Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 453: Take advantage of the fire

A few hours later.

As dusk approached, heavy clouds and mist entangled in the sky, and the setting sun showed a little gap, bursting with crimson colors, like swimming fish in the sinking sea, occasionally rolling with golden scales.

A group of people stood at the gate of Zhongdu International Airport.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, in the Huayan Building next to the Guanghui Building, with the water lotus and the moon in the box, the superstar media specially set up a wind reception banquet for you. No one can be absent. You can be there on time and you can bring your family."

Standing in front of the business car that came to pick him up, Li Zian said to He Yilun, Anya and others.

He Yilun and others were slightly surprised when they heard this.

"Big brother, we are all our own. The reception banquet is held in Huayan Building. It's a bit grand." Lu Jiaming said with a smile.

He Yilun echoed: "That's why it's better to find a food stall, this summer, get some crayfish, cold beer all over, and brag about it, that's so cool!"

After hearing He Yilun’s words, Li Zian nodded seriously, and then said to the others: “Have you heard, after I’ve invited this meal, He Yilun will invite everyone to the food stall to eat crayfish. Little beer, thank him, everyone!"


Following Li Zi'an for many years, they have long been used to Li Zi'an Hang He Yilun. Seeing He Yilun's sluggish face, some people suddenly couldn't hold back them, and they laughed and applauded.

"Lengge is mighty, when will Lengge give a greeting, and he will be there on call!"

"Ge Lung is a real man, whoever tells me to pick me up, I will fly as soon as I go up!"

"It doesn't matter what crayfish, as long as my Lungo asks me to eat it!"

"Langge, your proposal is very good. I like to eat crayfish. I can eat one hundred and eighty at a time!"


The man joked at He Yilun with winking eyebrows. This time even several girls joined the ridicule camp.

After leaving China for a year and now finally returning to China, everyone is in a great mood.


Except He Yilun now.

He Yilun is counting. There are more than 20 people at the scene. Even if it is calculated as 50 crayfish per person, it will cost more than 1,000. In addition to the wine money of this group of wine mengzi, a food stall can be eaten. Go in his SLR money.

A big loss!

Let your mouth owe, let your mouth owe!

If it weren't for the crowds, He Yilun really wanted to poke his own two small mouths.

But now he can only break his throat and enter his stomach. Money can be lost, but face must not be lost!

"Eat!" He Yilun gritted his teeth and waved his hand, and then slapped Lu Jiaming around his neck: "You can feed me hard then, I will see how you can eat a hundred crayfish by yourself. !"

"Hey, the second brother, please let me know in advance before the treat. I will take two pills of intestinal cleansing medicine to clear the intestines first, and then on an empty stomach for a day, I promise to give you enough for one hundred!"

Lu Jiaming said with a smile.



He Yilun stared at Lu Jiaming, and then finally gave Lu Jiaming a thumbs up helplessly.


Seeing He Yilun and Lu Jiaming fighting each other, everyone was happy to spend, and Li Zi'an, the instigator, smiled and carried him on Li Zimu's body. The small eyes that caused He Yilun's resentment were always broken.

After everyone laughed at the airport exit for a while, Li Zian and Li Zimu left first, mainly because Li Zian's identity was special. After staying at the airport for a long time, it would inevitably be exposed and cause unnecessary trouble.

After Li Zian left, some of the others went back to school together, some locals in Zhongdu went home directly, and others went to the pre-appointed rental agency together to inspect the house.

A group of people quickly dispersed at the airport.


Sitting in the company's high-end business, after half an hour's drive, Li Zian and Li Zimu returned home smoothly.

Although there is no one in this house for a long time, everything in the house is as clean as new, and the air is very fresh. All this is due to Han Qian's care. She will find a professional cleaning company to clean the house every week.

With the help of the driver, the two moved the eight largest suitcases back home.


Six of them belonged to Li Zimu!

In addition, two of the six large suitcases were bought by Li Zimu after he arrived in Korea.

"Pack your own things..."

After the driver left, Li Zian quietly separated his two suitcases from the pile of suitcases, then cleared his throat and said solemnly.

Li Zimu heard Li Zian's intention to stand on the sidelines, and instantly changed to a pitiful appearance.

"So many big boxes, you are willing to move them alone~"

"You help others~"



Li Zimu wrapped her hands around Li Zi'an's waist, tilted her head up with a pitiful face, and muttered her rosy pink lips, pushing her coquettish force to the limit in an instant.

The same repetition of words, Song Changxun's repetition of words made him sick, but Li Zimu's repetition of words made his heart melt, his brother is hard...cough cough... it's okay.

"It's okay to help you move, but there are conditions!"

Li Zian decided to take advantage of the fire to rob, UU reading www. does not make a profit at this time, when will it do?

"What conditions..."

Li Zimu still looked at Li Zian with that pitiful expression, but suddenly there was a vigilant look on her small face.


Li Zi'an grinned, a smirk on his face.

When Li Zimu saw Li Zian's expression, she immediately knew that Li Zian was starting to think.

"I visited the day before yesterday and saw some small clothes that are very special. How many should we buy and try?"

Li Zian lowered his head slightly and whispered in Li Zimu's ear.

Li Zi'an naturally knew the so-called very special little clothes in Li Zi'an's mouth, because Li Zi'an had mentioned it to her two days ago, but was rejected by Li Zimu mercilessly.

Thinking of those "fancy" clothes, if you wear them...

Li Zimu's face couldn't help turning red.

" wear, shameful..."

Li Zimu lowered his head a little embarrassingly, his voice was like a mosquito.

"Then I'm leaving, take care of the luggage yourself."

Li Zi'an said that he was going to leave.

Li Zimu looked at the big box on the ground around him, then gritted his teeth, grabbed Li Zian's clothes with his little hands, and said in a shy voice: "Just buy one..."

Li Zi'an, with his back to Li Zimu, suddenly showed a two-ha-like expression on his face, then turned around and smiled at Li Zimu: "Isn't it just a box? What's the matter? Wife, please sit on the sofa. , I will do everything by myself!"

Seeing Li Zi'an's face that was about to smile, Li Zimu bit her teeth, puffed her cheeks and kicked Li Zi'an's ass.

