian took the trophy and walked off the stage to the applause of everyone.

In fact, it's not that Li Zian doesn't want to say more, mainly because he has won eight awards in total. Unless he is not the chief, he will definitely have the opportunity to speak on stage again.

It would be a bit embarrassing if I finished all the testimonials in one breath, and when I waited to come back on stage, it would be a bit embarrassing to not say anything.

However, the facts have proved that today's Li Zian was not possessed by non-chiefs, but the emperor of Europe was possessed.

In the next hour or so, Li Zian swept the entire award ceremony.


"Congratulations to Mr. Li Zi'an, screenwriter of the movie "Wrestle, Dad" for winning the Best Screenplay Award at the 35th Asian Film Festival!"


"Congratulations to Mr. Li Zi'an, the editor of the movie "Wrestle, Dad", who won the Best Editing Award at the 35th Asian Film Festival!"


"Congratulations to the movie "Wrestling, UU Reading Dad", which won the Best Picture Award at the 35th Asian Film Festival!"


"Congratulations to the movie "Wrestle, Dad" for winning the Most Popular Audience Award at the 35th Asian Film Festival!"


In the later stage, all filmmakers and guests were numb.

At first, I would be a little surprised when I heard that Li Zian had won the prize, and then when Li Zian walked out, he smiled and applauded.

But as Li Zian began to harvest wildly, everyone was numb. When they heard that the winner was Li Zian, everyone's heart was: Oh, Li Zian has won again.

At this moment, the mentality of the guests who have not been nominated is still good, but the mentality of those who have been nominated has collapsed.

Can you still play happily?

Hundreds of us are running here with us? !