Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 458: "slave"

Six o'clock in the evening.

The recording of the tenth issue of "The Strongest Singer 2" officially began.

Accompanied by bg, the host Gao Yan walked onto the stage in flashing lights.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the tenth issue of "The Strongest Singer and Composer 2". I am the host Gao Yan."

"This show is titled and broadcasted by a diamond ring who only loves a group of people in his life. Thanks for the super delicious bucket waist yogurt and the beautiful makeup that is beautiful to bubbling..."

The host Gao Yan's opening remarks were as usual, and when Gao Yan began to host, the eyes of the four singers in the upper zone were intertwined.

"Who will come first?"

Cheng Ke asked with a smile.

"I can do it."

Zheng Yi is still of that kind of Buddhism, leaning lazily on the sofa, and responding casually to Cheng Ke's inquiry.

"Ms. Li, should we come first?"

Dashan looked at Li Zian, with a look of eagerness on his face.


Li Zi'an said that there was no problem, and readily agreed.

"Then let's come first." Dashan finished speaking, and then smiled: "Let's rock paper scissors. The first one who loses will come out in a fair and just manner. How about?"


When Li Zian was talking, he got up from the chair and came to Dashan's side.

"Scissors, paper, rock!"

"Eh, sorry, Brother Shan, I won."

Dashan came out of stones, and Li Zi'an came out of cloth, so in accordance with the agreement of the matter, Dashan came first in the order of appearance.

Although the rock-paper-scissors lost, but Dashan did not look strange.

"Let's go, then let's go to the waiting room."

Dashan patted Li Zian's shoulder and said.

Li Zi'an answered, watching the opening remarks on the other side of the stage almost said, the two of them walked out of the lounge in the upper zone and came to the backstage.

Soon, Da Shan played.

As a hip-hop rapper, Dashan has only a few pure rap songs in the first nine episodes of the program. The rest of the songs are integrated into the national style, or into the pop, or into the rock, and have been trying to make fresh Music.

Today, Dashan sang pure rap again.

I have to say, it sounds very enjoyable.

As the first singer to appear in the entire game, he easily irritated the whole stage.

At the end of the song, Da Shan walked off the stage.

Judging from his smiling face, it can be seen that he is very satisfied with his performance just now.

"Ms. Li, it's you."

Da Shan and Li Zian hugged, and then said with a smile.

Li Zi'an nodded, picked up the black hat he had prepared in advance, buckled it directly on his head, the brim of the hat was pressed very low, and then slammed his chest toward the mountain with a sense of ritual.


Da Shan said, then he also raised his hand and punched his chest.


"Next, I will invite Li Zi'an, Dashan's rival singer, to bring you a pure rap song-"Slave"!"

"Applause welcome!"

Gao Yan's remarks were concise and concise, and after finishing the report, he quickly walked off the stage.

The audience below, hearing Gao Yan's report, were surprised and surprised.

"Pure rap? Li Zi'an wants to challenge pure rap?!"

"Wow, Li Zian is finally about to sing pure rap, looking forward to it!"

"Li Zi'an sang the rap part in both songs in the finals of "Come on, Girl!" His rap is superb!"

"It's out, so cool!"


Amidst the discussion of the audience, Li Zian's voice slowly appeared in the center of the stage.

There are no extra colors of lights in the entire stage. All lights have only one color, which is white.

The white lampposts are scattered and intertwined, with the dark background color, making the atmosphere of the whole stage a little depressing.

Thinking of the title of the song just announced by the host, everyone was even more curious.


What does Li Zi'an want to express?

The sound of music sounded, and a devilish whisper was mixed in the intro, making the entire scene more depressive.


They say young people have to work hard and think more ideas

They advise you to do whatever you want, just don’t get angry with Qian

Don't stay at home and worry about being crushed by pressure

If you want to get mixed up, shave some oil on the back of your butt.


The prelude was short, and after seven seconds, Li Zi'an's slightly low voice sounded.

Li Zian's peaked cap is so low that the audience can't see Li Zian's eyes at all, only the remaining half of his face.

Many people have some understanding of Li Zian's rap ability, but when Li Zian really started singing, everyone found that they still underestimated Li Zian.

The rhythm, breath, and rhythm are all perfect!

But the most attractive thing is...



I can do everything with my face

He asked how much your dignity is worth, why are you standing and waiting

Isn't it just nodding your head

Don’t just run with money, at most, stick a knife in the back



Dashan listened to Li Zi'an's singing, his face became a little solemn.

At this moment, he already knew what the core of Li Zian's rap was.

diss Modern young people are controlled by money!

Criticize the status quo of modern young people giving up their dignity and bottom line chasing fame and fortune!

The core is extremely clear.

The words and sentences of Li Zi'an seem to be a sharp knife, which has pierced into the hearts of many people.

The fig leaf that had been draped over their hearts was removed fiercely, and the ugliness and filth in their hearts were completely exposed.

This rap...


Dashan's heart was full of shock.


Younger, more money, younger, more sick

Who is more unfortunate than on TV

Unlucky people are more ruthless than anyone else

I can't help but say it's fate


When it came to a small part, Li Zian, who had been hanging his head slightly, raised his head.

Those sharp eyes made many young people who were a little stupefied trembled in their hearts.

For fame and fortune...

Don't be dignified, abandon the bottom line...

Is it really worth it?

A few young people with a guilty Li Zi'an's lyrics seem to be the sharpest question, which makes many of them look dazed and hesitant.


People who resist fate are always judged

Gods who are said to be sick become immortals

He opened the door of the letter and looked at the nearby side

Never took you out of the world


Upper zone.

"The lyrics are well written and very critical."

Unconsciously, Zheng Yi straightened up and said sincerely.


Median zone.

The four preparation singers silently watched Li Zi'an, who was **** freely on TV, and the whole lounge was silent.

Hearing Li Zian's lyrics, Pei Yuan looked complicated.

Because he always feels that Li Zian's lyrics are insinuating him.


Just because you have done something wrong?

Pei Yuan felt that his heart was upset.


Some people collect black-hearted money, some people lie down naked

Don't mess around with your family for money

There are people who make money for milk powder but sell poison

Some people feel that the lack of money at home makes him particularly embarrassed


Li Zi'an's rap is not as popular as it is currently. It is so fast that the audience can't hear the lyrics. Instead, every sentence of the lyrics can be heard clearly by all the audience.


Many audience members held their breath, and some little girls looked at Li Zi'an with eyes full of little stars.

So handsome!

Dare to sing anything, this rap can be said to have almost dissed some fame and fortune deformity groups in society to the point of explosion.

Wait for the show to air...

Many people's faces should be red, right?

Many people at the scene secretly thought...