Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 452: End of the trip to Korea

Just when the five girls just ran to the bathroom to remove their makeup, MG's vice president Park Chengming hurried over.

The other party was full of excitement and excitement. As soon as he saw Li Zian, he gave Li Zian a big hug.

"Mr. Li, thanks..."

"Thank you so much!"

Park Sung Ming held Li Zi'an's hand tightly with both hands, thanked him again and again, his expression seemed very sincere.

"Mr. Park, you are too polite." Li Zian responded with a smile: "Helping the mythical girl to win the championship is of great benefit to your company and me. Moreover, these five girls are really hardworking. Your company’s ability to choose people is really lacking."

Others voted for peaches, and plums were rewarded with plums.

Being polite is mutual, and Park Chengming couldn't help but smile even more when he heard Li Zian's words.

"Mr. Lee, our company's president and directors have all set up celebration banquets in resorts outside of Seoul. Please be sure to appreciate your attendance later."

Park Chengming smiled and asked.

Li Zi'an groaned a little when he heard the words, and clicked: "Okay, I'll go with the five girls later."

"Okay, okay, then I'll take a step first, and we will call later."

Li Zi'an answered, Park Chengming didn't say anything more, smiled and nodded with Zhao Yuchen and Song Changxun, and then quickly left the lounge.

"Have you heard it, and there will be a celebration banquet next time, let's go together and get ready."

After Park Chengming left, Li Zian turned to Anya and the others.

Everyone answered, and then began to pack their belongings in the lounge.

Li Zian is not very interested in this kind of commercial banquet, but he still has to go to this celebration banquet today.

At the beginning, he agreed to be the mentor of Mythical Girl and signed a gambling agreement with MG. Now he has successfully put Mythical Girl into the championship. Now it's time for MG to fulfill the contract.

What is the specific attitude of MG's senior management on this, how the two parties will cooperate in the future, and when the other party intends to let Mythical Girl enter the China market in the future. These things are waiting for him to talk to the MG senior.

The high-level Li Zian refers to, and vice-versa like Park Sung-ming are always no longer in the ranks. Only people at the president or above are qualified to talk to Li Zian.

Therefore, Li Zian must go to this celebration banquet.

Soon, all five girls came out of the bathroom.

The kitten's face, which was originally like that ghostly symbol, has all been restored to its original delicate face.

"Your company hosted a celebration banquet. When we go there together, I'm afraid you will have to add more makeup."

Li Zi'an said with a smile.

When the five girls heard the words, they looked at each other, and then all of their small faces suddenly collapsed.

"Don't cry and cry, when I see the leader of your company, I will apply to him for a few days of vacation for you."

Li Zian shook his head and smiled.

Hearing what Li Zian said, the five girls showed a little smile, and then they sat in front of the makeup mirror and started putting on makeup. Li Zian took the place of the five girls into the bathroom and removed all the performance makeup on his face. Come down.

Near eleven o'clock in the evening, Li Zian and other talents rushed to the resort on the outskirts of MG.

Even though it was late at night, it was still brightly lit.

When Li Zian and others arrived at the resort, they were welcomed by many MG executives and employees at the door.

Walking into the resort, Li Zi'an can see MG's star artists everywhere. Obviously, this celebration party should not be organized temporarily, but MG is confident that the mythical girl will win the championship in advance.

The mythical girl is undoubtedly the focus of this scene, and another focus is Li Zian, who created the legend of the mythical girl.

At the celebration banquet, Li Zi'an met the president and many directors of MG. They all talked happily. Regarding the pre-arranged gambling agreement, MG's senior executives also agreed very much.

As for when the Mythical Girl will enter China Development, the time given by MG is in half a year.

In the past six months, the Mythical Girl needs to stabilize its domestic fans, establish its status in the country, and stabilize its influence in the country. It will participate in some variety shows to increase its exposure, and then prepare a new album, hit charts and tour.

If all goes well, mythical girl will officially enter the Chinese market in half a year.

Li Zi'an has no objection to the arrangement of MG Company, because the arrangement of MG Company is reasonable and reasonable. If he were a senior of MG Company, he would do the same.

After discussing the above matters of cooperation, the next step is to follow Hu Kan, who are high-level people like MG.

The whole celebration banquet did not end until nearly three o'clock in the morning, and Li Zian and others did not leave that night, and slept directly in the resort.


In the afternoon of the next day.

At Seoul International Airport, a group of people returning from the resort met with Li Zimu and others.

They will officially return to China today, thus ending the study and life of exchange students this year. After they have processed their boarding passes for a lot of luggage, they are ready to board the plane.

Beside Li Zian, five women and one man stood.

They are all wearing peaked caps and sunglasses on their faces. These six people are the mythical girls and Song Changxun who came to give off to Li Zian.

"Okay, you have to say goodbye to you for thousands of miles, let's stop here."

Looking at the six people in front of him, Li Zian said with a smile at them.

"Brother Zi'an, when we are finished, we will go to Huaxia to play with you. You said that you want to accompany us, but you can't talk but count..."

Tina's voice is full of reluctance and nostalgia.

Li Zi'an said with a smile: "Yes, you are welcome to visit China at any time. No matter how busy I am, I will spare two days to accompany you. I never lie."

Hearing Li Zian's words, the five girls smiled a little, but they were still very sad.

"Angel, a good journey."

Compared with five girls, Song Changxun is much more majestic. He stepped forward to give Li Zi'an a big hug.

"We two elders, I won't comfort you."

Li Zi'an said with a smile.

"Brother Ang, people actually want you to comfort me~"

Song Changxun suddenly raised an orchid finger and said in a groaning voice.

"Oh!" Li Zi installed with a vomiting expression, UU reading laughed and cursed: "You are really disgusting!"


Song Changxun laughed haha, causing the other five girls to laugh too, unknowingly, the sadness of the separation was a little less.

"All right, time is almost up, I have to go."

Li Zian raised his hand to look at his watch, and said to the six people in front of him with a slightly formal expression.

"Goodbye Zi'an!"

"Goodbye coach!"

"Teacher has a good journey!"


Everyone did not hold back, and said goodbye.

Li Zian's gaze scanned everyone's face one by one, and then without saying anything, he turned and walked towards the security checkpoint.

"Brother Zi'an!"

Just when Li Zi'an arrived at the security checkpoint, a shout suddenly came from behind him.

Li Zian looked back and saw Tina rushing over.

"If one day, I mean if one day, if you break up with Li Zimu, you must tell me!"


"I am chasing you!"

Tina blushed, and after leaving these two sentences, she ran away again without giving Li Zian a chance to reply.

Looking at Tina's back, Li Zi'an was taken aback, and then shook his head helplessly.

"this day……"

"You shouldn't be able to wait..."

Li Zian sighed softly, turned around and walked into the security checkpoint, and then disappeared in the eyes of the five girls and Song Changxun.

Half an hour later, a flight to China Central Capital took off in the golden sun.

Located by the window in the first-class cabin of the plane, Li Zi'an looked at the smaller and smaller cities, saying goodbye in his heart.

This is the end of my visit to Korea for several months...