Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 451: champion!

"Boom boom..."

At the peak of the tide, fireworks circled around the edge of the top of the Seoul Stadium. The splendid fireworks made the entire night illuminated for a short while.


At this moment, many people have forgotten that this is the scene of the finals, as if to treat this stage as a special concert for mythical girls.

In the VIP lounge, Li Zimu and Chu Jinglan were standing on a high platform, watching the dynamic dancing on the stage, both of them couldn't help feeling a little moved.

"Lan Lan, I want to learn this dance too!"

Li Zimu pointed at the stage with her green fingers.

Chu Jinglan heard the words and smiled: "If you want to learn, just let your family Li Zi'an teach you directly. The whole dance is arranged by him. It is not easy for you to learn."

"I don't want to learn from him." Li Zimu murmured, and at the same time said with a ruddy face in a low voice: "Every time I ask him to teach me to dance, he is not serious!"

Hearing the words behind Li Zimu, Chu Jinglan raised her brows slightly, then leaned her head on Li Zimu's shoulders, and asked with a gossiping face: "Why is he not serious?"


"It's just that every time he finishes teaching me, when I can go from start to finish, he...he can't help but treat me...that..."

Li Zimu whispered a little embarrassedly, and even her crystal ears were covered with pink.


After Chu Jinglan learned the inside story, she couldn't help but laugh.

She suddenly had a picture, but this time she understood Li Zian quite well, so she rushed to Li Zimu’s bumpy figure, and danced in front of a man with the **** dance of a fairy girl. I am afraid that no man can resist it. This temptation.

Even if she is a woman, sometimes watching Li Zimu practice dancing, she can't help but grab a hand occasionally when she is fine.

"Hmph, this time I will learn it by myself, following their video!"

Li Zimu raised her little head slightly and said very proudly.


Live broadcast platform.

"I really love these five wives, mythical girls, to debut for Lao Tzu!"

"This locomotive dance is simply invincible, sometimes **** and sometimes lively. It combines a variety of styles. Every girl shows their own style. It's so beautiful!"

"Qi Wushuai has exploded, I am now full of their legs!"

"Watching my sisters dancing was discovered by my daughter-in-law, they are kneeling now, but even if I'm kneeling, I have to watch this dance, and I must not delay voting for my sisters!"

"Mythical girl, the trendy girl group can be expected!"


For a whole week, I practiced dancing without black or white, just for this last moment.

This song "XI" is the most popular song in the Qi Dance section since they participated in the general election. As a mature female group, neatness is the most basic requirement.

In order to be neat, the five girls danced this song no less than a hundred times in this week.

But now, their dedication has been recognized, looking at that already falling into the crazy stage, at this moment, they suddenly gained momentum.

This trend is unclear, but it is real.

Li Zian in the audience keenly captured the changes of the five girls on the stage.

The general trend of invincibility...

It's done!


Six minutes passed in a flash, and when the last sound fell, the whole stage instantly became extremely bright.

In the bright lights, five girls stood in a row, stepping on their high boots, taking a step forward together.

"Hello everyone, I'm Boa!"

"Hello everyone, this is Tina!"

"Hello everyone, this is Song Shien!"

"Hello everyone, this is Lee Yun Hee!"

"Hello everyone [yoyo reading], I'm Kim Soo Yeon!"

"We are……"

"Mythical girl!"

The last self-introduction on this stage, compared to the self-introduction when they first landed on this stage, the difference between the two is simply a huge difference.

"Mythical girl!"

"Mythical girl!"

"Mythical girl!"


From the initial mere voice, in a blink of an eye, this voice became the unanimous shouting of 100,000 audiences.

In the huge stadium, there is only one voice at this time, that is-the mythical girl!

The five girls looked at the audience below, and they suddenly cried.

Once sad, once suffering.

at this moment……

Disperse with the wind.


"I declare..."

"The women's team that won the first "Come on, Girls!" champion is..."

"Mythical girl!"

After going through the whole network voting, Mythical Girl finally got 47 million votes, far surpassing 3YT1's 14 million votes.

It's three times worse!

The sky full of colored ribbons sprayed from the stage, and the mythical girl successfully stood on the highest stage.

Countless people are caring about it, countless people are going crazy for it!


Destined to be remembered by everyone!



When Li Zian brought Zhao Yuchen and Song Changxun back to the five girls' lounge, she was hugged directly by the five girls as soon as she opened the door.

Tina threw directly into her arms, Bo'er and Song Shien hugged him by his side, while Li Yunxi and Kim Soo-yeon hugged him on his back.

The five girls hugged him and started crying, and all the crying eye makeup and face makeup were all crying.

Seeing this situation, Song Changxun, Zhao Yuchen, Anya and others all watched with smiles. They all understood the feelings of the five girls at the moment. UU reading

Having been a trainee for so many years, he first broke out of many trainees, and then competed with many women's teams on this stage, and finally won the championship and made his debut.

Zhao Yuchen and Song Changxun, who had been trainees, had the most experience of this hard work, and they all understood the feelings of the five girls at this time.

All the hardships come, the dreams come true!

Being held tightly by the five girls, smelling the different body scents on their bodies, and feeling the softness of their different bodies, this made Li Zi'an a little embarrassed.

But he didn't push them away this time. It is actually good for them to cry after the game.

Li Zi'an was held by five girls and cried for nearly five minutes, and his chest and back had already been wet by several girls.

In five minutes, they almost cried, and one by one gradually released Li Zi'an.

Seeing their faces that looked like little cats, Li Zi'an couldn't help but burst into joy.

Tina, who was standing in front of Li Zian, suddenly laughed when she saw Li Zian. She was stunned for a moment, and then quickly raised her hands and covered her face.

"Brother Zi'an, are we ugly now..."

Seeing Tina's reaction, the other four girls also reacted immediately, raising their hands to cover their faces.

"It's really ugly..."


Li Zian couldn't help but couldn't help but couldn't hold it anymore, haha ​​laughed.

"No laughs, no pictures!"

Seeing Li Zi'an smile, Tina stomped her feet lightly with shame, then turned around and ran to the bathroom to wash her face. The other four girls also covered their faces and rushed to the bathroom...