Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 457: The recording of the 10th program

After arriving at the hotel of the program group, Li Zian found the director Huang Che to inform him, and after understanding the recording process of tomorrow's program, he took his room card and went back to the room to rest.

No words for a night.

The next day.

Li Zi'an slept until nine o'clock in the morning, got up to wash, and after breakfast, from ten o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon, he spent time practicing singing.

After two o’clock, due to Xiao Qianru’s vacation, the makeup task was handed over to someone else. The makeup artist who came to give Li Zian makeup was a friend of the same level as Xiao Qianru’s makeup artist. Xiao Qianru had arranged in advance before his vacation a few days ago. All right.

This friend of Xiao Qianru's is also a big beauty. She is stylishly dressed and has a personality similar to Xiao Qianru's. He doesn't talk much and is very focused at work.

Make up, do hair, change costumes...

After this series of things are done, it is almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

In the car sent by the program group, Li Zian and Yin Zhen came to the scene of recording "The Strongest Singer-Composer 2".

Every episode of the show will have a deo mutual listening session before the game, so he can't escape.

Li Zi'an arrived in the music room of the mutual listening environment a little after four o'clock.

After knocking on the door several times and pushing it open, Li Zian found that several singers had already arrived in the room.

The singers in the room are Cheng Ke, Suning and Dashan.

"Wow, Teacher Li is here."

Seeing that the person who came in was Li Zian, Cheng Ke, who was sitting in the chair a little bored and playing with his pigtails, suddenly lit up, and then stood up to greet him.

The other two, Dashan and Suning, had their backs to the door. When they heard Cheng Ke's words, they couldn't help looking back, and then stood up to greet them.

"Sister Cheng, Brother Shan, Brother Su, good evening."

With a gentle smile on Li Zian's face, he greeted the three of them one by one with a very humble attitude.

The four exchanged simple greetings, and then took their seats again. According to the principle of symmetry, Li Zian sat beside Cheng Ke, facing Dashan and Suning.

"Mr. Li, congratulations first." After sitting down, Cheng Ke turned sideways and smiled and praised Li Zian: "It's only a week, and there are more than one good news about you. With eight awards, the apprentice Mythical Girl won the championship, and she was promoted to the second line yesterday, and she was directly ranked 69th. Everything is worth congratulating!"

"There is so much good news. The results you have achieved this week are almost as good as my one-year results. These days, whenever my agent sees news from you, I can’t help but be motherly and point my head to me. Study hard with you, I now want to talk to my dear manager, Ms. Gao, from the camera, I also have to have Li Zian's ability to do it!"

The face of Suning was full of grievances, and the whole person stood up directly behind him and roared loudly at the camera. Of course, the acting was very exaggerated. At first glance, he knew that Suning was active and funny.


The three of Dashan and Li Zian were all laughed by Suning, and the behind-the-scenes staff such as Huang Che who were behind the camera couldn't help but laugh.

"In fact, it's not so exaggerated, but the good things have all come together, fluke, fluke." Li Zi'an responded with a smile.

In fact, it was quite coincidental. The Asian Film Festival, the Mythical Girl Finals, and the second-tier star list were all announced within a week.

"Hey, I'm so envious, second-line, if I can be second-line, I can wake up with a smile in my dreams."

Cheng Ke said with emotion, judging from the desire in her eyes, it can be seen that she really desires that position.

In fact, who doesn't desire it.

As an artist, those who are not on the list are eager to be on the list, those who want to be fifth-tier are eager to be fourth-tier, those who are fourth-tier are eager to be third-tier, third-tier are eager to be second-tier, second-tier are eager to be first-tier, and those who want to reach the top and surpass the first-tier are the same. Have a desire, want to compete to be the No1 in the super first line.

Entertainment, Vanity Fair.

Regardless of how indifferent people are, as long as they enter this circle, they will have the urge to keep climbing up.

To be alive, one is either for fame or for profit, neither of which is a monk.

Now that Li Zian has been in the second line at such a young age, and is still in the high position in the second line, how can this not be envied by Cheng Ke and others.

Four people were sitting in the music room chatting, and soon the other four singers also arrived.

Without exception, the four singers who came in after seeing Li Zian, either sincerely or politely congratulated Li Zian.

Eight online singers gathered and talked briefly for about ten minutes, and then began the inter-listening session before the competition.

"Ms. Li, you said that you would sing ra during the dinner after the game last issue, and you want to fight with me. Are you still counting this?"

At the beginning of the mutual listening session, Da Shan asked Li Zi'an anxiously.

Listening to Dashan's question, everyone also recalled the dinner after the last match, Li Zi'an and Dashan had an appointment.

"Of course I count." Li Zi'an responded with a smile: "And the song I prepared is still a very pure ra."

When Dashan heard this, he punched his chest with his right hand: "Mr. Li, no matter who wins or loses in this battle today, you can get my Dashan's resect!"

The transliteration of resect means respect, which is a commonly used vocabulary in ra circle and street dance circle.

Rap and street dance originated in the American villages. Nowadays, rap and street dance are popular all over the world. Therefore, many rap cultures and street dance cultures still retain a little American style, which has nothing to do with which country’s culture is strong or weak.


Facing the boldness of the mountain, Li Zian followed the example of the mountain and thumped his chest.

Seeing the interaction between Li Zian and Dashan, the eyes of the rest of the room showed a little curiosity.

Pure ra, this is an area that Li Zian has never shown.

"Dashan, although Li Zian has never sung pure Ra, his level of Ra is definitely not weak. Have you seen the finals of "Come on, Girl!" a few days ago, Li Zian was in the two songs in the opening dance There are a lot of ra, and one of them is rap is so handsome!" Cheng Ke expressed his love and admiration without reservation.

The rest of the people also nodded slightly with Cheng Ke's words. The two songs Li Zi'an sang in the finals, they have seen They are indeed perfect and impeccable.

"Haha, of course I watched it." Dashan smiled: "The higher Li Zi'an's accomplishments in Ra, the happier I am. Strong confrontation is the essence of Ra. I am looking forward to Teacher Li's later works!"

"Since you are all looking forward to it, let's start now."

Everyone was talking, so the mutual listening session officially started.

But as always, everyone has reservations. The deo Li Zian brought this time is complete.


The accompaniment is complete, but there is no lyrics.

This made everyone who was looking forward to be discouraged. Ra was just like words. Can it still be called Ra without words? !

Everyone complained in their hearts, but in fact everyone was well-known.

After de mutual listening, everyone began to choose opponents.

As agreed in the previous period, Li Zian in the upper zone played against Dashan and Zheng Yi played against Cheng Ke.

The lower zone is determined by a lottery, and the result of the lottery surprised everyone.

The strongest Jiang Xuanyu and Chen Haisheng were drawn together, while the weaker Pei Yuan and Suning formed their opponents.

This means that the two players eliminated in this period, Jiang Xuanyu and Chen Haisheng will occupy one spot, and Pei Yuan and Suning will occupy another spot.

In terms of strength, if Jiang Xuanyu and Chen Haisheng play against Pei Yuan and Suning respectively, Pei Yuan and Suning will have a great possibility of being eliminated.


The lottery within the rules was very cold.

Jiang Xuanyu and Chen Haisheng did not show too much emotion, but it could be seen that their expressions were very solemn.

Seeing the expressions of the four people in the lower district, Li Zi'an was slightly emotional.

This may be the charm of stage competition...